The PTZTE2510B is a Mosfet Pack from ROHM Semiconductor, used in a range of power switching and measurement applications. It is an N-channel Mosfet pack made of a single package containing four N-channel MOSFETs arranged in a configured 4x4 array.
The PTZTE2510B is considered to be a compact, low on-resistance MOSFET package with high-speed switching ability and resistance to over-current conditions. It has a breakdown voltage of 30V, a gate threshold voltage of -2.5V, and a gate-source voltage of ±20V. It has a drain current of 0.25A, a drain-source on-resistance of 0.0308O, and a maximum power dissipation of 1W. It is also temperature-stable and highly integrated.
The PTZTE2510B is suitable for a range of applications related to switching and power management, including DC-DC converters, server power supplies, and over-current protection circuits.