A perfect AlliAnce. ODU mini-meD The overmolded connector for measurement and testing, Mini OverMO lded industrial and medical devices. cOnnec TOr ODU mini-meD AsseMbled pl AsTic cOnnec TOrs www.odu.decreATING cONNecTIONS, BUIlDING AllIANceS, A perfecT AllIANce. cOllABOrATING INTO The fUTUre Odu grOup OvervieW cusTOMer-specific sOluTiOns More than 70 years of connector experience contacts, connectors and cable assembly integrated solutions meeting the most demanding technical market requirements 146 million in turnover Odus connector solutions and value-added services are charac- Over 1,650 employees worldwide terized by their exclusive focus on meeting the customers needs. 9 sales subsidiaries: china, denmark, france, germany, precise implementation of application-speci c requirements italy, Japan, sweden, the uk and the us regarding design, functionality, cost and exclusivity All technologies under one roof: design and development, Dr.-ing. Kurt Woel Dr. Joachim Belz custom connector solutions derived from standard products Managing Director Managing Director machine tool and special machine construction, injection, research & Development Marketing & Sales One-to-one local expertise and fair, friendly consulting stamping, turning, surface technology, assembly and Design product and Market portfolio production human resources cable assembly Quick prototyping and production turnaround finance & IT Supply chain Management Americas region Asia region As of february 2016 TechnOlOgy ThAT uniTes cOnnecTiOns ThAT inspire cerTified QuAliTy for the past 70 years, this commitment has enabled us to innovate the future. This holds true for emerging and future markets, such as din en isO 9001 and provide solutions that respond to continuously changing market medical, military and security, and energy, as well as for the special din isO Ts 16949 needs. we provide high-quality electrical connectors that create added requirements of measurement and testing, eMobility and industrial din en isO 14001 value for our customers and any market player seeking a reliable electronics. isO 13485 connector solution to enable the transmission of power, signals, Wide range of ul, csA, vg and dvA licenses media and data transmission. A perfecT AllIANce The future of ODU will continue to find solid ul -certi ed cable assembly ground for growth: in our focus on providing reliable connector solu- A perfecT AllIANce is our guiding principle. It represents the synergy tions for a variety of challenging applications and in our commitment for a complete list of our certi cations, between our high-quality connector solutions and the strong partner- to continuously expanding our technology portfolio. Its what we do please visit our website. ships we build with our sta and business partners across the globe and who we are around the globe. This brochure is an invitation partnerships based on trust, reliability and mutual respect. for you to become even better acquainted with ODU, an internationally active technology company devoted to creating high-quality customized ODU is one of the worlds leading suppliers of connector systems connector solutions. today, employing over 1,650 people worldwide and generating approximately 146 million in sales. To ensure the very highest we are actively shaping the future of our company with creativity, quality standards in our cutting-edge products, we continuously imagination and innovation in order to serve our valued customers invest in their development and production and ultimately, in around the world. our very unique expertise. Over the past few years, our development of customer- and application-specific connectors has led to the ODU A perfecT AllIANce. sustained growth of our standard product range so that today, we cover a broad range of application areas. A balance between project-specific business, including customized developments, and Dr. Joachim Belz and Dr.-ing. Kurt Woelfl standard connector design will continue to shape our business into Managing Directors www.odu.de 3