AAC/DCC Connverteer Nonn-Isolaation Buck Convverterr PWMM methhod 12 W 122 V BBM2P0016 RRefereence BoarrdNoticce High Voltage Saffety Preccautions Read aall safety prrecautions before usee Please note thaat this doocument ccovers onnly the BBM2P016 evaluationn board (BM2P0016-EVK-002) and itss functionss. For addditional infoormation, pplease refeer to the datasheeet. To ensuure safe operatioon, please carefuully read all precautions before handlingg the evaaluation bboard Depeending on tthe configuuration of the board aand voltagees used, Poteentially lethal volltages may be geenerated.. Thereefore, please make sure to read and oobserve all saafety precautions describeed in the reed box beloww. Before UUse 1 Verify tthat the parts/componennts are not damaged or mmissing (i.e. due to the ddrops). 2 Check that there are no conduuctive foreignn objects on the board. 3 Be careeful when peerforming sooldering on the module aand/or evaluation board to ensure thhat solder splash does not occcur. 4 Check that there iss no condenssation or waater droplets on the circuuit board. During UUse 5 Be careeful to not allow conductive objects to come intoo contact witth the board. 6 Brief aaccidental ccontact or eeven bringinng your hannd close to tthe board mmay result inn dischaarge and leaad to severee injury or ddeath. Therefore, DO NOT toouch the boaard with your bare hannds or bringg them too cclose to thee board. In addition, as mentioneed above pleease exercisse extreme ccaution whenn using condductive toolss such as tweezers annd screwdrivvers. 7 If used under condditions beyonnd its rated vvoltage, it maay cause deefects such aas short-circuit or, dependding on the ccircumstances, explosioon or other permanent daamages. 8 Be suree to wear inssulated glovves when handling is reqquired duringg operation. After Usee 9 The ROOHM Evaluattion Board ccontains the circuits whicch store the high voltagee. Since it stoores the chargess even after the connectted power circuits are cuut, please disscharge the electricity affter using it, and pplease deal wwith it after cconfirming such electric discharge. 10 Protectt against eleectric shockss by wearingg insulated gloves when handling. This evaluuation boarrd is intendded for usee only in reesearch annd developpment facilities and should by handled oonly by quualified peersonnel faamiliar with all safeety and opperating procedurees. We recommmend carrrying out operation inn a safe environment that includdes the usee of high voltage siggnage at all entrancees, safety innterlocks, aand protecttive glassees. wwww.rohm.comm HVBB01E 22019 ROHMM Co., Ltd. All rights reseerved.