X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A are a product manufactured by Omega. We provide cost-effective solutions for MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A Omega

MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A electronic component of Omega
MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A Omega
MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A Unclassified

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A
Manufacturer: Omega
Category: Unclassified
Datasheet: MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A Datasheet (PDF)
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Price (USD)
1: USD 1034.4235 ea
Line Total: USD 1034.42 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
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Ship by Thu. 13 Mar to Wed. 19 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 1034.4235

Product Category
No. Of Digits / Alpha
Meter Function
Meter Range
Digit Height
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We are delighted to provide the MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A from our Omega manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A and other electronic components in the Omega manufacturer and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image MJP1-12-T
THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, T TYPE, RCPT; Ge; THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, T TYPE, RCPT; Gender:Receptacle; Thermocouple Type:T; Product Range:MJP Series
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Stock Image MJP2-12-T
THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, T TYPE, RCPT; Ge; THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, T TYPE, RCPT; Gender:Receptacle; Thermocouple Type:T; Product Range:MJP Series
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Stock Image MJP1-06-J
THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, J TYPE, RCPT; Ge; THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, J TYPE, RCPT; Gender:Receptacle; Thermocouple Type:J; Product Range:MJP Series
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Stock Image MJP1-06-K
THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, K TYPE, RCPT; Ge; THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, K TYPE, RCPT; Gender:Receptacle; Thermocouple Type:K; Product Range:MJP Series
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Stock Image MJP1-12-K
THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, K TYPE, RCPT; Ge; THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, K TYPE, RCPT; Gender:Receptacle; Thermocouple Type:K; Product Range:MJP Series
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Stock Image MJP2-12-K
THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, K TYPE, RCPT; Ge; THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTOR, K TYPE, RCPT; Gender:Receptacle; Thermocouple Type:K; Product Range:MJP Series
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Stock Image MP1-J-36-SMPW-M
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image OS101E-K
IR SENSOR, 9.1M, 6:1, 24VDC
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Stock Image OS101E-MA
IR SENSOR, 9.1M, 6:1, 24VDC
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Stock Image OS101E-V1
IR SENSOR, 9.1M, 6:1, 24VDC
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Stock Image OS101E-V2
IR SENSOR, 9.1M, 6:1, 24VDC
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Stock Image OS102E-V2
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Universal Benchtop Digital Panel Meters Single Channel Models with Embedded Ethernet Connectivity Option MDS8PT Series U Universal Inputs MDS8PT shown smaller than actual size. U Easy-to-Use and Temperature Stability: Configure RTD: 0.04C/C U Optional Embedded Thermocouple Type (ITS 90): Thermocouple 25C (77F): Internet J, K, T, E, R, S, B, C, N, L 0.05C/C (cold junction compensation) Process: 50 ppm/C RTD Input (ITS 90): 100/500/1000 U Built Ar ound OMEGAs Pt sensor, 2-, 3- or 4-wire 0.00385 or CMRR: 120 dB New PLATINUM Meter 0.00392 curve A/D Conversion: 24-bit sigma delta U High Quality Thermistor Input: 2252, 5K , 10K Digital Filter: Programmable U 5-Y ear Warranty voltage Input: -100 to 100 mV, -1 to Display: 4 or 6 digit, 9-segment LED, 1 V, -10 to 10 Vdc U High Accuracy 0.5C 21 mm (0.83 ) GREEN, AMBER, and Current Input: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 24 RED programmable colors for process U Totally Programmable mA scalable variable, set point and temperature units Color Display Configuration: Differential Input Types: Thermocouple, RTD, U Optional Alarm Rela ys thermistor, analog voltage, analog current Polarity: Bipolar or Analog Output Input Type Range Accuracy Process Voltage 100 mV, 1, 10 Vdc 0.03% FS The OMEGA MDS8PT is a 1 Process Current Scalable within 0 to 24 mA 0.03% FS 8 DIN size (96 x 48 mm) digital IronConstantan -210 to 760C/-346 to 1400F 0.4C/0.7F panel meter in a benchtop plastic enclosure featuring the Pt Series -270 to -160C/-160 to 1372C 1.0C/0.4C CHROMEGA ALOMEGA color-changing display. -454 to -256F/-256 to 2502F 1.8F/0.7F The Pt Series meters feature -270 to -190C/-190 to 400C 1.0C/0.4C CopperConstantan 4 or 6 digit LED displays that can -454 to -310F/-310 to 752F 1.8F/0.7F be programmed to change color -270 to -220C/-220 to 1000C 1.0C/0.4C between GREEN, AMBER, and CHROMEGA Constantan -454 to -364F/-364 to 1832F 1.8F/0.7F RED at any set-point or alarm -50 to 40C/40 to 1768C 1.0C/0.5C point. Other options include Pt/13%Rh-Pt -58 to 104F/104 to 3214F 1.8F/0.9F isolated programmable analog output, serial communications, -50 to 100C/100 to 1768C 1.0C/0.5C Pt/10%Rh-Pt Modbus and Ethernet. -58 to 212F/212 to 3214F 1.8F/0.9F The universal temperature and 100 to 640C/640 to 1820C 1.0C/0.5C 30%RhPt/6%Rh-Pt process instrument handles 10 212 to 1184F/1184 to 3308F 1.8F/0.9F common types of thermocouples, 0 to 2320C/32 to 4208F 0.4C/0.7F 5%ReW/26%Re-W thermistors, multiple RTDs, and -250 to -100C/-100 to 1300C 1.0C/0.4C several process (DC) voltage and NicrosilNisil -418 to -148F/-148 to 2372F 1.8F/0.7F current ranges. J DIN -200 to 900C/-328 to 1652F 0.4C/0.7F L Pt, 0.00385, 100, 500, 1000 -200 to 900C/-328 to 1652F 0.4C/0.7F Specifications Pt, 0.00392, 100, 500, 1000 -200 to 850C/-328 to 1562F 0.4C/0.7F SINGLE-CHANNEL Thermistor 2252 -40 to 120C (-40 to 248F) 0.2C (0.35F) UNIvERSAL INPUTS Accuracy: See table for details Thermistor 5K -30 to 140C (-22 to 284F) 0.2C (0.35F) Resolution: 1/0.1 10 V process Thermistor 10K -20 to 150C (-4 to 302F) 0.2C (0.35F) 1Step Response: 0.7 s for 99.9% Decimal Selection: None, 0.1 for temperature none, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001 for process Set-Point Adjustment: -9999 to 9999 counts Span Adjustment: 0.001 to 9999 counts Offset Adjustment: -9999 to +9999 Optional Alarm 1 and 2 (Programmable) NETWORk AND Type: Form C SPDT relays COMMUNICATIONS Operation: High/low, above/below, Ethernet: Standards Compliance limited output to 30 Vrms, 60 Vdc max, IEEE 802.3 10/100 9-segment LED band, latch/unlatch, normally open/ Supported Protocols: TCP/IP, ARP, normally closed and process/deviation The Pt Series displays feature unique HTTPGET front panel configurations 9-segment LED characters, which RS232/RS485: Selectable from greatly improves alphanumeric Optional Analog Output menu both ASCII and representations. The 7-segment 9-segment display (Programmable): Modbus protocol selectable LED characters found on most from menu programmable 1200 to Isolated, retransmission 0 to 10 Vdc instruments are adequate for presenting 115.2 Kb complete programmable numbers, but or 0 to 20 mA, 500 max (output 1 only). setup capability program to transmit not letters. Accuracy is 1% of FS when following Words are current display, alarm status, min/ conditions are satisfied. easier to read max, actual measured input value 1) Input is not scaled below 1% with the unique 7-segment display and status of input FS 9-segment LED Connection: USB connector on characters on 2) Analog output is not scaled below front panel optional alarm 1 and 2 the Pt Series, 3% of output FS (programmable) which makes General operating and 9-segment display Power: 90 to 240 Vac, 50 to 60 Hz programming Note: Power cords for 120 Vac operation are simpler and easier. available. See Accessories. 7-segment display To Order Model No. Description MDS8PT-330 1-channel 4 digit benchtop panel meter, universal input with dual alarm relays Single channel shown with dual alarm, ethernet, and isolated analog. MDS8EPT-330 1-channel 6 digit benchtop panel meter, universal inputs with dual alarm relays MDS8PT-330-C24-EIP-A 1-channel 4 digit benchtop panel meter, universal input with dual alarm relays (RS232/485 communication, embedded ethernet and isolated analog output) MDS8EPT-330-C24-EIP-A 1-channel 6 digit benchtop panel meter, at any universal input with dual alarm relays setpoint (RS232/485 communication, embedded ethernet and isolated analog output) Comes with quick start manual. Accessories* (Select One) Description POWER CORD-MOLDED Power cord with connector for North America (USA, Mexico, Canada), standard 120 Vac POWER CORD-DM Power cord with connector for Denmark Totally Programmable POWER CORD-E-10A Power cord with connector for Continental Color Displays Europe The PLATINUM Series are POWER CORD-IT Power cord with connector for Italy or Ireland the latest complete set of POWER CORD-SE Power cord with stripped ends (no programmable connection), all countries 250 Vac max color display POWER CORD-Uk Power cord with connector for United Kingdom instruments. * Select one power cord. Required for operation. 2

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