NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS RECOMMENDED REPLACEMENT PART ISL97519A DATASHEET ISL97702 FN7462 Rev 0.00 Boost with Dual Reference Outputs October 13, 2005 The ISL97702 represents a high efficiency, boost converter Features with integrated boost FET, boost diode and input disconnect Up to 87% efficiency FET. A dual feedback circuit allows simple switching between two pre-defined output voltages using a single logic 2.3V to 5.5V input input. Up to 28V output With an input voltage of 2.3V to 5.5V the ISL97702 has an 50mA at 18V output capability of up to 50mA at 18V using integrated Integrated boost Schottky diode 500mA switches. Efficiencies are up to 87%. The integrated protection FET is used to disconnect the boost Input voltage disconnect switch inductor from the input supply whenever an output fault Dual output voltage selectable condition is detected, or when the device is disabled. This gives 0 output current in the disabled mode, compared to Synchronization input standard boost converters where current can still flow when Chip enable the device is disabled. 10 Ld 3x3 DFN package The ISL97702 comes in the 10 Ld 3x3 DFN package and is Pb-free plus anneal available (RoHS compliant) specified for operation over the -40C to 85C temperature range. Applications Ordering Information OLED display power PART PART TAPE & PKG. LED display power NUMBER MARKING REEL PACKAGE DWG. Adjustable power supplies ISL97702IRZ 97702IRZ - 10 Ld 3x3 DFN MDP0047 (Note) (Pb-Free) Typical Application Diagram ISL97702IRZ-T7 97702IRZ 7 10 Ld 3x3 DFN MDP0047 (Note) (Pb-Free) L 1 ISL97702IRZ-T13 97702IRZ 13 10 Ld 3x3 DFN MDP0047 6.8 (Note) (Pb-Free) VDDOUT NOTE: Intersil Pb-free plus anneal products employ special Pb-free LX material sets molding compounds/die attach materials and 100% 2.3V-5.5V VDD matte tin plate termination finish, which are RoHS compliant and V +2V - 30V VOUT DD compatible with both SnPb and Pb-free soldering operations. Intersil C 0 C 1 5 R Pb-free products are MSL classified at Pb-free peak reflow 1 3.3 390k temperatures that meet or exceed the Pb-free requirements of NEN IPC/JEDEC J STD-020. NSYNC R GND FB0 3 Pinout 26.1k R ISL97702 2 39k (10 LD 3X3 DFN) FB1 SEL TOP VIEW BOOST WITH GND LX DUAL REFERENCE 1 10 VOUT VDDOUT 2 9 V(VOUT) = (390k + 39k) / 39k * 1.15V = 12.65V 0 THERMAL V(VOUT) = (390k + 26.1k) / 26.1k * 1.15V = 18.33V VDD 1 NEN 3 8 PAD NSYNC SEL 4 7 NEN SEL V OUT FB0 FB1 5 6 1X High Z 00 V OUT0 01 V OUT1 FN7462 Rev 0.00 Page 1 of 13 October 13, 2005 OSCILLATOR AND CONTROLNNSSYYNNCC NNEEWW ISL97702 Block Diagram VDVDDD SySynncchhrroonniizzaattiioonn UUnnder-Vder-Voolltatagege OOvveer-Temr-Temppeeraratuturere VDVDDD SSiigngnalal DDeetteeccttoorr DeDetteeccttoorr DeDetteeccttoorr 11 OOvveer-Cr-Cuurrerrenntt S2S2 MUMUXX DetDeteectoctorr (DC (DC)) OsOscciillllaattoror 00 VDVDDD CLCLKK VDVDDoutDout RESTRESTARTART DIDISASABLBLEE && WWAAIITT STSTARARTT SSttatate Me Maachinchinee VDVDDD (D(Defefaauulltt SSeqequueennccee)) 1.1. S Sofoftt IInnrruushsh 2.2. V VDDDDOUOUTT EEnnaabbllee OvOveerr-- 3.3. Sof Softt BooBoosst 2t 255 VoVollttaaggee VVoutout 4.4. Sof Softt BooBoosst 5t 500 22 DeteDetectoctorr 5.5. Sof Softt BooBoosst 7t 755 6.6. N Noorrmmaall ANANDD AANNDD SlSlooppee LXLX ENEN CoCompmpeennssaattiioonn AsAs RRaammpp-G-Geneneerratatoorr GaGatete FBFB11 DriDrivveerr CoConnttrrooll LLoogigicc S1S1 --PPWWMM TTimiminingg EErrorrror AvAv -C-Cuurrerrenntt L Liimmiitt AAmmppliflifieierr --PPulsulsee SSkkiippppiinngg CcompCcomp CuCurrerrenntt ClClamampp LiLimmiitt AiAi FBFB00 ComComppaarraattoror S0S0 VVoollttageage RefRefeerenrenccee RsenRsRseesennssee GNGNDD IISSL97702L97702 FIGURE 1. ISL97702 BLOCK DIAGRAM FN7462 Rev 0.00 Page 2 of 13 October 13, 2005 SSEELL