Technical Data Sheet PAGE 1/1 ISSUE 12/07/2021 SERIES TestPro Cable PART NUMBER 1801211211219GX All dimensions are in mm For more details, please see connectors TDS DESIGNATION Cable Armoured measurement cable - P/N - TestPro 3 Connector Left N 18 - straight plug - Passivated stainless steel - P/N: R163063101 Connector Right N 18 - straight plug - Passivated stainless steel - P/N: R163063101 Assembly Length 1219 mm / 47.99 inch (tolerance = 2%) Assembly Weight 262.85 gr / 9.27 oz (tolerance = 5%) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic impedance 50 Ohms Max operating frequency 18.0 GHz Assembly Typ Insertion Loss 2.49 dB (at 20 C, at 18.0 GHz ) Assembly Typ VSWR 1.25 (at 18.0 GHz ) Assembly Max. Insertion Loss 2.74 dB (at 20 C, at 18.0 GHz ) Assembly Max VSWR 1.30 (at 18.0 GHz ) Assembly Max Return Loss 17.7 dB (at 18.0 GHz ) Phase stability vs. Temp 4 / m / GHz (-55 / +100C) Dielectric withstanding voltage 1500 V Insulation resistance 5000 M.Ohms Other Amplitude stability typ. (dB) 0,05 40GHz Phase with flexure stability typ. 4,8 40GHz Note: Max IL are indicative only when superior to 40dB MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Cable Outer diameter 7.29 mm Max 0.287 inch Static bending radius 25.0 mm 0.98 inch Dynamic bending radius 50.0 mm 1.97 inch Other Flexure life cycle > 20,000 Mating cycles durability > 5,000 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Temperature range -55 +125C Fire resistance Yes RoHS Yes This document contains proprietary information and such information shall not be disclosed to any third party for any purpose whatsoever or used for manufacturing purposes without prior written agreement from Radiall. The data defined in this document are given as an indication, in the effort to improve our products we reserve the right to make any changes judged necessary.X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for RF Cable Assemblies category: Click to view products by Radiall manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 73-6352-10 73-6353-3 R285001001 R288940004 145111-05-12.00 1661-C-24 1801171170914KE 24P104C24J1-012 24P104C24P1-006 24P104C24P1-018 24P204C24J1-003 172-2150-EX 1800920920914PJ FCB-3030-ALT 21117-046 21117-050 PCX-24-50 24P103C24P2- 003 25P203C25P2-003 R284008001 R285001021 R285426000 R288940003 4814-BB-24 5260-72 JT2N1-CL1-1F DLP-COAX1 4814-K- 48 115101-09-06.00 CCNTN2-MM-LL335-26 73-6351-25 73-6352-3 73-6353-25 1800920920610PJ GD0BQ0BQ024.0 1-3636-600-5210 TL8A-11SMA-11SMA-01500-51 R284C0351060 R288940009 R284C0351028 R288940002 9702-1SL-1 PT82NSMA 73-6353-10 R285020301W PCX-18-50 Minibend-9 Minibend-4 BNC TO SMA Cable MIKROE-274