High Speed
Data Transport
SolutionsHigh Speed Data Transport Solutions
Panduits Unified Physical High Speed Data Transport (HSDT) Solutions are a set of complementary copper
and optical fiber technologies for mission critical data center applications,
Infrastructure (UPI)
spanning storage and compute requirements and leading edge architectures.
A unified approach to physical and logical
systems architecture is imperative for
Based on an understanding of todays vital business and technology challenges
solutions to fully address the need for
and how they impact data centers, Panduit has created best-in-class physical
availability, agility, integration, and security.
infrastructure solutions for HSDT. Panduit provides the broadest offering of
Panduit has developed the industrys most
end-to-end HSDT solutions supporting all data center architectures. Designed
comprehensive and holistic approach
to a Unified Physical Infrastructure and can for high-density/high-speed applications, Panduit HSDT solutions are backed by
help enterprises align, converge, and
comprehensive research and development programs to ensure high network
optimize critical systems communication,
performance, systems reliability, energy efficiencies, and seamless integration.
computing, control, power, and security to
build a smarter, unified business foundation.
Mitigate Risk Efficient physical infrastructure
Evolving Data Center Environment
management enables seamless integration to reduce
Todays data centers have become far more than information processing sites.
risks that can occur throughout core systems.
Evolving network requirements such as processing, managing, and storing
Lower Cost Panduit physical infrastructure
ever-increasing volumes of data heightens the need for integrated, high-speed
solutions drive financial advantages to reduce
energy and occupancy costs, and help secure media. Data centers must be equipped to accommodate a broad array of rapidly
competitive advantage.
changing demands.
Increase Agility A high level of integration within
the physical infrastructure enables flexibility and
Consolidation Higher Density Implementations
improved business agility.
Organizations are implementing network consolidation techniques to untangle
Enhance Sustainability UPI-based solution
the sprawl of applications and equipment by:
offerings enable organizations to meet sustainability
goals by driving resource and energy efficiencies
Reducing the number of IT assets, such as servers, storage
across the physical infrastructure.
units, and switches
Leveraging those assets more efficiently
Lowering real estate costs by reducing both the footprint
of the physical infrastructure and the total number of data
centers in use
Reducing the number of networks and lowering WAN/ISP costs
Although the trend towards consolidation certainly has its benefits, one of the side
effects is the increasing density of equipment in racks and cabinets. This makes
moves, adds and changes increasingly more complicated and error prone.
visit www.panduit.com