The PUYA P25Q64H-SSH-IT with FLASH SOP-8_150mil RoHS is a single-voltage nonvolatile memory integrated circuit (IC) designed for use in a variety of applications. The device is a high-capacity programmable serial flash memory with 64 Megabit (Mb) of storage capacity. It features an industry-standard 8-pin, 150 mils (3.81mm) wide small outline package (SOP) and supports I2C- and SPI-bus interfaces. It is RoHS (Restrictions on Hazardous Substances) compliant, making it an environmentally sound and safe choice for its users. Furthermore, it offers an array of features and options, including sector protection and write protection, data write protect (DWP) with password settings, extended temperature support, memory change control (MCC) with programming, and a pre-programmed electronic signature for qualification of the device itself.