X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 214061 Screwdrivers, Nut Drivers & Socket Drivers across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 214061 Screwdrivers, Nut Drivers & Socket Drivers are a product manufactured by Ruko. We provide cost-effective solutions for Screwdrivers, Nut Drivers & Socket Drivers, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

214061 Ruko

214061 electronic component of Ruko
214061 Ruko
214061 Screwdrivers, Nut Drivers & Socket Drivers
214061  Tools & Supplies

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See Product Specifications
Part No. 214061
Manufacturer: Ruko
Category: Screwdrivers, Nut Drivers & Socket Drivers
Description: DRILL BIT, TWIST, 6.1MM, 63MM
Datasheet: 214061 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 3.7555 ea
Line Total: USD 3.76 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 04 Apr to Thu. 10 Apr
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 3.7555
5 : USD 3.5453

Product Category
Drill Bit Size Metric
Drill Bit Size Imperial
Effective Length
Overall Length
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 214061 from our Screwdrivers, Nut Drivers & Socket Drivers category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 214061 and other electronic components in the Screwdrivers, Nut Drivers & Socket Drivers category and beyond.

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Stock Image CFR-25JB-52-15K
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( ) Spiralni svedri DIN 338 Spiralbohrer DIN 338 TSpiralna svrdla DIN 338 roubovit vrtky DIN 338 typu NPunte elicoidali DIN 338 tipo NBrocas helicoidais DIN 338 tipo NCsigafrk DIN 338, N tpusWSpiraalboren DIN 338 TForets DIN 338 type N, HSS lamins et taills meuls, HSS revtus TSpiraliniai grtai DIN 338, N tipoBurghie spirale DIN 338 tip NBrocas espirales DIN 338 tipo NTDIN 338 N TSpiralbor DIN 338 type Nwist drills DIN 338 type Nierto krte DIN 338 typ N ipi Matkap Ular DIN 338 yp Nype Ntiptip N N OCT 10902-77 N iN et HSS Cobalt 5% Burghiu elicoidal de nalt performan, destinat lucrrilor de WVANagyteljestmny csigafr, alkalmas minden normlis Punta elicoidale dalle elevate prestazioni adatta Potente taladro helicoidal adecuado para todos los trabajos de Effektivt spiralbor egnet til alle normale borearbejder VKonvansiyonel malzemelerde normal delme ilemiSterk presterende spiraalboor geschikt voor Leistungsstarker Spiralbohrer VForets HSS queue cylindrique pour la ralisation deHigh performance twist drill suitable for all normal drilling Efektyvus spiralinis grtas, tinkantis normaliam vis ysoce vkonn spirlov vrtk vhodn isoko zmogljiv spiralni sveder isoko kvalitetno spiralno svrdlo broca helicoidal de alta potncia, adequada a ierto krte o zwikszonej wydajnoci przydatne do wszystkich , geeignet fr alle gurite normale, n materiale cu uz general. in conventional materials.procesw wiercenia we wszystkich oglnie stosowanychperages dans la plupart des matriaux courants.frsi munklathoz az ltalban hasznlatos anyagokban.al het normale boorwerk in algemeen gangbare materialen.normalen Bohrarbeiten in allgemein gngigen Wtodos os trabalhos de perfurao em materiais comuns.pro vechny normln vrtac prce v bnch materilech.za sva obiajna buenja.a tutti i normali lavori di foratura con tutti i materiali comuni.za vsa obiajna vrtanja.taladrado habituales en materiales comunes.i gngse materialerprast mediag grimui.iin uygun yksek performansl matkap ucu . erkstoffen. materiaach.. SpitzenanschlifAfCscskszrls:Point cut:Konica svedra:Afiamento: Afilado de punta:pica svrdla:AfTOyma ucu:BrouenPunthoek:PunctGrimoilslibning:ftage de la pointe:filatura d. punte: de antgalis: tiere: hrotu: f:Kegleflade helical point bruena navadna, bruena afiamentospiralinisafhelisel u Kegelmantelanschlifkppalst kszrlsfilatura a tazzaKegelmanteldpouille coniquepunctdocnica, rectificacin del cuerpo exterior kuele em elicoidal chanfrof Spiralwinkel:Sklon roubovice:Kot spirale:Kut spirale:Angolo de spirale:Helix angle:Spiraalhoek:Angulo de espiral:Unghiul elicoidaleSpirlszg:Spiralvinkel:SzlifAngle dhlice:HeliksSraigto kampas:ngulo helicoidal: ostrza: as: : 20-30 : 20-3020-3020-30 20-3020-3020-30 20-3020-3020-3020-3020-3020-3020-3020-30Szlif boczny stoka T-tolerncia: Kt-T-TTT-tolerance: toleranca: toleranca:-T-T tolerans: tolerance: nuokrypis:-trs: oleranolrance sur le :olerance : oleranz:olerantie:olerancia: olleranza:pochylenia : pt : liniih8h8h8h8 h8rubowej: h8h8h820-30h8h8h8h8h8h8h8 20-30 ExecuiepravoeznTSaDesno rezanjeDeininisTCorte direita rechtsschneidendcoupe droitede corte a la derecha-Hjreskrenderight hand cuttingjobbosDesno smerno rezanjeRechtssnijdendaglio destrorsoolerancja : taraftan: dreaptgrimas kesim h8 h8 Skrawanie prawostronne UnitiPakkeenhed:Pakiranje: v PVC katlicahPacking unit:Unit demballage:Balen: v plastovch obalechPakiranje: u PVC kutijamaOpakowania: w tworzywa sztucznegoUnidad de empaquetado:VVCsomagolsiAmbalajlama birimi:Unit dimballo:Unidade de venda:Pakuot:erpakkingseenheid:erpackungseinheit: de plastikin mpachetare: egysg:: i kunststofpakningin plastic box dut in confezione di plasticaem embalagens de plstico plastik kutuda in Kunststof in kunststofverpakkingmanyag en emballage plastiquen cutiienvases de plstico de dobozbanfverpackung plastic HSS-RHSS-RHSS-RHSS-R laminHSS-RHSS-RHSS-R (Haddeli)HSS-R valcuotasHSS valjaniHSS-RHSS-RHSS-RHSS rolledHSS-RHSS-RHSS-RHSS valjana HSS-GHSS-GHSS-G tekintasHSS-GHSS-GHSS brueniHSS groundHSS-G taill meulHSS-GHSS-GHSS-GHSS-GHSS-GHSS-G (THSS-GHSS bruenaHSS-G alanm) GrimoHrot vrtku:UitdunningPonteiraPoint cut:Konica svedra:AfSpids:Ausspitzung:PunctAdelgazamiento de la punta:Wpica svrdla:filatura d. punteyostrzenie de : : antgalis: tiere : af: helical point iamentoNormale aanslijpingbruenaNormaltilslibning: szlif navadnaNormalanschlifnormln vbrusnormal: spiralinis afzwykyfilatura normale normal rectificacinf normal PunctUitdunning:Hrot vrtku:pica svrdla:Adelgazamiento de la punta:Point cut:Spids:WAfAusspitzung:Konica svedra:GrimoPonteira:filatura d. punte:yostrzenie: de : antgalis: tiere de from 3,0 mmVsde 3,0 mm odfra 3,0 mm :anaf od 3,0 mm odab od 3,0 mm 3,0 mm de la de 3,0 mm,nuo 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm da 3,0 mm 3,0 mm - za3,0 afkrydsslibning szlif krzyowy desde 3,0 mmwith split point Kreuzanschliffs krini obruskov brouen iamento esplitpoint geometriekrinom bruenjem kryminiscon affilatura a croce m ugalandimas c efter DIN 1412 Cr wg DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 Cu nach DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 Cz segundo DIN 1412 C podle DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 C Oyma ucu:Cscskialakts:Amincissement: normal u non Norml kszrls Amincissement:OymaCscskialakts: ucu: partir de 3,0 mm 3,0 3,0 mm mm-tl den DIN 1412 afftage croix C ayrk ulu selon DIN 1412 C Angulo de la puntaKut pice:Punct unghiularSpitdsvinkel:Galiuko kampas:Point angle:VSpaangroefSpitzenwinkel:Angolo di spogliaKtKot konice:ngulorcholov hel: ostrza : : :: 1 181111 18181 181:1818 11181: 18181 18181: 118 18 118 Spitdsvinkel: Spaangroef:Point angle:ngulo: Kut pice: VSpitzenwinkel:KtKot konice:Galiuko kampas:rcholov hel: ostrza: 1 18111 18181 1181811 1811818cu punct de ramnificare 18118 secondo DIN 1412 C con split point DINDIN 1412 C segn DIN 1412 C1412 C Angle de pointe:Cscsszg:Oyma as: 1 11818118 Oyma Angle de pointe: as: 1 11818Keresztlkszrls DIN 1412 C szerint Superficie: Suprafa: Povrina: Pavirius: Superficie:Overflade:Superfcie:Povrina: Oberflche:PowierzchniaSurface:Povrch:Oppervlak: : preta, temperada com vapor:black, steam temperedZwart, stoomontlaten ,crna,Sort, czarna, nalot paryrna,schwarz, dampfangelassenern,negru,juodas,nera, rinvenuta a vapore temperatur dampbehandlet kaljena poputn vaporizat grnegra, vaporizadadin not av s peobraena garais Overflade:Angolo di spoglia:Oppervlak:Powierzchnia:Angulo de la punta:Superfcie:Punct unghiularSurface:Povrch:Povrina:Oberflche:Pavirius:Povrina: : polida brightBlank 1svetla Blank18:jasna blanksvetlaleskl1 viesus18 118 118 Surface:Fellet: Yzey: siyah,noire, traitement vapeurfekete, buharla gzlt tavlanm Yzey:Cscsszg:Surface: parlakrectifie118 Superficie: Superficie:Suprafa:Fellet:: luciefnyes lucidabrillante Potente EfektyvBurghiuKvalitetnoBroca helicoidal LeistungsstarkerEfPunta elicoidale rullata dalle elevate prestazioni, di acciaio rapido diZmogljiv valjan sveder iz HSS jekla. Material je poboljan WiertoHigh VErs,ArSterk presterende gewalste spiraalboor van Hoge Sterkte Staal.Foret ysoce vkonn vlcovan spirlov vrtk z vysoce vkonn rychfektivt rullevalset spiralbor af hjprstations-hurtigstl. ilerdehengerelthlicodal performance krtetaladro elicoidal valcuot valjano kullanlano wzmocnionejcsigafrlamin helicoidal , rollgewalzter Spiralbohrer aus Hochleistungs- de alta potncia em ao rpido. vluit svrdlogrtrolled en deyksek nagyteljestmnyiz laminada sudaroacier twist drill naltHSS ,konstrukcji rapide. hzl elika. performantvirtas,de eliktenconsisting acero Ce Materijal wykonane didel foret gyorsaclbl. rpido oluandin greitotenu Atravs do processo jeof heavy-duty high oel wvaljande technologii atlaikantisyksekpar rapidaltas novimlaminage deprestaciz perfor novim nalt pliewal, ----- EfSterk presterende geslepen spiraalboor van Hoge Sterkte Staal.VVHigh performance ground twist drill consisting of heavy-duty high speedBroca helicoidal de alta potncia rectificada em ao rpido. ArWiertoVLeistungsstarkerEfektyvusLe foret taill meul est plus prcis gomtriquement.ysoceisokoisoko zmogljiv bruen spiralni sveder iz HSS jekla. fektivt slebet spiralbor af hjprstations-hurtigstl. ilerde kvalitetnovkonnkrte tekintas kullanlanszlifowane brouen, geschlif brueno spiralinis yksek ofener Spi spirlov spiralnowzmocnionej grtas, hzl ralbohrer aus Hochleistungs- svrdlovrtk eliktenpagamintas zkonstrukcji iz vysoce HSS oluan elika.ivkonn patvaraus,z yksekwysokowydaj rychloez perfor didel--- manslperforman.ones. Door de gewalste productiemethode wordt het materiaal versterktchaud, n est pas trs prcis gomtriquement mais prsente une certaineSchnellarbeitsstahl. Durch das rollgespeed valjanim proizvodnim procesom in je bolj odporen proti zlomu.APga. produktionsmloeznde fabrico em laminao alta qualit. Grazie al processo di produzione rullato, il materiale siproizvodnim procesom i je odporniji protiv loma.cowanianas. hengerelsi MediagaGracias steel. haddelenmoceli. z wysokowydajnej Datorit The material Dkya eljrssal sustiprintalos ivrobetoden bliver materialet komprimeret og og byder procedimientos matkapprocedurii trtncilndrica, o material solidificado vlcovnmvalcavimois strengthened sta ucu. lide gyrtsnakszybkotncej. Malzemefabricarede produccin walzte Herstellungsverfahren gamybosse materil. prinhaddelenmiby the rolled ksznheten procesuDzikivluire, con cilindro zpevuje zastosowaniu materialuluiir retim production yra e oferece aza zvyujerotativo atspaanyag ile ---i Det komplet slebne spiralbor har en forget koncentricitet. manslPunta De compleet geslepen spiraalboor heeft een verhoogde rondloopAsteel. Potente Svrdlo je po cjelini brueno i je vrlo precizno.BurghiuSchnellarbeitsstahlnErs,CelotnonejIl ofgreit broca helicoidal oceli.fre une trs bonne concentricit et d excellentes performancesstali atlaikaniokszrltThe fully ground twist drill has a more precise concentricityelicoidale rettificata dalle talanm taladro bruenelicoidal Kompletnszybkotncej. csigafr helicoidal svederplieno. lefuitmatkap. Der komplett gecompletamente brouen T jeCakowicie deekintas nagyteljestmny ucu.rectificado izredno nalt spirlov T amamenspiraliniselevate performannatanen. rectificada szlifowane schlifde vrtkacero prestazioni, grtastalanmfene Spiralboh gyorsaclbl. zajiuje rpido dispe dinwierto turi oel matkap di tikslesn de zvenou de uma preciacciaio rapidokrterapidrer verfgt altas ucu posiadakoncendepresta . pesdaha nal------- miylesetakiejel material se fija y ofrece una proteccin contra roturas ms elevada.indurisce e ofprocess and is more resistant to fracture.lasticit qui le rend moins fragile la rupture.sledes en forget brudsikkerhed.semaior segurana contra rupturas.en is de breukbestendigheid groterwird der Wmegersdik,resn conferbezpenost glendirilmitirtechnologiitrkimams. erkstofrezisten fre una maggiore sicurezza alla rottura. s proti ezltal f verfestigt und bietet eine erhhte Bruchsicherheit.wytwarzania lomu. i ve dobndetenagyobb darbelere nastpuje trs. okar siguran elleni daha utwardzenie vdelemmel la dayankldr rupere materiau mrit.rendelkezik na-- tnostdi alta qualit. La punta elicoidale completamente rettificata vanta unanauwkeurigheid.ciones. El taladro completamente rectificado dispone de una elevadaso do brao giratrio elevado.Aber eine erhhte Rundlaufgenauigkeit.kusursuzwikszde coupe.trikum. teljesen kszrlt csigafr nagyobb futspontossggal rendelkezik. performan. vystednho dokadno yapya Burghiul sahiptir bhu. ruchu elicoidal obrotowego. lefuit Z completakresy zdispuneastoso w ade: od onalt stali, Uygulamarzdziareas Upotreba: Uporabnost: za .de aplicacin: para acero, fundicin de acero aleada oraz alanlar: zwikszenielegirana in nelegirana elik, alamljego odpornoci ve alamszjekla do trdote na pknicia. dkme demir 900 N/mm, Zakresyy no ale (900 za N/-- Anvendelsesomrder: maggiore precisione di coassialit.precisin de giro. reas de aplicacin: para acero, fundicin de aceroApplication precizie Upotreba:Uporabnost: za Uygulamastaliwa zwykego a rotiriialanlar:areas: for steel, alloyed concentrice.legirana in nelegirana i stopowego elik,Til stl, alaml Domenii(ostlgods legeret og wytrzymaoci veand unalloyed alamsz dejekla do trdote utilizare: do dkme .900 pentrucast iron ulegeret (til 900 N/mm), demir900 N/mm, oel, (up to a (900 eliwapiese N/ mm diren), gri, dvlebilir demirOblastistosowa:ada Settori Anvendelsesomrder: reas de aplicao: para ao, Application Champs dapplication :zaDomeniiTsivo litinoEinsatzgebiete:Alkalmazsi terletek: aclhoz, tToepassingsgebied:aikymo sritys: plie legirani(hasta di impiego: pouit: de, odkovke, sintrana jekla, nikelj, grafit, aluminij ido areas: for steel, alloyed nelegirani900 utilizare:: stali, proN/mm , nas grynas ketus ir jo lydiniai per ocel, staliwa pentru elikTacciaio, il stl, de litou dozwykegoresistencia), oel, ocelstlgods tvrdoeao fundido ligado e getto piese, esnek ve dkm demiri, sinterlen legovanou vztt s tvzetlen, aclntvand unalloyed di acciaio legato e non i 900 turnate legeret og ulegeret (til stopowegofundicin N/mm, adin nelegovanou(iki 900 N/mm tvir oel sivude cast iron (ono ligado (at wytrzymaocigris, aliatlitinu,in njegove fundicini(up to a sintrani (s 900 N/nealiatlegato pev--- N/mm OblastiSettori di impiego: per acciaio, getto d acciaio legato e non legato (fiTaleada strength of 900 N/mm), greyturnatereas de aplicao: para ao, zaEinsatzgebiete:sivo litinoAlkalmazsi terletek: Champs dapplication :mm diren), gri, dvlebilir szarego,Taikymo sritys: plienas grynas ketus ir jo lydiniai (iki 900 N/mm tviroepassingsgebied: legirani styrke), y pouit:din cigliwego,, odkovke, sintrana jekla, nikelj, grafit, aluminij no i oelnelegiranialeada : gr-, proaliat, ocel, (hasta itemper-, sferoidalnego elik nealiataclhoz, tvztt litou do900 demir sejjern- og trykgods, ocel, malleable, (rezistentvrdoeao fundido ligado e N/mm , esnek ve dkm demiri, sinterlen legovanoui odleww 900 de pn N/mm,ductile and die-cast iron, s resistencia), cinieniowych,a tvzetlen aclntv lanelegovanou 900 sivusinterjern, nyslvno ligado (at N/mm), litinu,fundicin in njegove spiekw sintrani(s piese pevde----, minost elik,maleable, fundicin dctil y fundicin prensada, hierro sinterizado,strength of 900 N/mm), greyvoor staal, gietstaal gelegeerd en ongelegeerd (tot 900 N/mm sterk900 N/mm de dureza), ferro-gusa, ferro fundido zlitine, bron in medenino.mm pour les aciers doux non allis et faiblement allis (jusqu une rsistance(fino a 900 N/mm di resistenza), ghisa grigia, ghisa malleabile, ghisafr Stahl, Stahlgu legiert und unlegiert (bis 900 N/mm do(nyhez (900 N/mm tumo) (rezisten 900 demir styrke), do nikalj, pilkas,N/mm),900 , pnnikel -grafit, N/mm), gr-, lankstus, gm,laeliwa900 900aluminijtemper-, szilrdsgig), szrke-, temper/edou, N/mm), szarego,kalus grafit,), i njegove sejjern- og trykgods, ,temperovanou, ir, malleable, pieselietasksa cigliwego, yontma deligure,slegiant font ductile and die-cast iron, bron aluminyum, sferoidalnegotvrnou cenuie, ketus imalevel, mesing. , gmbgrafitos ssinterjern, nyslv lakuotaa fonttlakovou alamlar,Festigkeit), maleabil,i ferro funodleww geleis litinu, pi ----, nost (elik,grafit, kortspntagende aluminiumlegeringerdeno a 900 N/mm di resistenza), ghisa grigia, ghisa malleabile, ghisavoor staal, gietstaal gelegeerd en ongelegeerd (tot 900 N/mm sterkgris, fundicin maleable, fundicin dctil y fundicin prensada, hierro900 N/mm de dureza), ferro-gusa, ferro fundido sintered nyhez (900 N/mm fr Stahl, Stahlgu legiert und unlegiert (bis 900 N/mm zlitine, bron in medenino. elaznych,pour les aciers doux non allis et faiblement allis (jusqu une rsistancemitumo) font demir do nikalj, pilkas, cenuie,900 iron, , mosidzw nikel -grafit, N/mm), nickel lankstus, 900 gm,font aluminij szilrdsgig), silver/edou, wysokoniklowych, maleabil,kalus , ), grafit,ig njegover ,atemperovanou, irp lietash i ksatfonteszrke-, temper, s ligure, slegianthyontma ode rgrafitu,t cgrafit h bron,, messing og bronze.itvrnou p ketus paluminyum nodularstopwin imalevel, g mesing. a, gmbgrafitos lakuotala um tlakovou ,aluminium pieseFestigkeit),i n i alamlar,u ferro funm geleis alloys, turnatelitinu, das ---- rin ve bronz.slinutcinieniowych,alpaca, grafit, kortspntagende aluminiumlegeringerte), de sferoidale, pressofusione, ferro sinterizzato, alpacca, grafite, leghe disintered iron, nickel silverdido dctil e Grau-, prsntvnyhez, szintervashoz, jezsthz, grafithoz, rvid forgnaujasidabris font900 grijs, de Telezo,N/mm), grafito, emper-, Sphro- und Druckgu, Sintereisen, Neusilbergrafittemper-, fundio por jacto, nodular grafitas aliuminio alpakualeaciones les spiekwnodulair fontes, , piese(nov , graphite, short chipping elaznych, en les de turnate stbro),spuitgietijzeralliages aluminio metal branco, grafite, lydiniai, sub grafit, d aluminium mosidzw presiune,que ,, kuriuose gesinterd suelten hlinkov, messing og bronze. fier faiblement wysokoniklowych,susidaro aluminium poca sinterizat,ijzer slitinyliga de alum , viruta, nieuwzilver sallis, trumpos krtkoualpaca,,alloys, latn csles-,, slinutsubsferoidale, pressofusione, ferro sinterizzato, alpacca, grafite, leghe dite), dido dctil e brass and bronze.sinterizado, Grau-, prsntvnyhez, jcychde 900 N/mm), les fontes, le bronze et le laiton, les alliages d aluminiumpirin ve bronz.naujasidabris grijs, presiune, krtkieTelezo,emper-, Sphro- und Druckgu, Sintereisen, Neusilbertemper-, alpaca, fundio por jacto, wirygrafitas fier alpakuszintervashoz, jezsthz, grafithoz, rvid forgcs nodulair sinterizat,, mosidzugrafito, (novaliuminio en aleaciones alpaca,stbro),spuitgietijzer i brzu.lydiniai, metal branco, grafite, grafit, grafit, de kuriuose ,, aluminio gesinterd aliaje hlinkov desusidaro que aluminiuijzer slitinyliga de alum suelten , nieuwzilvertrumpos s cukrtkou, pocapanat--,, grafitu,y bronce.alluminio con trucioli corti, ottone e bronzo.nio de aparas curtas, lato e bronze.grafiet, kortverspanende aluminiumlegeringen, messing en brons.matires plastiques, le bois.brass and bronze.Graphit, kurztskou,alumnium tvzetekhez, srgarzhez s bronzhoz.atplaios grafit,, aliaje stopwmosaz alvaris de spanende aluminiu aaluminium bronz. ,ir bronza. Aluminiumlegierungen, Messing und Bcu pandajcych de lungime krtkie, scurt, wiry, mosidzualam . i bronz. i rbrzu. onz e. dealluminio con trucioli corti, ottone e bronzo.grafiet, kortverspanende aluminiumlegeringen, messing en brons.nio de aparas curtas, lato e bronze.viruta, latn y bronce.tskou,Graphit, kurzalumnium tvzetekhez, srgarzhez s bronzhoz.faiblement allis les matires plastiques, le bois.plaios ,lungime mosazalvaris scurt,spanende a ir bronz. bronza. ,alam Aluminiumlegierungen, Messing und Bronze. i bronz. , . HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Cobalt 5%HSS Co 5 bruenaHSS Co 5 brueniHSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS-G Co 5HSS Co 5 groundHSS-G Co 5 tekintas HSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-THSS-THSS-G THSS-THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G THSS-G TiN bruenaiN groundiN brueniiNiNiNiNiN tekintasiNiNiNiNiNiNiNiNiN Cscskialakts:Konica svedra:Amincissement:Grimopica svrdla:Ponteira:WSpids:Uitdunning:Point cut:Hrot vrtku:Oyma ucu:PunctAusspitzung:AfAdelgazamiento de la punta:filatura d. punte:yostrzenie: de : antgalis:tiere de from 3,0 mmVsde 3,0 mm odfra 3,0 mm : anaf 3,0 mm den sonra DIN 1412 C apraz bileme ulu od 3,0 mm odab partir de 3,0 mm od 3,0 mm 3,0 mm de la de 3,0 mm, nuo 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm da 3,0 mm 3,0 3,0 mm -mm-tl za krinom bruenjem3,0 afkrydsslibning szlif krzyowy desde 3,0 mmwith split pointKreuzanschliffs krini obruskov broueniamento esplitpoint geometrie kryminiscon affilatura a croce afftage croix m ugalandimas c efter DIN 1412 Cr wg DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 Cu DIN 1412 C nach DIN 1412 C z segundo DIN 1412 C podle DIN 1412 C selon DIN 1412 C DIN DIN 1412 C DIN1412 1412C C GrimoPonteira:WOyma ucu:Cscskialakts:pica svrdla:Uitdunning:Adelgazamiento de la punta:Amincissement:AfSpids:PunctAusspitzung:Point cut:Konica svedra:Hrot vrtku:filatura d. punte:yostrzenie: de : antgalis:tiere de from 3,0 mmVsde 3,0 mm od: fra 3,0 mm anaf 3,0 mm den sonra DIN 1412 C apraz bileme ulu od 3,0 mm ab od partir de 3,0 mm od 3,0 mm 3,0 mm de la de 3,0 mm nuo 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm da 3,0 mm 3,0 3,0 mm -mm-tl za krinom bruenjem3,0 af krydsslibningwith split pointszlif krzyowy desde 3,0 mmKreuzanschliffs krini obruskov broueniamento esplitpoint geometrie kryminiscon affilatura a afftage croixm ugalandimas c efter DIN 1412 Cr nach DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 C DIN 1412 Cuwg DIN 1412 C z segundo DIN 1412 C podle DIN 1412 C c selon DIN 1412 Cr DIN 1412 Co DIN 1412 Cce DIN 1412 C Spitdsvinkel: Point angle: Kut pice:Galiuko kampas:V ngulo: Kot konice:Oyma KtSpitzenwinkel:Angle de pointe:Spaangroef:rcholov hel: ostrza: as: 130 130130130 130130 130130130130130 cu punct de ramnificare Keresztlkszr130secondo DIN 1412 C con split pointls DIN 1412 C szerint DINDIN 1412 C segn DIN 1412 C1412 C Spitdsvinkel: KtPoint angle:OymaSpitzenwinkel: Vngulo:Kut pice:Kot konice: Galiuko kampas:Spaangroef:Angle de pointe:rcholov hel: ostrza: as: 1 1811 1181181 1181811118181 181818cu punct de ramnificare18Keresztlkszr118secondo DIN 1412 C con split pointls DIN 1412 C szerint DIN DIN 1412 C segn DIN 1412 C1412 C Overflade:Surface:Angulo de la punta: Povrina: Pavirius:Cscsszg:Superfcie:Powierzchnia: Punct unghiularPovrch: Yzey: Povrina:Angolo di spoglia:Oberflche:Surface:Oppervlak: : castanho dourado golden brownGoudbruin130zlatnoGuldbrunaltnzotobrzowa: zlato rjavagoldbraunbronzezlatohnd 130 130aukso rudumo130 kahverengi smea 130 Overflade: Povrina: Angulo de la punta: Surface: Powierzchnia:Yzey: Povrch:Punct unghiularSuperfcie:Cscsszg:Povrina: Pavirius:Oberflche: Angolo di spoglia:Oppervlak:Surface: : revestida TT 1TTiN coatingiN coatingT:18azotku tytanu iN prevlakaitan-NitridTTnitrure de titaneiN kaplamanitridu titanu1itan-Nitrid beschichtetiN prevlekaT1 1818iN danga1 18a TiN 118 Superficie: Suprafa:Fellet:Superficie: : maroaranybarnaoro - auriumarone-marrn dorado Suprafa: Superficie:Superficie: Fellet: : azoturT-itn-Nitrid bevonarivestimento T de titannitruro de titanio (TiN tos iN) Legeret Like TTJako HSS-G plus legovn kobaltem.Jak HSS-G plus dodatek kobaltu. Domieszka kobaltu zapewnia wyComo HSS-G com liga de cobalto. HSS-GKaip ir HSS-G plus, bet su kobalto priemaiomis. Wie HSS-G, mit Identique HSS taill meul mais avec un alliage base de cobalt.Zoals HSS-G plus kobaltgelegeerd. Het kobaltgehalte zorgt voor eenako kao HSS-G ali sa dodanim kobaltom. ako kot HSS-G vendar z dodanim cobaltom.HSS-G plus asom HSS-G plus plus benzerKobaltlegierungcobalt , %5alloyed. kobolt. Kobolt kobaltThe . alamlcobalt A quantidade andelen (HSS-E).content srger for en hjere ensures Kobaltde cobalto res ierikincreased artan-- Coatet som HSS-G plus titan-nitrid. Pga. Like HSS-G plus titanium nitride coating. JakoJakHSS-GTRevestida TKaipWie HSS-G, mit Zoals HSS-G plus titaannitrid coating. Mme foret que HSS taill meul avec revtement en nitrure de titane.ako ako HSS-G irkot kao HSS-G HSS-G plus aHSS-G HSS-G como HSS-G mais nitreto de titnio. plus plus plus,benzervendar Tpowokaali itan-Nitrid-Beschichtung. Durch die povlak bets ,titan sutitanyums titanium titano nitriduznitrid azotku nitrido prevlakom. nitrittitanu.nitrid tytanu. danga.kaplamal.prevleko. DkyThe TDzikiT iN belgningen forgerTvrstviN TiNiN wear resistant coatprevlaka TnusidvjimuiTAtravs do revestiiN iNpowoce zprevleka anmaTTiNiN-Beschichdaje se T iNmu zvyujedirenli mu atspari twardajetvr ----- varmebestandighed.heat resistance. Como el HSS-G con una aleacin de cobalto.Prisutnost kobalta digne mu temperaturni prag. ponsvel por uma elevada estabilidade de dureza a temperaturas.KobaltasCaPodlVsebnost cobalta mu dvigne temperaturni prag. Come l HSS-G, ma anche legata al cobalto. La parte di cobalto garanHSS-G frkhoz hasonl, kobalt tvzettel. sokDer Kobaltanteil sorgt fr eine hhere WLes 5 % de cobalt lui confrent une rsistance accrue l chaufshogere hittebestendigheid. direncini iHSS-G, odpornokobaltuHSS-G utikrina garanti zajiujeplus na geresnaliat ederpodwyszone vy cu. cobalt.atsparum odolnost Coninutultemperatury .tvrdosti kariui.armhrtebestndigkeit. deza A. kobalt tartalom gon Zakresytepla.cobalt contribuie zastosowa:fement. la o-- overfladehrdheden sig til ca. 2.300 HV og varmebestandigheden tildodangamento em ing douCaComo el HSS-G ms un recubrimiento de nitruro de titanio.HSS-G frkhoz hasonl,TCome l HSS-G, ma anche con rivestimento di nitruro di titanio.trdnosttung erhht sich die Oberflchenhrte auf ca. 2.300 HV und die Wtvrdost povrchu na cca 2300 HV a odolnost tvrdosti za tepla do 600 C.Door kaplaamLa trs grande duret du revtement i increases povrinepowierzchni de HSS-G HSS-G, sustiprinapovrine TyzeyiN-coating titnio, a plus the oko sertliini priblinopaviriaus surface acoperitzewntrznej2,300dureza superficial aumenta para aprox. 2.300 HV wordt de opper HV 2,300yaklak hardness cu tvirtum -.itn-Nitridi temperaturniun HVulega strat olarakin ikito T vlaktehardheid temperaturniiN (envdezwikszeniu bevonattal. madaugapprox. nitrur2,300 prag. 2300 HV) donne au foret2,300 do deHV ye2300 600pragtitan.doA verhoogd HV T HV ok. C.iN bevonatnak vedo Prin and ir s2.300Idealno600 atsparum stratuldirencinithe C.tot ca. HVarmheat kodT deiN a- El porcentaje de cobalto proporciona una gran termorresistencia.doskodiktisce una maggiore resistenza termica.doduritate stali zwykychla magas cald crescut. hmrskleteni stopowych . (o wytrzymaocia kemny-sg domegrzsrl. 1100 N/mm), stali 600 C. Opnelse af hjere standtider ved forgede skrevrdierwytrzymaoke a estabilidade resistance Debido al recubrimiento de Idealenhrtebestndigkeit bis auf 600 C. Erzielung hoher Standzeiten bei erksznhetenGrazie al rivestimento Doclen2.300 HV en de hittebestendigheid protejareune meilleure rsistance la chaleur (jusqu 600C) et l usure.buenja600ar Ciui ye ipri zahtjevnihk dlouhmpotrivai 6 ykseltirto vrtanju00 600 naa Civotnosti de felleti . temperatur C. zahtevnihPasiekiamasmaterijala.uzurii dureza ArtanAchieves T iN, la durezza della superficie aumenta fino akemnysg T pikesmeiN,Ta temperaturas iN la dureza superficial materialov ivych duritatea poddo longer ilges deerleriyle teim600 kb.tot 600C. Met als resultaat ho nishodnotch tool superficialC in 2.300eksploatavimooptereenjima. tejei life para nastpuje aletin HVwith obremenitve. ezu.600 rtkre a de la increased daha unelteiC. Em valores wzrostlaikas2 herramienta uzun 300nvekszik, crete ircuttingywot HVmr padi., -la---- Anvendelsesomrder: Application areas: for unalloyed and alloyed steel (up to a strength ofUpotreba: reas de aplicao: OblastiTUporabnost: Einsatzgebiete:Champs dapplication:UygulamaTnarzdziowychaikymo sritys: grynas plienas ir jo lydiniai (iki 900 N/mm tvirtumo) oepassingsgebied: pouit: alanlar:za prodolegirana nelegovanpracyalaml para aos no ligados Til ulegeret og legeret stl (til 1 in na nelegirana vegorco aalamsz legovan i najekla zimno,elik oceledo e ligados (1 trdote (s1stali0 pevnost0 Ndo/1(at 1m100 100 N/mm mulepszania dodN/mm,100 N/ir e1100n), nocide corte elevados alcanado um tempo de aplicao superioraumenta a aprox. 2.300 HV y la termorresistencia hasta 600 C.dinamosvalues.aproximativcirca 2.300 HV e la resistenza termica fino a 600 C. Con l aumento deihhten Schnittwerten.gere standtijden bij verhoogde snijwaarden.Ces forets auront une dure de vie plus longue.melyl olm kemnysgenarzdziaas npjovimo 2.300sala przy r HV-.verts. Uygulamat 600 iarzwikszonych 600 stabilitatea C-ig C. alanlar: megriz. duritii parametrach elik, Hosszla alamlcald crete skrawania.lettartam ve pnalamsz la Zakresy elrse600 .dk C.- styrke), varm- og 1N/mm),reas Settori mm vroafr unlegierte und legierte Sthle (bis 1cieplnegovoor ongelegeerde Domenii100 N/mm), hot and cold-working steel, reinforced and case-hardde dureza), aos de processam inde di ocelehladnadeimpiego: aplicacin: i :nawglaniautilizare: pro proizvodnakoldstl, per prcipara en gelegeerde pentruacciai zateplaorazaceros sejhrdnings- jekla, oeluri legati stali ano zastudena,poboljanaodpornych e aliatealeados non staalsoorten (tot 1ento a quente e a frio, 100 N/mm Festigkeit) legati iog nealiatey indstningsstl ocelealeados najekla,(fino korozj kenerjavea a (rezisten(1 (hasta zulechovn100 100 N/mm i kwasoodN/mm , W1samt til ao de 100 in pnarm- kisN/di--- zastosowa:Anvendelsesomrder: CretereaVApplication areas: for steel, alloyed and unalloyed cast iron (up to aTUporabnost: valori di taglio si ottengono tempi pi lunghi tra le revisioni.Einsatzgebiete:OblastiUpotreba:aida til ms alta y cortes mejores. ik ym opouit: s rdurabilitiiity sza do: plienas grynas ketus ir jo lydiniai (iki 900 N/mm tvirtupro stali,legirana ocel, staliwatiuluiTil stl, litouin nelegi zwykego datoritocelstlgods r .alegovanoun arcaracteristicilor:e jia estopowegolegeret og ulegeret (til sk ldae d aaop tnelegovanoulircda oc(o tidee 1nwytrzymaoci, :achiere.Do 1p0a0r Na (sa/ mc1peve100 mro----,, zakartoAlkalmazsi terletek: tvzetlen s tvztt aclokhoz (1scakpour les aciers allis et non-allis (jusqu une rsistance de 1 legirani veir altosouk i nelegirani apdirbimo ileme demiri,elik plienas do takviyeli tvrdoearmuotas ve 11 yzeyir0 0grdintas N/ msertletirmelim, vcementavimur100 N/ mmu i 100 N/h lelik,adan me demir (1magasabb forgcsolsi rtkek mellett. 100 N/mm diren), gri, dvlebilir demirAlkalmaz, esnek ve dkmsi terletek: acl- a cementovn a tak antikorozn a kyselinovzdorn ocele.rust- og syrebestandigt stl.ened steel and also steel resistant to rust and acid.pornych.mm de resistencia), aceros para trabajo en fro y en caliente, aceros deresistenza), acciai per lavorazione a caldo e a freddo, acciai da bonifitratamento e ao cementado assim como para aos resistentes und Kaltarbeitssthle, Vlinsko odporna jekla.sterkte), la 1 1100100 N/mm),/warm en koud vervormbare staalsoorten, non-ferro- en in), oeluri refractareergtungs- und Einsatzsthle sowie fr i oeluri pentru prelucrare, la rece,rost--- doN/mm meniinost do 1reas de aplicao: para ao, strength of 1fundicin mo) sivo litinoSettori fr Stahl, Stahlgu legiert und unlegiert (bis 1Tza oepassingsgebied: legirani i 1100 pilkas, dedi impiego: styrke), N/mm),utilizare:100 N/mm), edou, temperovanou, tvrnou a tlakovou litinu,de , odkovke, sintrana jekla, nikelj, grafit, aluminij lankstus,nelegirani acero 100 N/mm), greygr-, eliwa pentrualeada per kalustemper-, elik acciaio, szarego, oel, y ir do no lietas piesesejjern- og trykgods, tvrdoealeada , malleable, ductile and die-cast iron,ao fundido ligado e getto cigliwego,slegiant turnate (hasta 1di acciaio legato e non 100( ketus dinN/mm100 N/mm 1sferoidalnego100 oel lakuotaN/mm , sivu litinu, sintrani sinterjern, nyslvaliatno ligado (at Festigkeit),i geleis de in njegove nealiat i odlewwresisten1100legato nau (re / ---, industrijskiszilrdsgig), meleg- s hideg krlmnyek kztt hasznlt aclokveplienas mm ayn), les aciers inoxydables, les fontes, le bronze et le laiton. zamandardims elik, ir nerajui rgtimspas ve aside iatsparus kislinsko dayankl plienas. odporan elik. elik. - demiri,hoz, t vztt s tvzetlen aclntv nyhez (1Champs dapplication: sinterlenmi demir , nikel gm, grafit,100 N/mm ksa yontmaszilrds alumin-- cementacin y bonificados as como aceros inoxidables y anticidos.ferrugem e a cidos.ca e da cementazione, acciai inossidabili e resistenti agli acidi.und surebestndige Sthlezetstalen evenals roest- en zuurbestendige staalsoorten.oeluri ameliorabile i oeluri .cementabile , ct i pentru oeluri rezisten-- ),cinieniowych,grafit, kortspntagende aluminiumlegeringerzistenslinutjasidabris 1cia), fundicin de gris, fundicin maleable, fundicin dctil y fundicinsintered iron, nickel silver(fino zlitine, bron in medenino.Grau-, voor elik,100 N/mm de dureza), ferro-gusa, ferro fundido a staal, nikalj,, 1Telezo, 100 emper-, Sphro- und Druckgu, Sintereisen, Neusilberpngrafitas gietstaal grafit,N/mm la alpaku 1spiekw 100aluminijaliuminio di gelegeerd N/mm),,resistenza), (nov , graphite, short chipping aluminium alloys,ielaznych, njegove lydiniai, stbro), pieseen ongelegeerd ghisa ligure, dekuriuose grafit,mosidzw fontgrigia, bron hlinkov , messing og bronze.cenuie,susidaro ghisa i(tot mesing. 1wysokoniklowych,100 malleabile, slitinymalevel, fonttrumpos N/mm maleabil,s ,krtkou atplaisterkghisaferro --- hoz, nemesthet s bettedzhet aclokhoz, valamint rozsdamentes yumgig), pour les aciers allis et non-allis (jusqu une rsistance de 1 szrke-, temperalamlar, pirin, gmbgrafitos s prsntvnyhez, ve bronz. szintervashoz,100 N/ te la rugin i la acid grafitu,fontbrass and bronze.os prensada, hierro sinterizado, alpaca, grafito, aleaciones de aluminiofundido sferoidale, pressofusione, ferro sinterizzato, alpacca, grafite, leghe diGraphit, kurzte), tskou,grijs, alvaris de stopw mosazdctil e fundio grafittemper-, ir spanende nodular bronza. aaluminium bronz.nodulair ,, pieseAluminiumlegierungen, Messing und Bronze. por jacto, metal branco, grafite, liga en dajcych turnatespuitgietijzer sub krtkie presiune,,, gesinterd wiry , fier mosidzu ,sinterizat,ijzer, nieuwzilver i brzu. alpaca,de alu-,, s savll aclokhoz. jezsthz, grafithoz, rvid forgmm), les fontes, le bronze et le laiton, les alliages daluminium faiblement cs alumnium tvzetekhez, srga- grafit,que suelten poca viruta, latn y bronce.mnio de aparas curtas, lato e bronze.alluminio con trucioli corti, ottone e bronzo.rzhez s bronzhoz.grafiet, kortverspanende aluminiumlegeringen, messing en brons.allis, les matires plastiques et le bois. Peuvent convenir pour l inox. aliaje de aluminiu , cu pan de .lungime scurt, alam i bronz. 20 FSpirSpirSpirPunte elicoidaliCsigafrkSpirWSpirrBrTBurSpirMa Brorwist drillsierouboocas espirocas helicoidaistkaetsghie spiralni svaalboralbohralna svraliniai galborta krtep ularvit vrerenedrirtaidlaalealestky 1.01 www.ruko.de ( ) Burghie spirale DIN 338 tip NBrocas helicoidais DIN 338 tipo NSpiraliniai grtai DIN 338, N tipoForets DIN 338 type N, HSS lamins et taills meulsCsigafrk DIN 338, N tpusWSpiralna svrdlaDIN 338 N TSpiraalboren DIN 338 TSpiralni svedriroubovit vrtky DIN 338 typu NSpiralbohrer DIN 338 TSpiralbor DIN 338 type NPunte elicoidali DIN 338 tipo NBrocas espirales DIN 338 tipo NTwist drills DIN 338 type Nierto krte DIN 338 typ N ipi HSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 ve HSS-G T DIN 338 DIN 338 DIN 338 yp Nype Ntiptip N N OCT 10902-77 N iN HSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 HSS-G Tmatkap ularHSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 e HSS-G THSS valjana, HSS bruena, HSS Co 5 bruena iHSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 a HSS-G THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 und HSS-G THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 en HSS-G THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 i HSS-G THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 e HSS-G THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 s HSS-G THSS rolled, HSS ground, HSS Co 5 ground and HSS-THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 og HSS-G THSS-R valcuoti, HSS-G tekinti, HSS-G Co 5 tekinti ir HSS-G THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 y HSS-G THSS revtus THSS-R, HSS-G, HSS-G Co 5 i HSS-G THSS valjani, HSS brueni, HSS Co 5 brueni iiN et HSS Cobalt 5% iNiNiNiNiNiNiNiNiNiNiN n HSS-T HSS-TiN brueniiN groundiN bruenaiN tekinti TCelotnaUkupnaComprimentoBendras ilgis,oplam uzunlukGesamtlngeTTTTLunghezzaLargo totalotale lengteotallngdeeljes hosszLungimea Longueur otal lengthCelkovdugo dolinaduina Pracovn dlkaDolinadugoDuinaGriovelio ilgis,ComprimentoSpirallngdeYWFlute lengthSpirlhosszLargo de la SpirallngeLunghezzaivLungimea Longueur erk lengte uzunluu spirale spiralespirali Referncia NArt. n N de artculoBrNo. articolonrrn koduArticle no.Artikel-NrArtikel-NrCikkszmNrUsak.nrt. artikla. proizvoda Artikelnr artykuu. articolisloHSS-R .... 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Tariff Desc

8204.11.00 TC 9810512 SPANNERS, drop forged

8205.40.00 TC 0844020 SCREWDRIVERS

8204.11.00 TC 0405019 HAND TOOLS, being EITHER of the following
(a) allen key sets
(b) hex keys

8204.12.00 TC 0110440 SPANNERS AND WRENCHES, adjustable, non calibrated

8204.20.00 TC 0009108 SOCKETS AND/OR SOCKET ACCESSORIES, being ANY of the following
(a) sockets
(b) reducers
(c) tommy bars with sliding T handles
(d) extensions
(e) ratchets with coupler
(f) reversible ratchets
(g) couplers
(h) universal joints
(i) L-handles
(j) speed braces
(k) converters
(l) swivel handles
(m) driving handles socket drivers
(n) ratchet adaptors
R15-2013-23-5230-WTL Industrial Relays by Relpol Retailers image

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Discover the R15-2013-23-5230-WTL Industrial Relay by Relpol, available at Xon Electronics. This electromagnetic 3PDT relay features a 230VAC coil voltage and a robust switching capacity of 10A for 250VAC or 24VDC applications. Designed for industrial automation, motor control, and power systems, i
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