X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 751109 Control Switches across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 751109 Control Switches are a product manufactured by Pilz. We provide cost-effective solutions for Control Switches, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

751109 Pilz

751109 electronic component of Pilz
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See Product Specifications
Part No.751109
Manufacturer: Pilz
Category: Control Switches
Description: Module: expansion; Series: PNOZ s9 C; Inputs:2; Outputs:4; IP40
Datasheet: 751109 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 275.5221 ea
Line Total: USD 275.52 
Availability - 3
Ship by Thu. 26 Dec to Mon. 30 Dec
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Thu. 26 Dec to Mon. 30 Dec
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 275.5221
10 : USD 273.8169

Product Category
Contact Configuration
Coil Voltage
Contact Current
Product Range
Relay Mounting
Contact Voltage Vac
Relay Terminals
Contact Voltage Vdc
Contact Material
Coil Resistance
Average Power Consumption
Coil Voltage Vdc Nom
Contact Current Max
Contact Voltage Ac Nom
Contact Voltage Dc Max
External Depth
External Height
External Width
Relay Type
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 751109 from our Control Switches category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 751109 and other electronic components in the Control Switches category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image 751111
Module: expansion; Series: PNOZ s11 C; Inputs:1; Outputs:9; IP40
Stock : 4
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751110
Module: expansion; Series: PNOZ s10 C; Inputs:1; Outputs:5; IP40
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751124
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s4.1 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:5
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751126
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s6.1 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:5
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751132
Module: expansion; Series: PNOZ s22 C; Inputs:1; Outputs:8; IP40
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751134
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s4 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:5; IP40
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751135
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s5 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:4; IP40
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751136
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s6 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:5; IP40
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751154
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s4.1 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:5
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751156
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s6.1 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:5
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
Stock Image FIX-RCG-12.7
Plastic Pegs
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751107
Module: expansion; Series: PNOZ s7 C; Inputs:1; Outputs:5; IP40
Stock : 16
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FIX-RCG-15.9
Plastic Pegs
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FIX-RCG-3.5
Plastic Pegs
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 751103
Module: safety relay; Series: PNOZ s3 C; Inputs:3; Outputs:3; IP40
Stock : 20
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FIX-RCG-7
Plastic Pegs
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FIX-RF-009
Stock : 4780
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FIX-RF-011
Stock : 5000
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FIX-RF-019A
Stock : 4539
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image FIX-RF-032
Stock : 4880
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

Safe timer relay/contact expansion modules up to PL e of EN ISO 13849-1 PNOZ s9 Unit features The unit can also be used without a base unit as a pulse relay or safe Gertemerkmale Positive-guided relay outputs, ei- timer. ther instantaneous, delay-on de- The unit is designed for use with energisation (also retriggerable), Safety relays from the PNOZ X, pulsing or delay-on energisation: PNOZsigma, PNOZelog, 3 safety contacts PNOZmulti series 1 auxiliary contact Safety gate monitors from the PST Safe separation of safety contacts series 17-18, 27-28, 37-38 from all other Two-hand relays from the circuits PNOZsigma, P2HZ series Gertebild Switch-on time, pulse time or de- Bildunterschrift lay-on de-energisation selectable Safety features Contact expander module for increas- LED for: ing the number of available contacts, Sicherheitseigenschaften Kontakterweiterung mit RFK Supply voltage The unit meets the following safety re- Pulse-on timer relay for step-by-step Input status, channel 1 quirements: control of movement sequences, Input status, channel 2 The unit monitors its own output Delay-on energisation timer for un- Switch status channel 1/2 contacts. locking an interlock with delay, Reset circuit The safety function remains effec- Shutdown of application with delay-on Errors tive in the case of a component fail- de-energistaion, controlled stop Plug-in connection terminals (either ure. spring-loaded terminals or screw Earth fault in the feedback loop is Approvals terminals) detected. Earth fault in the input circuit: Unit description The output relays de-energise and PNOZ s9 the safety contacts open. Gertebeschreibung Sicherheitseigenschaften Zusatz - Sicherung DC PNOZ The unit meets the requirements of The unit has an electronic fuse. EN 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1 and VDE0113-1. In conjunction with a base unit the unit is used as a Contact expansion module to in- crease the number of contacts available on a base unit. Base units are all safety relays with feedback loop monitoring. Pulse relay Zulassungen In accordance with EN ISO 12100-1 and EN ISO 12100-2 (inching circuit for limited movement of hazard- ous machine components during installation, set up and position- ing) in safety circuits in accordance with VDE 0113 and EN 60204-1 (e.g. on movable guards) Safe timer relays in accordance with EN 1088 (re- lease with delay through timer) in safety circuits in accordance with VDE 0113-1 and EN 60204- 1 (e.g. on movable guards) The category that can be achieved in accordance with EN 954-1 and EN ISO 13849-1 depends on the cate- gory of the base unit. The contact ex- pansion module may not exceed this. Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany 1001991-EN-03-2011-11 Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh pilz.deSafe timer relay/contact expansion modules up to PL e of EN ISO 13849-1 PNOZ s9 Block diagram cdilbltahcskloB nnerT er nlt Bnbr edicg closkhucasiluh *Safe separation in accordance with EN 60947-1, 6 kV Function description Funktionsbeschreibung Delay-on de-energisation, not re- immediately and the auxiliary con- triggerable tact will be closed. If the supply voltage at the input cir- Delay-on energisation cuit is interrupted, the safety con- The set delay time is started when tacts will open once the set release supply voltage is applied, the feed- time has elapsed, even if the safety back loop is closed and finally the function is cancelled during the de- input circuit is closed. lay time. The unit cannot be reacti- If the input circuit and feedback vated until the delay time has loop are closed once the delay time elapsed. has elapsed, the safety contacts Delay-on de-energisation, retrig- will close and the auxiliary contact gerable will be opened. (only possible as a standalone ap- If the input circuit is opened for plication or with the PNOZsigma more than 10 ms, the safety con- base unit ) tacts will open immediately and the If the supply voltage at the input cir- auxiliary contact will be closed. Funktionsbeschreibung Erweiterungsgert cuit is interrupted, the safety con- with PNOZsigma base unit: tacts will open once the set release Dual-channel operation via time has elapsed. PNOZsigma connector If the safety function is cancelled with other base units or without base during the delay time (e.g. safety unit: gate closed), the unit will remain ac- Single-channel operation: one input tive. circuit affects the output relays Pulse on switching on The safety contacts close when supply voltage is applied, the feed- back loop is closed and finally the input circuit is closed. The safety contacts are reopened once the pulse time has elapsed. If the input circuit is opened for more than 10 ms during the pulse time, the safety contacts will open Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Strae 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany 1001991-EN-03-2011-11 Telephone: +49 711 3409-0, Telefax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: pilz.gmbh pilz.de -2

Tariff Desc

8536.50.99 9900975 SWITCHES being ANY of the following
a toggle 240VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 3A
b toggle 28VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 3A
c toggle 125VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 6A
d toggle 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 6A
e toggle 12VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 16A
f push button max 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 1A
g rocker 12VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 30A
h rocker 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 10A
i rocker max 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 6A
j numeric keypad
k 4-way 100VAC 0.5A OR 25V DC1A
l push button 100VAC 0.5A OR 25VDC 1A
m micro OR mini-micro max 250VAC current capacity NOT exceeding 10A
n knife 50VDC
o mercury 24VDC current capacity NOT exceeding 2A

8536.50.99 9804137 SWITCHES PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD surface-mount OR through-hole having BOTH of the following
a current rating NOT exceeding 100mA
b voltage rating NOT exceeding 50VAC OR DC

8536.50.99 17109836 SWITCHES PUSH BUTTON panel mount

8536.50.99 9304006 SWITCHES push button illuminated being ANY of
a square
b rectangular
c circular

8536.50.99 1798512 SWITCHES ELECTRICAL having ALL of the following
a length NOT greater than 3cm
b width NOT greater than 2cm
c maximum electric current capacity greater than 11A

8536.50.99 1108450 SWITCHES LIMIT hunting tooth rotating shaft

8536.50.99 17119033 SWITCHES ROCKER panel mounting


8536.50.99 1799019 SWITCHES SLIDE being ANY a power switches
i voltage selector
ii two position

8536.50.99 1779783 SWITCHES foot operated having a voltage of NOT less than 230VAC

8536.5 8438589 SWITCHES hall effect magnetically operated

8536.50.99 1812211 SWITCHES PUSHBUTTON mushroom OR dome shaped

8471.60.00 91 Joystick Free

8531.80.00 Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus eg bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms Other apparatus Free

8541.40.00 54 LED displays Free
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