HIGH-SPEED HERMAPHRODITIC CABLE (0.50 mm) .0197 PITCH HLCD SERIES HLCD POSITIONS WIRE END END 1 END END 2 WIRING HLCD Mates: - PER ROW - LENGTH - NO. 1 OPTION - NO. 2 OPTION - OPTION LSHM Leave Leave 20, 30, XX.XX TR TR 1 blank for blank for = Wire Length = Vertical, = Vertical, = Pin 1 to 40, 50 no screw no screw SPECIFICATIONS in Inches Top Right Top Right Pin 1 (Standard sizes) down. Screw down. (43.7 mm) down not Screw Cable: 01.72 TL TL 2 available down not 38 AWG 50 W coax cable minimum = Vertical, = Vertical, = Pin 1 to for TD, TH, available Signal Routing: Top Left Top Left Pin 2 BD & BH for TD 50 W Single-Ended options. TH, BD Plating: BR BR & BH 3 Au over 50 (1.27 m) Ni = Vertical, = Vertical, options. = Pin 1 to S Operating Temp Range: Bottom Bottom Pin N-1 = Screw -25 C to +105 C Right Right down S Current Rating: in PCB = Screw 4 0.9 A per pin BL BL down in = Pin 1 to (2 pins powered) = Vertical, = Vertical, PCB Pin N Bottom Bottom Left Left TD TD = Right- = Right- angle, angle, Top Top TH TH = Reversed = Reversed Right- Right- angle, angle, Top Top END TO END A BD BD = Right- = Right- Vertical to Vertical (21.84) .860 angle, angle, Vertical to Right-angle Bottom Bottom (25.35) .998 Vertical to Reversed Right-angle BH BH = Reversed = Reversed Right-angle to Right-angle Right- Right- Right-angle to Reversed Right-angle (28.85) 1.136 angle, angle, Bottom Bottom Reversed Right-angle to Reversed Right-angle B POSITIONS OAL = Wire Length + A PER ROW XR, XL XH, XD 01 (22.23) (18.42) 20 .875 .725 02 (24.77) (26.04) 30 .975 1.025 (32.39) (33.66) 40 1.275 1.325 B (40.01) (41.28) 50 1.575 1.625 N N-1 C Notes: END Cable lengths longer than C D OPTION 40.00 (1 meter) are not (16.51) (6.02) supported with S.I. test data. XL, XR .650 .237 D Design your full cable XD assembly with Samtecs (20.02) (6.71) High-Speed Cable Builder at .788 .264 XH www.samtec.com/cablebuilder END NO. 2 (TD SHOWN) END NO. 1 (TR SHOWN) Some lengths, styles and options are non-standard, non-returnable. F-221 samtec.com HLCD Unless otherwise approved in writing by Samtec, all parts and components are designed and built according to Samtecs specifications which are subject to change without notice.X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Rectangular Cable Assemblies category: Click to view products by Samtec manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : MC320E-N-23 A08KR08KR26E203B G125FC10668L0-0300L G125FC10668L0-0150L G125-FC11068L0-0150L G125-FC11068L0-0300L A06XAF06XAF22K254B A10XAF10XAF22K152B A13KR13KR26E254B A12SUR12SUR32W203A A16KR16KR26E203B A12KR12KR26E305A A12KR12KR26E305B A12ZR12ZR28H203B A12ZR12ZR28H203A A10SR10SR30K254A A09SR09SR30K305A A14KR14KR26E254A A14KR14KR26E254B A10ZR10ZR28H254A A09ZR09ZR28H305A A09ZR09ZR28H305B A13ZR13ZR28H203A A15KR15KR26E254A A13KR13KR26E305B A11ZR11ZR28H254A A11ZR11ZR28H254B A11SR11SR30K254A A12SUR12SUR32W254A A10ZR10ZR28H305A A14KR14KR26E305B A10ZR10ZR28H305B A12ZR12ZR28H254A A15KR15KR26E305A A15KR15KR26E305B A11SR11SR30K305A A11ZR11ZR28H305A A11ZR11ZR28H305B A13ZR13ZR28H254A A12SUR12SUR32W305A A12ZR12ZR28H305A A12ZR12ZR28H305B A20XAF20XAF22K51B A13ZR13ZR28H305A A20XAF20XAF22K102B A20XAF20XAF22K152B A20XAF20XAF22K203B A20XAF20XAF22K254B A20XAF20XAF22K305B A16XSR16XSR36R254B