R An Extensive Selection of Fiber-Optic Cables E32 Fiber-Optic SensingHeads Offer a WideVariety ofUniqueSolutions for ToughProblems H Fiber-optic sensors detect small, fast-movingobjects inspace-confined installations andharshenvironments H Foracustomfit inthefield, most plastic filament cables canbecut tolength H Fordetectioninhard-to-reachplaces, sensingheads withbendablestainless steel tubingretaincomplex shapes H Coiledandultra-flexiblecables areideal for flexingandreciprocatingmachinery suchas robots H Side-view sensingheads oraccessories savespaceinright-angledetection H Convergent beamsensingheads allow accuratepositioningand background suppressionevenforshiny objects H Narrow detectionzoneof concentric beam sensingheads helps eliminatebackground objects andgives consistent sensing, regardless of object direction H Highlyflexiblefiberswithminimum1-mm bendingradius allows cabletoconformto machinecontours H Most fibercables offerIP67protectionand temperatureratings of --40Cto70C (--40Fto158F) 2E32 E32 J FIBER-OPTICCABLE ANDAMPLIFIERCOMPATIBILITY Fiber cables DIN-railmounting amplifiers Block style amplifiers Part number E3X-A E3X-DAN E3X-F E3X-H, E3X-NM E3X-NT, E3X- E3MC- E3XA- E3JU-XR E3A2-X -NH -NV NVG,-VG MY CC4A E3JU-X E3S-X3 Through--beam, General Purpose Type E32-T11 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- OK(-XR) ---- E32-T11L OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- E32-T11R OK OK ---- OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T12L OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T17L OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- E32-T21 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- OK(-XR) ---- E32-T21L OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T21R OK OK ---- OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T22 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- OK(-XR) ---- E32-T22L OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-TC50 OK ---- OK OK(-H) ---- ---- OK(-VG) ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-TC200 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK(-XR) OK E32-TC200A OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- OK E32-TC200C OK ---- OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- OK E32-TC200E OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK -- OK E32-TC500 OK ---- OK OK(-H) ---- ---- OK(-VG) ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-TC1000 OK ---- OK OK(-H) ---- ---- OK(-VG) ---- ---- ---- ---- Through-beam,Armored Type E32-UTAT13F OK ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- OK(-XR) ---- E32-UTAT16F OK ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- OK(-XR) ---- E32-UTBT13F ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- OK(-X) ---- E32-UTBT16F ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- OK(-X) ---- Though-beam,Probe Type E32-T33-1 OK ---- OK OK(-H) ---- ---- OK(-VG) ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-TC200B OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- OK E32-TC200B4 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- ---- E32-TC200D OK ---- OK OK ---- ---- OK(-VG) ---- ---- ---- OK E32-TC200D4 OK ---- OK OK ---- ---- OK(-VG) ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-TC200F OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- OK E32-TC200F4 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- ---- Through-beam,Side Sensing Type E32-T14 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- ---- E32-T14L OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T16 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- E32-T16P OK OK ---- OK(-NH) OK OK ---- ---- OK ---- ---- E32-T24 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- Through-beam,High Temperature Type E32-T51 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- OK(-XR) ---- E32-T61 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- Through-beam,SpecialPurpose Type E32-G14 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- ---- E32-M21 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- OK ---- ---- E32-T12F OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T22S ---- OK ---- OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T24S ---- OK ---- OK OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- E32-T84S ---- OK ---- OK(-NH) OK OK ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 3