The M32R is a 32-bit RISC microprocessor developed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. It is based on the 32-bit M16C/80 core and is designed to promote low power consumption, highly integrated design and cost-effectiveness. It is mainly used in automotive, consumer, industrial, and communication applications. Special version of M32R family, called the Relpol, is used in embedded multimedia security and control applications. The Relpol version is equipped with embedded logic functions, such as multiplexers, registers, latches, counters, comparators and temperature sensors, which are essential for sensing and control functions used in building automation and security systems. The Relpol family of microprocessors is also equipped with a 128-bit secure data path and sets of instructions, known as the AX.25SEC instruction set. This instruction set allows the processor to protect data against unauthorized access, tamper detection, and manipulation.