Technisches Datenblatt + Signalleuchte TILTED DIAMOND IO-LINK, Leuchtmittel RGB, 24 V, Blende farblos, M12 4-polig A-kodiert NEU Haupt- / Anwendungsgebiete Messen-Steuern-Regeln Elektrotechnik Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Signalbau Fahrzeugbau Industrie-Roboter Modellbau The information in this data sheet only contains general descriptions and / or performance features, which may not apply precisely as RAFI GmbH & Co. KG described to the respective application, and which my change due to further product enhancements. The technical data, illustrations and other information about our products are the mere results of individual technical testing. These descriptions and other product features are Ravensburger Str. 128-134 only binding if they expressly agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of a binding contract. In all other cases, we reserve the right to 88276 Berg / Ravensburg make technical changes as well as changes of availability. Pictures and other graphic illustrations are approximations only. All product names Germany may be trademarks or brand names of the RAFI Group or any other sub-supplier of RAFI. The use of such by any third parties for their own, purposes may infringe the rights of the respective entity holding those rights. info.headquarters Stand:22.07.2021Seite:1/5Technisches Datenblatt Beschreibung UnsereIO-LINK-Produkte bieten Ihnen einen bequemen Einstieg und knnen durch die Verwendung von standardisierten M12- Steckern schnell in Ihre bestehende Umgebung integriert werden. Einfach angeschlossen und individuell parametriert erffnen Ihnen unsere Befehls- und Meldegerte unzhlige Mglichkeiten. Mit den IO-LINK-Varianten derTILTED DIAMOND+undE-BOXsind Sie schon heute fr die Herausforderungen von morgen gewappnet. Die ultrahelle Signalleuchte ist schnell montiert und erschtterungsresistent Montage Verschraubung von unten Optional mit Halterohr und Montagefu Parametrierung Nachtmodus mit verschiedenen Helligkeitsstufen Flexible Farbauswahl: 5 Standard-Farben plus 3 frei whlbare RGB-Farben 8 verschiedene Blinkmodi Diagnostizierbar ber die Steuerung Weiterfhrende Informationen: Produktvideo E-BOX IO-LINK: Produktvideo TILTED DIAMOND+ IO-LINK: Technische Daten Allgemein Direkte Links Farbe schwarz Farbe der Blende farblos RAFI eCatalog Eigenschaft der Blende / des transparent Pilzes Farbe des Leuchtmittels RGB Form der Blende konvex Form des Bundes rund Arbeitstemperatur, min. -30 C Lagertemperatur, min. -40 C Arbeitstemperatur, max. 60 C Lagertemperatur, max. 85 C beleuchtbar ja Leuchtmittel LED The information in this data sheet only contains general descriptions and / or performance features, which may not apply precisely as RAFI GmbH & Co. KG described to the respective application, and which my change due to further product enhancements. The technical data, illustrations and other information about our products are the mere results of individual technical testing. These descriptions and other product features are Ravensburger Str. 128-134 only binding if they expressly agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of a binding contract. In all other cases, we reserve the right to 88276 Berg / Ravensburg make technical changes as well as changes of availability. Pictures and other graphic illustrations are approximations only. All product names Germany may be trademarks or brand names of the RAFI Group or any other sub-supplier of RAFI. The use of such by any third parties for their own, purposes may infringe the rights of the respective entity holding those rights. info.headquarters Stand:22.07.2021Seite:2/5