Rev. 1.1, May. 2014 M393A1G40DB0 M393A1G43DB0 M393A2G40DB0 288pin Registered DIMM based on 4Gb D-die 78FBGA with Lead-Free & Halogen-Free (RoHS compliant) datasheet SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE PRODUCTS, INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT NOTICE. Products and specifications discussed herein are for reference purposes only. All information discussed herein is provided on anAS I basis, without warranties of any kind. This document and all information discussed herein remain the sole and exclusive property of Samsung Electronics. No license of any patent, copyright, mask work, trademark or any other intellectual property right is granted by one party to the other party under this document, by implication, estoppel or other- wise. Samsung products are not intended for use in life support, critical care, medical, safety equipment, or similar applications where product failure could result in loss of life or personal or physical harm, or any military or defense application, or any governmental procurement to which special terms or provisions may apply. For updates or additional information about Samsung products, contact your nearest Samsung office. All brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. (c) 2014 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. - 1 -Rev. 1.1 Registered DIMM datasheet DDR4 SDRAM Revision History Revision No. History Draft Date Remark Editor 1.0 - First SPEC. Release Mar. 2014 - S.H.Kim 1.1 - Added IDD & IPP value of x8 Product May. 2014 - S.H.Kim - Corrected IPP value of x4 Product - 2 -