InnoMux Family of ICs 2 Constant Voltage and 4 Channel Dimming LED Backlight CC Controller Product Highlights Description CV and 4-Channel LED Backlight Controller When paired with InnoSwitch3-MX, InnoMux dramatically improves the Eliminates buck and LED backlight boost converters s ys t e m e f fi c ie n c y of m o nit o r s an d T Vs by e liminat in g t h e b o o s t an d One or two constant voltage outputs buck converter stages using a single-stage flyback topology. This Independently regulated outputs with instantaneous transient enables very high system efficiency up to 91%, on a small PCB footprint. response 5% CV on 0%-100%-0% load step The LED backlight control offers excellent minimum threshold regulation Typical output voltages as well as analog and several PWM dimming options. The sequenced One CV mode: 5 V to 22 V PWM dimming option further improves visual performance and stabilizes Two CV mode: 5 V and 12 V to 22 V power demand. Extensive protection features are provided. 1-4 string LED backlight 3% matching accuracy for LED strings Analog, PWM, sequenced PWM and filtered PWM operation Up to 100 V string voltage / up to 960 mA total string current Up to 2:1 LED string voltage range Advanced Protection / Safety Features Figure 2. L e f t In n o M u x i n Q F N -2 8, Re fl o w P r o c e s s . Individual overload protection for all outputs Right InnoMux in HSOP-28, Wave Solder Process. String imbalanced / short / open protection Output overvoltage set for auto-restart InnoMux Convenient Packages Product Output Configuration Package 28-Lead HSOP for single-sided wave soldered PCBs or small 28-Lead IMX101J 1 CV, 1 LED string QFN QFN (5x5 mm Body) for compact multilayer designs IMX101U 1 CV, 1 LED string HSOP Applications IMX111U 2 CV, 1 LED string HSOP ENERGY STAR 8, CEC, and 2021/2023 EU labeling for monitors and TVs IMX111J 2 CV, 1 LED string QFN IMX102U 1 CV, 4 LED strings HSOP IMX112U 2 CV, 4 LED strings HSOP Table 1. InnoMux Controller Part Numbers. VLED (Constant Voltage / Constant Current) VCV2 VOUT2 (Constant Voltage) VLED VCV1 VOUT1 (Constant Voltage) 4 LED String VOUT RTN BPS Interface with InnoSwitch3-MX SR FWC PWM/APWM ADIM/LPF REQ Multi-Output / LED Controller ACK LED-EN/DPWM InnoMux PI-8370-100318 Figure 1. Typical Schematic. November 2020 This Product is Covered by Patents and/or Pending Patent Applications. BP GND GDR1 CDR1 FB1 VCV1 GDR2 CDR2 FB2 VCV2 FB3 VLED PLIM1 PLIM2 CTRL IS ICC1 ICC2 ICC3 ICC4InnoMux VCV2 VLED (CV/CC) Up to VCV1 4 LED String FB FB FB V1 V2 LED D CONTROL PWM Primary FET Secondary Multi-Output / LED Controller ADIM/LPF and Controller Controller STB S GND InnoSwitch3-MX InnoMux PI-8364c-030320 Figure 3. S i m p l i fi e d S c h e m a t i c f o r M o n i t o r / T V A p p l i c a t i o n. ANALOG DIMMING/ LOW PASS OUTPUT VOLTAGE 3 FILTER CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 CAPACITOR 2 (V /V ) (ADIM/LPF) (ICC1) (ICC2) (ICC3) (ICC4) CV3 LED (CDR2) BYPASS (BP) CAPACITOR 1 (CDR1) HIGH-VOLTAGE SHUNT PWM Dim Mode BYPASS High- High- High- High- READER REGULATOR Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage Clamp Clamp Clamp Clamp OUTPUT VOLTAGE 1 (VCV1) ADIM LOW VOLTAGE SHUNT OUTPUT VOLTAGE 2 LED CONTROL (VCV2) Enable PWM DIMMING (PWM/APWM) VSAT LED ENABLE (LED-EN/DPWM) Dim Mode SET LED CURRENT FEEDBACK (IS) (FB1) GATE DRIVE 1 FEEDBACK (GDR1) (FB2) HIGH-SIDE MOSFET DRIVE 1 GATE DRIVE 2 FEEDBACK (GDR2) (FB3) MULTI-OUTPUT CONTROL HIGH-SIDE MOSFET DRIVE 2 REQUEST (REQ) ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK) InnoSwitch3-MX SYNCHRONOUS INTERFACE RECTIFIER DRIVE (SR) FORWARD POWER LIMIT1 POWER LIMIT2 CONTROL COMPARATOR (PLIM1) (PLIM2) (CTRL) (FWC) GROUND (GND) PI-8328-100318 Figure 4. Functional Block Diagram of the InnoMux Controller. 2 Rev. D 11/20 FW SR GDR1 GDR2 ICC1 ICC2 ICC3 ICC4