X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of PSL-8 PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. PSL-8 PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout are a product manufactured by Panduit. We provide cost-effective solutions for PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

PSL-8 Panduit

PSL-8 electronic component of Panduit
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No.PSL-8
Manufacturer: Panduit
Category: PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout
Description: Panduit PPE Saftey Equipment Lockout Tagout Non Cond Padlock RD 1.50 x 1.75
Datasheet: PSL-8 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 25.0866 ea
Line Total: USD 25.09 
Availability - 7
Ship by Wed. 25 Dec to Fri. 27 Dec
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 27 Dec to Thu. 02 Jan
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 34.6631
5 : USD 31.8019
10 : USD 31.1194
25 : USD 29.7806
50 : USD 28.9931
100 : USD 28.3631
250 : USD 26.9588

Ship by Wed. 25 Dec to Fri. 27 Dec
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 25.0866
10 : USD 24.5438
25 : USD 23.8623
50 : USD 23.2386
100 : USD 22.869
250 : USD 22.638
500 : USD 22.2453
1000 : USD 21.7949

Ship by Wed. 25 Dec to Fri. 27 Dec
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 47.1135
3 : USD 42.189
5 : USD 36.6765

Product Category
Hts Code
Product Type
Factory Pack Quantity :
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the PSL-8 from our PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the PSL-8 and other electronic components in the PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image PSL-8BR
PPE Saftey Equipment / Lockout Tagout Brown Plastic Body Padlock
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8BL
PPE Saftey Equipment / Lockout Tagout BLACK PLASTIC BODY PADLOCK
Stock : 30
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8BU
Non-Conductive Padlock 1.50 X 1.75 Body Blue
Stock : 25
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8GR
Non-Conductive Padlock 1.50 X 1.75 Body Green
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8-LABEL
PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout Package of 20 replacement labels for PSL
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8-LB
Wire Ducting & Raceways Red Plastic, 3.00" Long Body, Padlock
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8BL-LB
Wire Ducting Black Plastic, 3.00" Long Body, Padlock
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8GR-LB
Wire Ducting Green Plastic, 3.00" Long Body, Padlock
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8BR-LB
Wire Ducting Brown Plastic, 3.00" Long Body, Padlock
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image PSL-8BU-LB
Wire Ducting & Raceways Blue Plastic, 3.00" Long Body, Padlock
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
Stock Image 52308
Personal Protection - Others
Stock : 6
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 77527-001
Shielding coating; brown; liquid; 1l; EMI 35; -40÷95°C
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 2125
Dust filter
Stock : 2
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 501
PPE Safety Equipment / Lockout Tagout 70070190734 501 FILTER RETAINER 20/BOX 5 BX/CS
Stock : 26
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 6051
Absorber; Works with:3M-501,3M-5911
Stock : 54
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 32077-002
Protective coating; transparent; liquid; 5000ml
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Protective coating; brown, transparent; spray; 400ml
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 17-521 VDE
Fuse holder; Dim:380x220mm; Application: NH
Stock : 6
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 30423-004
Protective coating; aluminium; Ingredients: aluminium, zinc
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

Sikkerhetshengelser og sett Sikkerhet er et sentralt element for redusere risiko gjennom hele den fysiske infrastrukturen. Panduit introduserer nye ikke-ledende hengelser med langt lshus, som er utformet spesifikt for bruk til lockout/tagout (fysisk sperring / visuell merking), for bidra til redusere elektrisk risiko og gi hy sikkerhet. Alle Panduits lockout-sett, lockout-stasjoner og gruppe- lockout-boksen inkluderer ikke-ledende hengelser, som bidrar til beskytte ansatte mot uventede farer, samtidig som lovplagte krav og forskrifter for sikkerhet oppfylles. Panduit tilbyr ogs laminerte sikkerhetshengelser av stl, for gi fleksibel bruk. Disse inngr i en omfattende serie med produkter for sikkerhet og identifikasjon p arbeidsstedet, for gi optimal sikkerhet p arbeidsplassen og bidra til overholdelse. Nkkelegenskaper Fordeler Har alternativer for tilpasning av utforming, koding, farger og identifikasjon, for f Tilpassede alternativer den riktige hengelslsningen for alle bruksomrder. Nytt alternativ for foto-ID gjr det mulig tilpasse hengelsen ved inkludere en ansatts navn, bilde og bedriftslogo. Omfattende serie med hengelser gir fleksibel bruk og kt sikkerhet p arbeidsplassen. Flere hengelsutforminger tilgjengelige Nye, kompakte hengelser av aluminium kan brukes til sperring p omrder med liten plass. Utformet spesifikt for lockout-/tagout (fysisk sperring / visuell merking). Hvert sett inneholder Lockout-sett et utvalg av enheter som vanligvis brukes av elektrikere, elektrikerserviceleverandrer og vedlikeholds- og reparasjonspersonell, for gi en komplett sperrelsning. Settene kan leveres med ikke-ledende hengelser eller uten hengelser, for gjre det mulig bruke tilpassede hengelser som passer til bruksomrdet. ANSVARSBEGRENSNING: Denne informasjonen er ment som veiledning for teknisk kvalifiserte personer. Informasjonen brukes etter lesernes eget skjnn og p egen risiko. Fr bruk skal brukeren avgjre om Panduit-produktet er egnet for det tiltenkte bruksomrdet, og kjperen ptar seg all risiko og alt ansvar i denne forbindelse. NYTT NYTT NYTT Hengelser med foto-ID Kompakte hengelser av aluminium Lockout-sett www.panduit.comTilpassede hengelser Hengelsene leveres med mange alternativer for tilpasning. Velg alternativer for utforming, koding, farger og identifikasjon fPanduit Corp. Generic Padlock Order Form or f Panduit Corp. Generic Padlock Order FormPanduit Corp. Generic Padlock Order Form Panduit Corp. Generic Padlock Order Form den riktige hengelslsningen for ditt bruksomrde. One Form per Generic Padlock Option One Form per Generic Padlock Option One Form per Generic Padlock Option One Form per Generic Padlock Option Fax orders to Panduit Corp., Attn: Customer Service (708) 570-3570 Fax orders to Panduit Corp., Attn: Customer Service (708) 570-3570Fax orders to Panduit Corp., Attn: Customer Service (708) 570-3570 Fax orders to Panduit Corp., Attn: Customer Service (708) 570-3570 Generic Locks are Non-Returnable Hengelsut- Generic Locks are Non-Returnable Generic Locks are Non-Returnable Generic Locks are Non-Returnable forminger Date: Panduit Sales Rep: Date: Date: Panduit Sales Rep: Panduit Sales Rep: Date: Panduit Sales Rep: From:Distributor: From:Distributor: From:DFrom:Distributor: istributor: Telephone : Telephone : Telephone : Telephone : End User: End User: End User: End User: Distributor Contact: Distributor Contact: Distributor Contact: Distributor Contact: Telephone /Fax : Telephone /Fax : Telephone /Fax : Telephone /Fax : Telephone /Fax : Telephone /FaxTelephon : e /Fax : Telephone /Fax : Account : Account : Account : Account : Account : Account : Account : Account : Ikke-ledende Ikke-ledende Hengels av Hengels av Kompakt Hengels av Hengels av sikkerhetshengels sikkerhetshengels aluminium aluminium med hengels av laminert stl laminert stl med med langt lshus lang lsebyle aluminium lang lsebyle Generic Padlock Op ons Generic Padlock Op ons Generic Padlock Op ons Generic Padlock Op ons Nkkelalternativer Samme nkkel Forskjellige nkler Forskjellige nkler Samme nkkel og hovednkkel Qty. Notes Qty.og hovednkkel Generic Padlock Min. 12/ Notes Description (Colors, Key Numbers, Generic Padlock Min. 12/ Qty. Qty. Part Number Padlock Description (Colors, Key Numbers, Notes Set DeNotescription)s Part Number Padlock Series Generic Padlock Generic Padlock Min. 12/ Min. 12/ Set Description) Description (Colors, Key Numbers, Description (Colors, Key Numbers, Series Part Number Part Number Padlock Padlock PSL-6 Laminated Steel Padlocks: (Select from red, yellow, blue, black, green, or white bumper colors) Fargealternativer Set Description) Set Description) PSL-6 Laminated Steel Padlocks: (Select from red, yellow, blue, black, green, or white bumper colors) Series Series GPSL-6KA Keyed AlikePadlock Shackle GPSL-6KA Keyed AlikePadlock Shackle GPSL-6LSKA Keyed Alike Padlock 2 Shackle PSL-6 Laminated Steel Padlocks: (Select from red, PSL-6 yeLallowminated Steel Padlocks: (Select , blue, black, green, or white bumper from red, colorsye) llow, blue, black, green, or white bumper colors) GPSL-6LSKA Keyed Alike Padlock 2 Shackle GPSL-6MK Master Keyed Padlock Shackle GPSL-6KA Keyed AlikePadlock ShacklGPSL-6KAe Keyed AlikePadlock Shackle GPSL-6LSMKGPSL-6MK Master KeMaster Keyeyed Pad Padlocdlock 2k Sha Shackle kle GPSL-6LSKA Keyed Alike Padlock 2 ShacklGPSL-6LSKAe Keyed Alike Padlock 2 Shackle GPSL-6LSMK Master Keyed Padlock 2 Shackle GPSL-6KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock Shackle GPSL-6MK Master Keyed Padlock ShacGPSL-6MKkle Master Keyed Padlock Shackle GPSL-6LSKAMKGPSL-6KAMK KeKeyeyed d AlAlike and ike and Master Master KeyeKed yePad dlocPadlock 2k Sha Shackle kle GPSL-6LSMK Master Keyed Padlock 2 ShacGPSL-6LSMKkle Master Keyed Padlock 2 Shackle GPSL-6MKEY Master Key for a PSL -6 Master Keyed Padlock GPSL-6LSKAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 2 Shackle GPSL-6KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed PaGPSL-6KAMKdlock ShackleKeyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock Shackle PSL-GPSL-6MKEY7Coated AluminumMaster Ke Padlocy ks: for a PSL -6 Master Ke(Select from red, yeyellowd Pa, blue, black, dlock green, or orange body colors) GPSL-6LSKAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed PaGPSL-6LSKAMKdlock 2 ShackleKeyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 2 Shackle GPSL-7KA Keyed Alike Padlock 1 Shackle PSL-7Coated Aluminum Padlocks: (Select from red, yellow, blue, black, green, or orange body colors) GPSL-6MKEY Master Key for a PSL -6 Master KeGPSL-6MKEYyed Padlock Master Key for a PSL -6 Master Keyed Padlock GPSL-7LSKA Keyed Alike Padlock 3 Shackle GPSL-7KA Keyed Alike Padlock 1 Shackle PSL-7Coated Aluminum Padlocks: (Select from PSL-red, 7Cyellowoated , blue, black, Aluminum Padlocgreen, ks: or orange bo(Select from dy colored, rs)yellow, blue, black, green, or orange body colors) Rd Gul Bl Grnn Oransje Svart Lilla Brun GPSL-7MK Master Keyed Padlock 1 Shackle GPSL-7LSKA Keyed Alike Padlock 3 Shackle GPSL-7KA Keyed Alike Padlock 1 ShacklGPSL-7KAe Keyed Alike Padlock 1 Shackle GPSL-7LSMK Master Keyed Padlock 3 Shackle GPSL-7MK Master Keyed Padlock 1 Shackle GPSL-7LSKA Keyed Alike Padlock 3 ShacklGPSL-7LSKAe GPSL-7KAMKKeyed KeAlyeikd e PadlocAlike and k 3Master ShacKeyekled Padlock 1 Shackle GPSL-7LSMK Master Keyed Padlock 3 Shackle GPSL-7MK Master Keyed Padlock 1 ShacGPSL-7MKkle GPSL-7LSKAMKMaster KeKeyeyed Ald ikPae and dlocMaster k 1 ShacKeyekld ePadlock 3 Shackle GPSL-7KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 1 Shackle GPSL-7MKEY Master Key for a PSL -7 Master Keyed Padlock GPSL-7LSMK Master Keyed Padlock 3 ShacGPSL-7LSMKkle Master Keyed Padlock 3 Shackle ID-alternativer GPSL-7LSKAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 3 Shackle GPSL-7KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock PSL-8 1 ShacSafetykle Lockout Padlocks: (Select from red, yellow, blue, black, green, or orange body colors) GPSL-7KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 1 Shackle GPSL-7MKEY Master Key for a PSL -7 Master Keyed Padlock GPSL-7LSKAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock GPSL-8KA3 Shackle Keyed Alike Padlock 1.5 Shackle GPSL-7LSKAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 3 Shackle PSL-8 Safety Lockout Padlocks: (Select from red, yellow, blue, black, green, or orange body colors) NYTT 4 GPSL-8MK Master Keyed Padlock 1.5 Shackle GPSL-7MKEY Master Key for a PSL -7 Master KeGPSL-7MKEYyed Padlock Master Key for a PSL -7 Master Keyed Padlock GPSL-8KA Keyed Alike Padlock 1.5 Shackle GPSL-8KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 1.5 Shackle PSL-8 Safety Lockout Padlocks: (Select from red, PSL-8 yellowSafe, blue, black, ty Lockout Pagrdlocks: (Select from red, een, or orange body colors)yellow, blue, black, green, or orange body colors) GPSL-8MK Master Keyed Padlock 1.5 Shackle GPSL-8MKEY Master Key for a PSL-8 Master Keyed Padlock GPSL-8KA Keyed Alike Padlock 1.5 ShacGPSL-8KAkle Keyed Alike Padlock 1.5 Shackle GPSL-8KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 1.5 Shackle 1 GPSL-8MK Master Keyed Padlock 1.5 ShacGPSL-8MKkle Master Keyed Padlock 1.5 Shackle 5 GPSL-8MKEY Master Key for a PSL-8 Master Keyed Padlock 2 3 GPSL-8KAMK Keyed Alike and Master Keyed PaGPSL-8KAMKdlock 1.5 ShacklKee yed Alike and Master Keyed Padlock 1.5 Shackle For Pricing and Lead Time Information, Contact Panduit Customer Service at 800-777-3300 GPSL-8MKEY Master Key for a PSL-8 Master KeGPSL-8MKEYyed Padlock Master Key for a PSL-8 Master Keyed Padlock For Pricing and Lead Time Information, Contact Panduit Customer Service at 800-777-3300 Forside Bakside Nkkel Hengels med foto-ID Gravert hengels For Pricing and Lead Time Information, Contact PanduitFor Pricing and Lead Customer Service at 800-777-330Time Information,0 Contact Panduit Customer Service at 800-777-3300 *Hengelser av laminert stl leveres ikke i lilla og brunt. Foto-ID kun tilgjengelig for ikke-ledende hengelser og ikke-ledende hengelser med langt lshus. Gravering ikke tilgjengelig for hengelser i laminert stl. Bestilling Bestill dine tilpassede hengelser ved g til www.Panduit.com/safety og fylle ut det interaktive PDF-bestillingsskjemaet. P dette nettstedet finner du ogs en komplett liste over tilgjengelige tilpasningsalternativer. Send utfylte skjemaer, bilder av ansatte, bedriftslogoer og andre filer som trengs for lage dine tilpassede hengelser, til safety Panduit.com. Er det noe du lurer p Trenger du hjelp Kontakt oss p: 1-800-777-3300 safety Panduit.com www.panduit.com/safety 2

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