X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of PFS7627H Power Factor Correction - PFC across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. PFS7627H Power Factor Correction - PFC are a product manufactured by Power Integrations. We provide cost-effective solutions for Power Factor Correction - PFC, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

PFS7627H Power Integrations

PFS7627H electronic component of Power Integrations
PFS7627H Power Integrations
PFS7627H Power Factor Correction - PFC
PFS7627H  Semiconductors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. PFS7627H
Manufacturer: Power Integrations
Category: Power Factor Correction - PFC
Description: Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 290W 320W
Datasheet: PFS7627H Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 9.438 ea
Line Total: USD 9.44 
Availability - 9
Ship by Tue. 18 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Tue. 18 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 9.438
10 : USD 7.1089
30 : USD 6.9945
100 : USD 6.8798

Product Category
Switching Frequency
Minimum Operating Temperature
Maximum Operating Temperature
Mounting Style
Package / Case
Pd - Power Dissipation
Product Type
Factory Pack Quantity :
Hts Code
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the PFS7627H from our Power Factor Correction - PFC category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the PFS7627H and other electronic components in the Power Factor Correction - PFC category and beyond.

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Stock Image PFS7634H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 315W 350W
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Stock Image PFS7633H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 255W 280W
Stock : 10
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Stock Image PFS7628H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 350W 385W
Stock : 0
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Stock Image PFS7635H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 435W 480W
Stock : 0
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Stock Image PFS7636H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 550W 610W
Stock : 0
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Stock Image PFS7629H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 405W 450W
Stock : 0
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Stock Image PFS7628C-TL
Power Factor Correction - PFC 110W 90 VAC 600V FET 60 kHz 60mW 320pF
Stock : 7
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Image Part-Description
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Stock : 0
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Stock : 12
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Stock : 0
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Stock Image PFS7626H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 230W 260W
Stock : 300
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Power Factor Correction - PFC AC/DC PFC Controller
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Power Factor Correction - PFC 8 Pin Pwr Factor Correction Cont
Stock : 0
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Stock Image PFS7628H
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 350W 385W
Stock : 0
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Stock Image PFS7625L
Power Factor Correction - PFC PFC CTRL 600V High PF 185W 205W
Stock : 180
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HiperPFS-4 Family PFC Controller with Integrated 600 V MOSFET Optimized for High PF and Efficiency Across Load Range Key Benefits Integrated 600 V MOSFET + HiperPFS-4 D High efficiency and power factor across load range PG VCC >95% efficiency from 10% load to 100% load VCC <60 mW no-load consumption at 230 VAC FB PF >0.95 achievable at 20% load CONTROL EN61000-3-2 Class C and D compliant C DC OUT Highly integrated for smallest boost PFC form factor AC PGT IN Packaging optimized for high volume production Eliminates insulating pad/heat-spreader S V G REF Programmable Power Good (PG) signal User selectable power limit: Enables different HiperPFS-4 family members to be tested in the same design for optimum device selection PI-7965-051616 Integrated non-linear amplifier for fast output OV and UV protection Figure 1. Typical Application Schematic. and transient response Digital line peak detection for robust performance even with distorted input voltage from UPS or generators Output Power Table (Full Power Mode) Digital power factor enhancer compensates for EMI filter and bridge Universal Input Devices distortion, providing high-line PF >0.95 20% load Frequency adjusted over line voltage and thru each line cycle Continuous Spread-spectrum across >60 kHz window simplifies EMI filtering Product Output Power at Peak Output Power Reduces boost inductance 90 VAC Provides up to 450 W peak output power for universal applications, 610 W for high-line only applications PFS7623H/L 110 W 120 W Protection features include: UVLO, UV, OV, OTP, brown-in/out, PFS7624H/L 130 W 150 W cycle-by-cycle current limit and power limiting for overload protection PFS7625H/L 185 W 205 W Withstands 305 VAC steady-state and 410 VAC abnormal input Halogen free and RoHS compliant PFS7626H/L 230 W 260 W PFS7627H/L 290 W 320 W Applications PFS7628H/L 350 W 385 W PC High-power adaptors Printer High-power LED lighting PFS7629H/L 405 W 450 W LCD TV Industrial and appliance High-Line Input Only Devices Video game consoles Generic PFC converters 80 Plus Platinum Continuous designs Product Output Power at Peak Output Power 180 VAC PFS7633H 255 W 280 W PFS7634H 315 W 350 W PFS7635H 435 W 480 W PFS7636H 550 W 610 W Table 1. Output Power Table (See Table 2 on page 10 for more information.) eSIP-16D (H Package) eSIP-16G (L Package) Figure 2. Package Options (Body Dimensions: 16.53 mm Width x 8.25 mm Height.) www.power.com May 2017 This Product is Covered by Patents and/or Pending Patent Applications.PFS7623-7629/7633-7636 Description HiperPFS-4s advanced power packaging technology and high efficiency simplify the complexity of mounting the IC and thermal The HiperPFS-4 devices incorporate a continuous conduction mode management, while providing very high power capabilities in a single (CCM) boost PFC controller, gate driver and 600 V power MOSFET in a compact package these devices are suitable for PFC applications with single, low-prolfi e (GROUND pin connected) power package. HiperPFS-4 maximum continuous power from 75 W to 405 W universal (550 W devices eliminate need for external current sense resistors and their high-line only). associated power loss, and use an innovative control technique that adjusts the switching frequency over output load, input line voltage, Product Highlights and input line cycle. Protected Power Factor Correction Solution Incorporates 600 V power MOSFET, controller and gate driver. This control technique maximizes efficiency over the entire load range, EN61000-3-2 Class C and Class D compliance. particularly at light loads. Additionally, it minimizes the EMI lfi tering Integrated protection features reduce external component count requirements due to its wide bandwidth spread spectrum effect. The Accurate built-in brown-in/out protection. HiperPFS-4 uses advanced digital techniques for line monitoring, line Accurate built-in undervoltage (UV) protection. feed-forward scaling, and power factor enhancement while using Accurate built-in overvoltage (OV) protection. analog techniques for the core controller in order to maintain extremely Hysteretic thermal shutdown (OTP). low no-load power consumption. The HiperPFS-4 also features an Internal power limiting function for overload protection. integrated non-linear error ampliefi r for enhanced load transient Cycle-by-cycle power-switch current limit. response, a user programmable Power Good (PG) signal as well as user Internal non-linear error amplifier for enhanced load transient selectable power limit functionality. HiperPFS-4 includes Power response Integrations standard set of comprehensive protection features, such No external current sense resistor required. as UV, OV, brown-in/out, and hysteretic thermal shutdown. HiperPFS-4 Provides lossless internal sensing via sense-FET. also provides cycle-by-cycle current limit and Safe Operating Area Reduces component count and system losses. (SOA) protection of the power MOSFET, output power limiting for Minimizes high current gate drive loop area. overload protection, and pin-to-pin short-circuit protection Minimizes output overshoot and stresses during start-up Integrated power limit. HiperPFS-4s innovative variable frequency continuous conduction Improved dynamic response. mode operation (VF-CCM) minimizes switching losses by maintaining a Digitally controlled input line feed-forward gain adjustment for low average switching frequency, while modulating the switching flattened loop gain across entire input voltage range. frequency in order to suppress EMI, the traditional challenge with Eliminates up to 39 discrete components for higher reliability and continuous conduction mode solutions. Systems using HiperPFS-4 lower cost. typically reduce the total X and Y capacitance requirements of the Solution for High Efficiency, Low EMI and High PF converter, the inductance of both the boost choke and EMI noise Continuous conduction mode PFC uses novel constant amp-second suppression chokes, thereby reducing overall system size and cost. on-time volt-second off-time control. Additionally, HiperPFS-4 devices dramatically reduce component count High efficiency across load. and board footprint while simplifying system design and enhancing High power factor across load. reliability, when compared with designs that use discrete MOSFETs and Frequency sliding technique for light load efficiency improvements. controllers. The innovative variable frequency, continuous conduction >95% efficiency from 10% load to full load achievable at mode controller enables the HiperPFS-4 to realize all of the benetfi s of nominal input voltages. continuous conduction mode operation while leveraging low-cost, Variable switching frequency to simplify EMI filter design. small, simple EMI lfi ters. Varies over line input voltage to maximize efficiency and Many regions mandate high power factor for many electronic products minimize EMI filter requirements. with high power requirements. These rules are combined with Varies with input line cycle voltage by >60 kHz to maximize numerous application-specific standards that require high power supply spread spectrum effect. efficiency across the entire load range, from full load to as low as 10% Advanced Package for High Power Applications load. High efficiency at light load is a challenge for traditional PFC Up to 450 W universal , 610 W high-line only peak output power solutions where fixed MOSFET switching frequencies cause fixed capability in a highly compact package. switching losses on each cycle, even at light loads. In addition to Simple adhesive or clip mounting to heat sink. featuring afl t efficiency across the load range, HiperPFS-4 also enables No insulation pad required and can be directly connected to a high power factor of >0.95 at 20% load. HiperPFS-4 simpliefi s heat sink. compliance with new and emerging energy-efficiency standards over a Staggered pin arrangement allows simple routing of board traces broad market space in applications such as PCs, LCD TVs, notebooks, and to meet high-voltage creepage requirements. appliances, pumps, motors, fans, printers and LED lighting. Single package solution for PFC converter reduces assembly costs and layout size. 2 Rev. B 05/17 www.power.com

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