The SC16IS752IPW,128 is an I2C/SPI-UART bridge manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. This IC is an integrated circuit (IC) used to bridge the communication between an I2C or SPI host and UART signals. It is designed to provide an efficient, low-power solution for connecting low-level UART interfaces on various interfaces, such as RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, and LIN bus. The SC16IS752IPW,128 IC provides eight configurable ports and an interrupt capability. The 128 version is package in an 8-lead SOIC package. This IC contains all required components to communicate via I2C including protocol, baud rate generator, and data register. It also includes enhanced error detection, event counter, and receiver FIFO buffers. Additionally, the SC16IS752IPW,128 also supports SPI and HART communication protocols. It is suitable for various applications, such as modem and data acquisition systems.