SMT Power Inductors High Current Composite Inductor - PA5433.XXXNLT and PM5433.XXXNLT Height: 8.0mm Max Footprint: 16.8mm x 15.8mm Max Current Rating: up to 40Arms Inductance Range: 2.0uH to 22uH High current, low DCR, and high efficiency High reliability Minimized acoustic noise and minimized leakage flux noise Available in Commercial (PA5433) and Automotive (PM5433) grades Electrical Specifications 25C, Operating Temperature Range -55C to +155C 2 Saturation Part Number DC Resistance 3 Inductance Rated K Factor Current Current 100KHz, 0.1V for TYP. MAX. (25C) 6 Commerical Automotive Core Loss uH20% A m m A PA5433.202NLT PM5433.202NLT 2.00 40.0 1.92 2.21 52.0 17.7 PA5433.222NLT PM5433.222NLT 2.20 37.0 2.15 2.48 49.0 17.7 PA5433.302NLT PM5433.302NLT 3.00 34.5 2.50 3.00 41.0 14.6 PA5433.422NLT PM5433.422NLT 4.20 27.0 3.90 4.68 33.0 12.5 PA5433.532NLT PM5433.532NLT 5.30 26.0 4.45 5.34 31.0 10.9 PA5433.622NLT PM5433.622NLT 6.20 23.0 5.40 6.50 31.0 9.6 PA5433.722NLT PM5433.722NLT 7.20 21.0 6.00 7.20 29.0 8.6 PA5433.822NLT PM5433.822NLT 8.20 19.0 6.60 7.92 25.0 8.6 PA5433.103NLT PM5433.103NLT 10.0 16.0 8.00 9.60 21.0 7.8 PA5433.153NLT PM5433.153NLT 15.0 13.0 12.50 15.00 18.0 6.1 PA5433.223NLT PM5433.223NLT 22.0 12.0 19.30 23.20 16.0 4.7 Notes: 1. Actual temperature of the component during system operation (ambient plus 4. The part temperature (ambient+temp rise) should not exceed the upper operating temperature rise) must be within the standard operating range. temperature range under worst case operating conditions. Circuit design, PCB trace 2. The saturation current is the current at which the initial inductance is guaranteed to size and thickness, airflow and other cooling provisions all affect the part tempera - drop by no more than 40%. The typical inductance at a specified current can be found ture. Part temperature should be verified in the end application. on the typical performance curves. 5. The PMxxxx.XXXNLT part numbers are AEC-Q200 and IATF16949 certified. The 3. The rated current is the DC current required to raise the component temperature by inductance and mechanical dimensions are 100% tested in production but do not approximately 40C. Take note that the components performanc varies depending necessarily meet a product capability index (Cpk) >1.33 and therefore may not strictly on the system condition. It is suggested that the component be tested at the system conform to PPAP. level, to verify the temperature rise of the component during system operation. 6. Special Characteristics . P896. A (01/21) 10 3 , 7&+( 06 U 3 H U RWF X G, Q 6H L H U V 3 1 3) 7 0 HDW) UXHV 6W X V D U LW + L F U W ZO R &5 LIFL H 9 O R LWF VH Y O O OI V H + DO RJ HQ + K LJ OLD H U LOLWE 3 E ) U 56 F L W + DORJHQ IUH H J L Q H W J , Q X I H W LU SMT Power Inductors R 5 P P G & 3 %G R W 3 U H Q S L F D L W High Current Composite Inductor - PA5433.XXXNLT and PM5433.XXXNLT + H 1 3 & H U V VH W P OL ,3 & & F Y W ( Mechanical / * L P H L PA5433.XXXNLT and PM5433.XXXNLT ( & H P/ P * P + ( 1/ % ) 1 7 H % 3 & O H PH 5 V W H V N WF P FINAL LAYOUT SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT % & ( ) L 6 X , QG P P P P P P Series A B C D E F L G H 3 ) 70 f f f PA5433/PM5433 16.50.3 15.50.3 7.70.3 13.20.5 3.20.2 10.40.3 15.0 (REF) 6.0(REF) 15.0(REF) % 3 ) 70 f f f H All Dimensions in mm. 3 D U W 1 U L 7 0 3) % & ( ) * LH6HU V % L P L R Q % & TAPE & REEL INFO & S H 7 W L Blank portions Chip cavity Blank portions , DFW H W V H 7 ( , DW H O FH R 7 ) & 3 VH 71 / 3 * H & N L % N O 1 / < < O I : : W L % YH R VL H U L6FDWHFLIS LQR , V , K X , QG P1 W 3 XP E1 + P P J Q 0 200mm or more 400mm or more G S S 0 LU H V 1 3 ) 70 / Direction of tape 1 3 ) 70 / 1 3 ) 70 SURF/ACE MOUNTING TYPE, REEL/TAPE LIST 1 3 ) 70 / REEL SIZE (mm) TAPE SIZE (mm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a HPSHUDWXU 2SHUDW DQSO RP R+ DQG HH /HDG QRL X DJHHDN RZ HU DQG QRL XV DF RZ HU QF HI KLJK HQXU JK RQ DW RI RZ 7