The SK74LS38 is an integrated circuit that was manufactured by the RCA Corporation. It is a four-input AND-OR-INVERT gate; it combines four AND gates and two or gates in one integrated circuit chip. It is used in digital logic circuits, such as flip-flops, latches, and decoders. It has four inputs (A, B, C, and D) that can accept either logic low (0) or logic high (1) signals. The output of the chip is determined by the four inputs and the two or gates. If either of the two or gates receives two or more logic high (1) signals, the output will be logic high (1). If both or gates receive two or more logic low (0) signals, the output will be logic low (0). The SK74LS38 is similar to its predecessor, the SK54LS00, but it has a faster propagation delay. It is a 14-pin dip package and operates at 5V.