X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of MP62TA00 across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. MP62TA00 are a product manufactured by Red Lion. We provide cost-effective solutions for MP62TA00, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

MP62TA00 Red Lion

MP62TA00 electronic component of Red Lion
MP62TA00 Red Lion
MP62TA00 Unclassified

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. MP62TA00
Manufacturer: Red Lion
Category: Unclassified
Datasheet: MP62TA00 Datasheet (PDF)
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Price (USD)
1: USD 152.9178 ea
Line Total: USD 152.92 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 152.9178
5 : USD 119.4292
10 : USD 115.5462

Product Category
Operating Temperature Max
Operating Temperature Min
Rotational Speed Max
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the MP62TA00 from our Red Lion manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the MP62TA00 and other electronic components in the Red Lion manufacturer and beyond.

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THERMOCOUPLE, NICKEL CHROMIUM, 150MM; Le; THERMOCOUPLE, NICKEL CHROMIUM, 150MM; Length:150mm; External Diameter:3mm; Probe Body Material:Nickel Chromium; Product Range:CAIN Series
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THERMOCOUPLE, STAINLESS STEEL, 300MM; Le; THERMOCOUPLE, STAINLESS STEEL, 300MM; Length:300mm; External Diameter:1.5mm; Probe Body Material:Stainless Steel; Product Range:CASS Series
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Bulletin No. MP-H Drawing No. LP0020 Revised 8/00 Tel +1 (717) 767-6511 Fax +1 (717) 764-6587 www.redlion-controls.com MAGNETIC PICKUPS & IN-LINE PREAMPLIFIER SIMPLE, RELIABLE & ECONOMICAL PULSE GENERATORS FOR: SPEED SWITCHES DIGITAL TACHOMETERS FREQUENCY TO D.C. CONVERTERS FEATURES INCLUDE SELF-GENERATING, NO EXT. POWER NEEDED WIDE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE EPOXY ENCAPSULATED, MECHANICALLY RUGGED IMPERVIOUS TO DIRT, OIL & WATER NO MAINTENANCE REQUIRED LOW COST gears, definitions and relationships, see Sensing Gears. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION The 1-Volt Threshold Speeds are based on a 0.005 air-gap. In applications A Magnetic Pickup consists of a permanent magnet, a pole-piece, and a where this air-gap cannot be maintained or where the air-gap can vary due to sensing coil all encapsulated in a cylindrical case. An object (target) of iron, eccentricity of the sensing gear, a correction factor can be applied from the steel, or other magnetic material, passing closely by its pole-piece causes curve in Fig 2. The effect of electrical loading is usually minimal at low speeds distortion of the magnetic flux field passing through the sensing coil and pole- and low output frequencies, however, output voltage drop due to loading at high piece, which in turn generates a signal voltage. The magnitude of the signal frequency or with low impedance inputs can be estimated based on the Output voltage depends on the relative size of the magnetic target, its speed of Impedance data. approach, and how close it approaches. The polarity of the signal depends on Note: Magnetic Pickups are used primarily for tachometer and other speed whether the target is moving toward or away from the pole-piece. related functions. They are not normally used for counting since loss of Magnetic Pickups are most frequently used to sense passing teeth on a gear, counts will occur at low speeds. Therefore, counters are not designed to sprocket, or timing belt wheel, to bolt-heads, key-ways, or other moving accept outputs directly from conventional magnetic pickups. In special machine mounted targets. Typical targets and resulting signal wave forms are applications where counting occurs only at running speed or where low- shown below in Fig. 1. speed count loss is acceptable, a Model LMPC or ASTC can be used. SELECTING A MAGNETIC PICKUP Selecting a magnetic pickup is a matter of matching a pickup to a gear (or TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE other target), to provide enough input signal to a tachometer, speed-switch, or A Digital Tachometer, with an input sensitivity of 0.25 V is to be used with other device for operation at the required minimum speed. The open-circuit a Magnetic Pickup and gear to indicate speed down to 75 RPM. What are the output from a magnetic pickup is directly proportional to speed, and once the alternative choices minimum operating speed conditions have been met, excess signal will always Since the input voltage required by the tachometer is only 0.25 V, the surface be available at higher speeds. speeds and reference gear RPMs required would only be 2 of the 1-Volt The 1-Volt Threshold Speed column in the Application and Ordering Table Threshold Speeds listed. The MP-25TA with a 60-tooth, 24 D.P. reference gear (next pg.) provides a convenient guide for estimating minimum operating would obviously fall short since this combination will not develop 0.25 V until speeds. This value is the linear surface-speed of a reference gear required to the reference gear speed reaches 250 RPM. generate a 1-Volt peak, open-circuit output at an air-gap of 0.005 . The The MP-37CA with the 60-tooth, 20 C.P. reference gear would both prove reference gear listed for each pickup is near the optimum size for that pickup, suitable since they would deliver the required 0.25 V at 50 and 45 RPM as defined by the criteria in Fig. 1B. The RPM listed is for a reference gear with respectively. They would also provide some additional margin for air-gap 60 teeth running at that surface-speed. Gears with larger teeth will provide about variation. The curve of Fig. 2 shows a typical output drop of about 25% when the same or somewhat more output at the same surface-speed, while gears with the air-gap is increased from 0.005 to 0.0075 . Since the minimum operating smaller teeth will yield lower outputs. The Minimum Gear Size column lists speed in this application is 75 RPM, the additional sensitivity can be traded for the Diametral Pitch size at which the output drops to 40-60% of the output when a wider air-gap allowance. the reference gear is used. Gears with very small teeth in relation to the pole- The MP-62TA and MP-75TX with their respective reference gears would piece diameter, deliver greatly reduced outputs, as shown in Fig. 1A. Threshold allow operation at even lower speeds. With both of these pickups it would be outputs when using targets other than gear teeth can be estimated by their possible to drop to a smaller gear pitch for this application. relative size with respect to the reference gear teeth. For more information on FIG. 1 OUTPUT WAVEFORMS WITH VARIOUS TARGET SHAPES & SIZES FIG. 2 TYPICAL OUTPUT/AIR-GAP 1MAGNETIC PICKUP APPLICATION & ORDERING INFORMATION 1-VOLT MINIMUM TEMP. OUTPUT MODEL NO. DIMENSIONS THRESHOLD GEAR RANGE IMPENDANCE PART NO. o SPEED (1) PITCH (2) C MP-25TA 135 in/sec 48 D.P. -40 to +107 130 20% MP25TA00 1000 RPM 15 mH 60T 24 D.P. Ref. Gear MP-37TA 33 in/sec 32 D.P. -40 to +107 340 20% MP37TA00 200 RPM 44 mH 60T 20 D.P. Ref. Gear MP-37CA 30 in/sec 32 D.P. -40 to +107 300 30% MP37CA00 180 RPM 65 mH 60T 20 D.P. Ref. Gear MP-62TA 10 in/sec 24 D.P. -40 to +107 1200 20% MP62TA00 50 RPM 400 mH 60T 16 D.P. Ref. Gear MP-62TB 20 in/sec 24 D.P. -40 to +107 1200 20% MP62TB00 100 RPM 400 mH 60T 16 D.P. Ref. Gear MP-75TX 30 in/sec 12 D.P. -73 to +93 230 20% MP75TX00 Explosion 100 RPM 100 mH Proof (3) 60T 10 D.P. Ref. Gear NOTES: 1) Surface speed of listed reference gear to produce 0.8 volt peak min., open- 5) 2-Wire shielded cable is recommended for all magnetic pickup outputs. circuit output 0.005 air-gap. Connect the shield to the COMMOM or GROUND terminal of the 2) Gear pitch where output will drop to 40-60% of that generated by the instrument being used and leave the shield un-connected at the pickup. reference gear size, at the same surface speed. Magnetic Pickup signal leads should never be run in conduit, troughs, or 3) UL Listed CSA Certified, Class I Group A, B, C and D Class II Group E, F bundles with other power or control voltage lines. and G. (VDO Control Systems, Inc.) PN AIRPAX/70085-1010-005, UL File 6) Lead length of magnetic pickup should not be extended. An in-line pre- E40545 (N), CSA File 042648. amplifier (ASTC) can be placed on the end of the provided length which 4) Polarity, all pickups: white output lead goes positive with respect to black would allow longer length after the in-line pre-amplifier. when target approaches pole. MODEL ASTC IN-LINE PREAMPLIFIER & PULSE SHAPER FOR MAGNETIC PICKUPS CURRENT SINKING OUTPUT PROVIDES ULTRA-LOW THRESHOLD SPEEDS ALLOWS LARGER AIR-GAPS PROVIDES HIGH NOISE IMMUNITY The ASTC boosts magnetic pickup signals by a factor of more than 100, and provides and NPN Open-Collector pulse output which is compatible with practically all Red Lion Controls Tachometers, Motion Monitors and Counters. Low speed input sensitivity is 20 millivolts which permits operation at 1/50th of the 1-Volt Threshold Speeds listed in the Magnetic Pickup Specifications and Ordering Table. The ASTC can be used at pulse rates to 10 KHZ. The NPN O.C. output is current limited to 40 mA. The unit is epoxy-encapsulated in a 3/4 Dia. stainless steel shell, with overall dimensions of 0.9 D X 4.5 L including Neoprene strain-reliefs on each end. In installations where long signal runs are to be made it is advisable to keep the ASTC close to the pickup ORDERING INFORMATION and let its output cable make the long run. Input and output cables should not MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER be run in conduit, cable troughs, or bundles with power or control voltage lines. ASTC In-Line Amplifier ASTC0000 Operating temperature is -18 to +60 C. SPECIFICATIONS & HOOK-UP FOR ASTC 22 AWG Note: Both magnetic pickup leads must be floating. Do NOT ground or connect to shield.

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