80 series
Commercial Grade Acrasil Silicone-Ceramic
Conformal Axial Terminal Wirewound
1% Tolerance (5% available)
rW series
Designed for precision power applications
Military Grade 80 Series MIL-R-26 Qualified
All-welded construction
RW Series Mil value resistors marked with
Ohmites highest quality conformal axial terminal
Mil in accordance with MIL-R-26 specifica-
silicone-ceramic coated resistors for applications
requiring high precision and stability. These resistors
have a low temperature coefficient and maintain a
high degree of stability under demanding conditions.
series speCiFiCations
Commercial Grade Military Grade Watts Ohms Voltage
81F RW70U 1 0.1-6K 150
82 2 0.1-8K 100
83F RW79U 3 0.1-20K 200
83J RW69V
85F RW74U 5 0.1-75K 460
85J RW67V
80F RW78U 10 0.1-150K 1000
80J RW68V
Non-Inductive versions available. Insert N before tolerance code. Example: 83NF2K21
Coating Silicone-ceramic
Terminals Solder-coated copper clad axial
Derating Linearly from 100% @ +25C to 0% @ +275C.
Tolerance 5% (J type), 1% (F type) (other tolerances available)
Power rating Based on 25C free air rating
See chart
Maximum ohmic values
Overload Under 5 watts: 5 times rated wattage for 5 seconds. 5 watts and over: 10 times
rated wattage for 5 seconds
Temperature coefficient Under 1; 90 ppm/C
1 to 9.99: 50 ppm/C
10 and over; 20 ppm/C
500 VAC: 1 watt rating; 1000 VAC: 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10 watt rating
Dielectric withstanding voltage
(in./mm max.)
Watts Length Diam. Lead gauge
81F RW70U 1 0.437 / 11.1 0.125 / 3.2 24
1.5 in. / 38.1mm LD
82 2 0.406 / 10.3 0.219 / 5.6 20
83F RW79U 3 0.593 / 15.1 0.218 / 5.5 20
83J RW69V
85F RW74U 5 0.937 / 23.8 0.343 / 8.7 18
85J RW67V
80F RW78U 10 1.842 / 46.8 0.406 /10.3 18
80J RW68V
1-866-9-OHMITE Intl 1-847-258-0300 Fax 1-847-574-7522 www.ohmite.com info@ohmite.com 87
80 series
Commercial Grade Acrasil Silicone-Ceramic
Conformal Axial Terminal Wirewound
1% Tolerance (5% available)
rW series
Military Grade 80 Series MIL-R-26 Qualified
orDerinG inFormation
Commercial Grade (80 Series) Part Numbers
Wattage Wattage Wattage Wattage Wattage
Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
Prefix Prefix Prefix Prefix Prefix
Suffix Suffix Suffix Suffix Suffix
0.1 R10 2.21 2R21 51.1 51R1 1,210 1K21 27,400 27K4
0.11 R11 2.49 2R49 56.2 56R2 1,330 1K33 30,100 30K1
0.121 R121 2.74 2R74 61.9 61R9 1,500 1K5 33,200 33K2
0.133 R133 3.01 3R01 68.1 68R1 1,620 1K62 37,400 37K4
0.15 R15 3.32 3R32 75 75R 1,820 1K82 38,300 38K3
0.162 R162 3.74 3R74 82.5 82R5 2,000 2K0 40,200 40K2
0.182 R182 4.02 4R02 90.9 90R9 2,210 2K21 45,300 45K3
0.2 R20 4.53 4R53 100 100 2,490 2K49 49,900 49K9
0.221 R221 4.99 4R99 110 110 2,740 2K74 51,100 51K1
0.249 R249 5.11 5R11 121 121 3,010 3K01 56,200 56K2
0.274 R274 5.62 5R62 133 133 3,320 3K32 61,900 61K9
0.301 R301 6.19 6R19 150 150 3,740 3K74 68,100 68K1
0.332 R332 6.81 6R81 162 162 4,020 4K02 75,000 75K
0.374 R374 7.5 7R5 182 182 4,530 4K53 82,500 82K5
0.392 R392 8.25 8R25 200 200 4,990 4K99 90,900 90K9
0.402 R402 9.09 9R09 221 221 5,110 5K11 100,000 100K
0.453 R453 10 10R 249 249 5,620 5K62 150,000 150K
0.499 R499 11 11R 274 274 6,190 6K19 200,000 200K
0.511 R511 12.1 12R1 301 301 6,810 6K81
0.562 R562 13.3 13R3 332 332 7,500 7K5
= Standard values
0.619 R619 15 15R 374 374 8,250 8K25
0.681 R681 16.2 16R2 402 402 9,090 9K09 = Non-standard values
subject to minimum
0.75 R75 18.2 18R2 453 453 10,000 10K
handling charge per
0.825 R825 20 20R 499 499 10,500 10K5
0.909 R909 22.1 22R1 511 511 11,000 11K
Shaded values involve
1 1R0 24.9 24R9 562 562 12,100 12K1
very fine resistance wire
1.1 1R1 27.4 27R4 619 619 13,300 13K3
and should not be used
1.21 1R21 30.1 30R1 681 681 15,000 15K in critical applications
without burn-in and/or
1.330 1R33 33.2 33R2 750 750 16,200 16K2
thermal cycling.
1.5 1R5 37.4 37R4 825 825 18,200 18K2
1.62 1R62 40.2 40R2 909 909 20,000 20K
1.82 1R82 45.3 45R3 1,000 1K0 22,100 22K1
2 2R0 49.9 49R9 1,100 1K1 24,900 24K9
Non-Inductive Winding Military Grade
Commercial Grade
This product will
Optional (blank = std. winding)
not be made avail-
able as RoHS
Resistance Value
RW Series F= 1%
80 Series Wattage Tolerance Resistance Value Compliant.
Military grade R100 = 0.1
J = 5%
Acrasil 1= 1W F= 1% R10 = 0.10
1R00 = 1.0
Silicone Ceramic 2 J= 5% 1R0 = 1.0
10R0 = 10.0
Conformal Axial 3 10R = 10.0
For RoHS
1000 = 100 1002 = 10K
Term. Wirewound 5 250 = 250
1001 = 1000 1503 = 150K
0= 10W 1K0 = 1,000 Compliant equiva-
4K5= 4,500
lent, see 40 Series.
50K = 50,000
88 1-866-9-OHMITE Intl 1-847-258-0300 Fax 1-847-574-7522 www.ohmite.com info@ohmite.com
Ohmic value
81F 1
83F 3
85F 5
80F 10
Ohmic value
81F 1
83F 3
85F 5
80F 10
Ohmic value
81F 1
83F 3
85F 5
80F 10
Ohmic value
81F 1
83F 3
85F 5
80F 10
Ohmic value
85F 5
80F 10