X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of XS1N18PC410DSAJ Proximity Sensors across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. XS1N18PC410DSAJ Proximity Sensors are a product manufactured by Schneider. We provide cost-effective solutions for Proximity Sensors, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

XS1N18PC410DSAJ Schneider

XS1N18PC410DSAJ electronic component of Schneider
XS1N18PC410DSAJ Schneider
XS1N18PC410DSAJ Proximity Sensors
XS1N18PC410DSAJ  Sensors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. XS1N18PC410DSAJ
Manufacturer: Schneider
Category: Proximity Sensors
Description: PROXIMITY SENSOR, M18, PNP, 5MM, 24VDC
Datasheet: XS1N18PC410DSAJ Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 120.7 ea
Line Total: USD 120.7 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 04 Apr to Thu. 10 Apr
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 120.7
5 : USD 109.5255

Product Category
Sensing Range Max
Thread Size - Metric
Sensor Output
Supply Voltage Dc Min
Supply Voltage Dc Max
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the XS1N18PC410DSAJ from our Proximity Sensors category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the XS1N18PC410DSAJ and other electronic components in the Proximity Sensors category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
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Proximity Sensors INDUCTIVE SENSOR 24VDC 200MA XS
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Stock Image XS1N30PB349
Proximity Sensors INDUCTIVE SENSOR 24VDC 200MA XS
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Stock Image XS1N30NA349
Proximity Sensors INDUCTIVE SENSOR 24VDC 200MA XS
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Stock Image XS1N18PC410L1
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Stock Image XS1N18PC410L2TF
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Stock Image XS1N30PC410L1
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Stock Image XS1N18PC410DSCV
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Stock Image XS1N18PC410L2
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Stock Image XS1N18PC410TF
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Stock Image XS1N18PC410L1
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Stock Image XS1N18PC410L2TF
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Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables Pre-wired M12-5 pins-10m-PUR-straight
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Stock Image XZCP11V12L2
Sensor Cables / Actuator Cables Pre-wired M12-5 pins-2m-PUR-straight
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en fr de / / XS1NppPC410p - XS1ppB3PCp - XS4PppPC410p www.tesensors.com Inductive proximity sensor / Dtecteurs de proximit inductifs / Induktive Nherungsschalter Wiring Diagrams / Schmas de cblage / Schaltplne Electrical installation / Mise en oeuvre lectrique / Elektrische Installation (+ V) BN/1 DC 4 wires version / Versions DC 4 fils 3 4 4-Draht-DC- Versionen + BN Brown Brun Braun BK/4 NO PNP BU Blue Bleu Blau WH/2 NC BK Black Noir Schwarz Listing and Certification: WH White Blanc Wei Applicable on proximity switches BU/3 bearing the UL and CSA marks only: 1 2 (0 V) Enclosure : Type 4X, 12 & 13. NO NC Voltage limits (1) c 9...36 V Load switching capacity (2) 0...200 mA Voltage drop (3) < 2 V CAUTION / AVERTISSEMENT / VORSICHT Current consumption (4) < 10 mA HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, EXPLOSION RISQUE D ELECTROCUTION, D EXPLOSION STROMSCHLAG-, EXPLOSIONS- ODER Operating temperature (5) - 25...+ 70 C / - 13...+ 158 F -40...+70 C (-40...+158 F) and -25...+85 C (-13...+185 F), on order (6) OR ARC FLASH OU D ARC ELECTRIQUE LICHTBOGENGEFAHR p Vor dem Arbeiten an dem Gert dessen Stromversorgung p Disconnect all power before servicing equipment. p Coupez l alimentation avant de travailler sur cet appareil. (1) Limite de tension / Betriebsspannung abschalten. Conformity to safety SIL2 following EN/IEC 61508 p Use only the specified voltage when operating this p N utilisez que la tension indique pour faire (2) Courant commut / Schaltstrom p Verwenden Sie fr den Betrieb des Gerts sowie aller standards (7) PL=d following EN/ISO 13849-1 equipment and any associated products. fonctionner cet quipement et les produits associs. (3) Tension de dchet / Spannungsfall (Ausgang durchgesteuert) zugehrigen Produkte ausschlielich die angegebene SILcl2 following IEC 62061 Failure to follow these instructions can result Le non-respect de ces instructions peut provoquer Spannung. (4) Courant consomm / Leerlaufstrom Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Anweisungen kann in injury or equipment damage. des blessures ou des dommages matriels. (5) Temprature de fonctionnement / Betriebstemperatur Reliability data (8) MTTFd = 1810 years Krperverletzungen oder Sachschden zur Folge haben. PFHd = 62,9 10-9 1/h (6) -40...+70 C et / und -25...+85 C, sur commande / auf Bestellung The products have been designed in accordance Les appareils ont t conus daprs les normes Die Gerte wurden entsprechend den geltenden fr de (7) Conformit aux normes de scurit / Die Konformitt mit Sicherheitsstandards en SFF = 92% with the standards in effect: IEC 60947-5-2, en vigueur : IEC 60947-5-2, EN 62061 (2005), Normen IEC 60947-5-2, EN 62061 (2005), EN 61508 DC = 74% with safety controller (8) Donnes de fiabilit / Zuverlssigkeitsdaten EN 62061 (2005), EN 61508 (2010), EN ISO 13849-1 EN 61508 (2010), EN ISO 13849-1 (2008) afin dassurer (2010), (2008) to ensure the safety of machine operators and la scurit des oprateurs machines et la fiabilit de EN ISO 13849-1 (2008) konzipiert, um die Sicherheit der machine operating reliability, and have obtained the fonctionnement des machines, et ont obtenu la Maschinen zu gewhrleisten, und haben die TV-Zulassung Installation precautions / Prcautions de mise en uvre / Vorsicht bei der Inbetriebnhame TV certifications n44 788 13139303 (XS1N..PC410 certification TV n44 788 13139303 (XS1N..PC410 ou erhalten n44 788 13139303 (XS1N..PC410 oder XS1..B3P. oder or XS1..B3P. or XS4P..PC410.). XS1..B3P. ou XS4P..PC410.). XS4P..PC410.). 10 cm The use of the safety modules is required for the Lutilisation des modules de scurit est obligatoire pour Zur berwachung dieses Produkts ist der Einsatz der 3.94 in monitoring of this product. la surveillance de cet appareil. Sicherheitsmdoule erforderlich. Bei ordnungsgemer Installation und Anschluss an die When correctly installed and connected to the Correctement installs et raccords aux automates PREVENTA safety controllers they produce a SIL cl2 PREVENTA Sicherheitssteuerungen erzeugen sie einen de scurit PREVENTA, ils permettent dobtenir un control circuit per EN 62061 (2005), SIL2 per EN 61508 SI-cl2-Reglerkreis gem EN 62061 (2005), SIL2 gem circuit de commande SIL cl2 suivant EN 62061 (2005), (2010), PL=d or category 2 per EN ISO 13849 (2008). EN 61508 (2010), PL=d oder Kategorie 2 gem SIL2 suivant EN 61508 (2010), PL=d ou catgorie 2 EN ISO 13849 (2008). suivant EN ISO 13849 (2008). Dimensions and Sensing distance / Dimensions et distance de dtection / Abmessungen und Schaltabstand 10 cm / u u 3.94 in HV HV d1 Wiring diagram examples / Exemples de schmas de cblage / Verdrahtungsschema-Beispiele c T b1 e2 e3 fr Configuration du produit pour un circuit de commande SIL2 L a1 XSppp - SIL2 - L unit doit tre installe, connecte et mise en service par un lectricien qualifi et e1 form la technologie de scurit. +24V F2 - Vrifiez que la machine/le systme est hors tension lors de la mise en uvre +24V 1 13 XS1N..PC410 / +24 Vdc OUT TEST1 Control circuit 2 Master Enable1 OUT TEST2 14 lectrique, pour viter tout dmarrage involontaire pendant que vous connectez les XS1..B3P. / 1 c 3 Master Enable2 OUT TEST3 15 XS4P..PC410. appareils. b2 0V 4 0 Vdc OUT TEST4 16 K1 4 (NO) - Aprs la mise en place, le systme doit subir une vrification fonctionnelle 5 OSSD1 A INPUT1 17 a2 (NC) complte. 6 OSSD1 B INPUT2 18 2 K2 7 RESTART1 INPUT3 19 - Il est impratif de prendre des mesures pour viter que des objets mtalliques 8 OUT STATUS1 INPUT4 20 1 mm = 0.0394 inch soient placs volontairement ou non sur le dtecteur. 9 OSSD2 A INPUT5 21 3 - Il est impratif de remplacer les units endommages. K1 K2 10 22 OSSD2 B INPUT6 +24V 11 RESTART2 INPUT7 23 - L appareil doit tre reli une alimentation CC ayant un temps de rtention des 0V 12 OUT STATUS2 INPUT8 24 Sn Sn+ a1 a2 b1 b2 c L T e1 u e2 u e3 u d1 u h u sorties de 20 ms ou plus. Restart Feedback - Les 2 sorties complmentaires du dtecteur doivent tre connectes un mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Nm / lb-in. Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ contrleur de scurit (relais de scurit, contrleur de scurit, automate de M12x1 2 4 33 48 25 29 0 17 6 / 53.1 4 8 24 50 6 12 12 12 0 0 scurit). Il n est pas possible de n en connecter qu une seule. Le contrleur de metal mtal en scurit doit vrifier, selon le cycle de test de scurit requis, que les 2 sorties du M18x1 5 8 37 49 28 28 0 24 15 / 177 10 16 60 100 15 25 18 18 0 0 Product configuration for SIL2 control circuit Metall dtecteur sont dans des tats complmentaires. Si les 2 sorties ne sont pas dans - The unit must be installed, connected and put into operation by a qualified electrician trained M30x1,5 10 15 41 53 32 32 0 36 40 / 472 20 30 120 180 30 45 30 30 0 0 des tats complmentaires, le contrleur de scurit doit basculer dans un tat in safety technology. M12x1 4 38 53 25 29 5 17 6 / 53.1 16 48 12 36 8 metal verrouill, qu il doit conserver jusqu ce que le problme soit rsolu et qu une entre - Ensure that the entire machine/system is disconnected during the electrical installation. The mtal M18x1 8 37 49 20 20 8 24 15 / 177 16 96 24 54 16 de dmarrage soit applique. machine/system could unintentionally start up while you are connecting the devices. Metall M30x1,5 15 41 53 19 19 13 36 40 / 472 60 180 45 90 30 - After set-up the system has to be submitted to a complete function check. de Produktkonfiguration fr SIL2-Reglerkreis - It is mandatory to take measures to avoid metallic objects being placed on the sensing face plastic M12x1 4 33 48 25 29 0 17 2 / 17.7 16 48 12 36 8 - Die Einheit muss von einem qualifizierten, in Sicherheitstechnologie geschulten plastique intentionally or unintentionally. M18x1 8 34 48 26 29 0 24 5 / 44.3 16 96 24 54 16 Elektriker installiert, angeschlossen und in Betrieb genommen werden. - It is mandatory to replace damaged units. Kunststoff M30x1,5 15 41 50 33 34 0 36 15 / 177 60 180 45 90 30 - Stellen Sie sicher, dass die ganze Maschine/das gesamte System whrend der - The device must be supplied by a DC power supply unit with an output retention time of elektrischen Installation vom Netz getrennt ist. Andernfalls knnte die Maschine/das 20ms or longer. System versehentlich starten, whrend Sie die Gerte anschlieen. Sn+ : Increased range model / Porte augmente / Erhhter Schaltabstand - The 2 complementary outputs of the sensor must be connected to a safety controller (safety - Im Anschluss an die Einrichtung muss das System einer kompletten relay, safety controller, safety PLC ), it is not allowed to connect only one output of the Funktionsprfung unterzogen werden. sensor. The safety controller must check, according to the required safety test cycle, that the 2 - Die Ergreifung von Manahmen, die verhindern, dass absichtlich oder unabsichtlich sensors outputs are in complementary states. If the 2 outputs are not in complementary metallische Objekte auf die Ansprechflche gelegt werden, ist zwingend vorges- states, the safety controller must switch into a lockout state. The safety controller must remain chrieben. in the lockout state until the problem is corrected and a start input is applied. - Beschdigte Einheiten mssen zwingend ausgetauscht werden. - Das Gert muss von einer Gleichstrom-Versorgungseinheit mit einer Ausgangsrc- khaltezeit von mindestens 20 ms versorgt werden. - Die beiden komplementren Ausgnge des Sensors mssen an eine Sicherheitss- teuerung (Sicherheitsrelais, Sicherheitsregler, Sicherheits-SPS usw.) angeschlossen werden es ist nicht zulssig, nur einen Ausgang des Sensors anzuschlieen. Die Sicherheitssteuerung muss gem dem vorgeschriebenen Sicherheitstestzyklus en Electrical equipment should be installed, operated and maintained only by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this material. prfen, dass sich die beiden Sensorenausgnge in einem komplementren Zustand Les quipements lectriques doivent tre installs, exploits et entretenus par un personnel qualifi. Schneider Electric dcline toute responsabilit quant aux consquences de fr befinden. Wenn sich die beiden Ausgnge nicht in einem komplementren Zustand lutilisation de ce matriel. befinden, muss die Sicherheitssteuerung in einen Sperrzustand umschalten. Die Elektrische Gerte drfen nur von Fachpersonal installiert, betrieben, gewartet und instand gesetzt werden. Schneider Electric haftet nicht fr Schden, die aufgrund der Verwendung de dieses Materials entstehen. Sicherheitssteuerung muss in diesem Sperrzustand verbleiben, bis das Problem 2015 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. behoben ist und ein Starteingang angelegt wurde. NHA52495 01 1/2 08 - 2015 h K2 K1 XPSMCMCP0802 Printed ines it zh / / XS1NppPC410p - XS1ppB3PCp - XS4PppPC410p www.tesensors.com Esquemas de cableado / Schemi di cablaggio / Detectores de proximidad inductivos / Interrutori di prossimit induttivi / Instalacin elctrica / Messa in opera elettrica / (+ V) BN/1 Versiones de CC de 4 conductores 3 4 Versioni DC a 4 fili / DC 4 marrone + BN Brown marrn BK/4 NO blu PNP BU Blue azul BK Black negro nero WH/2 NC Listing and Certification: bianco WH White blanco Applicable on proximity switches BU/3 bearing the UL and CSA marks only: 1 2 (0 V) Enclosure : Type 4X, 12 & 13. NO NC AVISO / ATTENZIONE / Voltage limits (1) c 9...36 V RIESGO DE ELECTROCUCIN, EXPLOSIN RISCHIO DI SCOSSA ELETTRICA, DI Load switching capacity (2) 0...200 mA O ARCO ELCTRICO ESPLOSIONE O DI OFTALMIA DA FLASH Voltage drop (3) < 2 V p p Desconecte toda alimentacin antes de realizar el p Scollegare l apparecchio dalla presa di corrente prima servicio. di qualsiasi intervento. Current consumption (4) < 10 mA p p Aplique slo la tensin especificada cuando utilice p Per utilizzare questa apparecchiatura e tutti i prodotti Operating temperature (5) - 25...+ 70 C / - 13...+ 158 F este equipo y los productos asociados. associati usare solo la tensione specificata. -40...+70 C (-40...+158 F) and -25...+85 C (-13...+185 F), on order (6) Si no se siguen estas instrucciones pueden Il mancato rispetto di queste istruzioni pu (1) Lmites de tensin / Limiti di tensione / producirse lesiones personales o daos provocare infortuni o danni alle apparecchiature. Conformity to safety SIL2 following EN/IEC 61508 (2) Intensidad conmutada / Corrente commuta / en el equipo. standards (7) PL=d following EN/ISO 13849-1 (3) Tensin residual / Caduta di tensione / SILcl2 following IEC 62061 Los aparatos han sido diseados segn las normas Gli apparecchi sono stati progettati in base alle IEC 60947-5-2, es it zh (4) Intensidad consumida / Corrente consumata / en vigor: IEC 60947-5-2, EN 62061 (2005), norme in vigore : IEC 60947-5-2, EN 62061 (2005), EN 62061 (2005)EN 61508 (2010) (5) Temperatura de funcionamiento / Temperatura di funzionamento / Reliability data (8) MTTFd = 1810 years EN 61508 (2010), EN ISO 13849-1 (2008) con el EN 61508 (2010), EN ISO 13849-1 (2008) allo scopo di EN ISO 13849-1 (2008) (6) -40...+70 C et / und -25...+85 C, en orden / su ordinazione / objetivo de garantizar la seguridad de los operadores PFHd = 62,9 10-9 1/h garantire la sicurezza degli operatori delle macchine e TV mquinas y la fiabilidad de funcionamiento de las (7) Conformidad con las normas de seguridad / Conformit alle norme di sicurezza laffidabilit di funzionamento di queste ultime, ed hanno SFF = 92% N 44 788 13139303XS1N..PC410 XS1..B3P. mquinas, y han obtenido las certificaciones TV ottenuto le certificazioni TV n 44 788 13139303 DC = 74% with safety controller n 44 788 13139303 (XS1N..PC410 o XS1..B3P. o XS4P..PC410 (XS1N..PC410 o XS1..B3P. o XS4P..PC410.). (8) datos Confiabilidad / dati Affidabilit / XS4P..PC410.). Sono necessari i moduli di sicurezza per il monitoraggio di questo Es necesario utilizar los mdulos de seguridad para prodotto. la monitorizacin de este producto. PREVENTA Se correttamente installati e collegati ai controller di Al instalarse correctamente y conectarse a los EN 62061 sicurezza PREVENTA i prodotti generano un circuito di controllo controladores de seguridad PREVENTA, generan un Precauciones de instalacin / Precauzioni di messa in servizio / (2005) SIL cl2 EN 61508 (2010) SIL2 SIL cl2 secondo EN 62061 (2005), SIL2 secondo EN 61508 circuito de control SIL cl2 segn EN 62061 (2005), SIL2 ISO 13849 (2008) PL=d 2 (2010), PL=d o la categoria 2 secondo EN ISO 13849 (2008). segn EN 61508 (2010) y PL=d o categora 2 segn EN ISO 13849 (2008). 10 cm 3.94 in Dimensiones y Distancia de deteccin / Dimensioni e Distanza di rilevamento / d1 c T b1 e2 e3 10 cm / u L a1 3.94 in u HV e1 HV c b2 Ejemplos de diagramas de cableado / Esempi di schemi di collegamento / a2 it Configurazione del prodotto per il circuito di controllo SIL2 1 mm = 0.0394 inch XSppp - SIL2 - L unit deve essere installata, collegata e messa in funzionamento da un tecnico qualificato nella tecnologia relativa alla sicurezza. +24V F2 - Assicurarsi che durante l installazione elettrica l intera macchina/sistema sia messa +24V 1 +24 Vdc OUT TEST1 13 XS1N..PC410 / Control circuit Sn Sn+ a1 a2 b1 b2 c L T e1 u e2 u e3 u d1 u h u 2 Master Enable1 OUT TEST2 14 XS1..B3P. / fuori tensione. La macchina/sistema pu avviarsi non intenzionalmente durante la 1 3 Master Enable2 OUT TEST3 15 XS4P..PC410. connessione dei dispositivi. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Nm / lb-in. Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ Sn Sn+ 0V 4 0 Vdc OUT TEST4 16 K1 4 (NO) - Dopo la configurazione il sistema deve essere sottoposto ad un controllo funzionale 5 OSSD1 A INPUT1 17 M12x1 2 4 33 48 25 29 0 17 6 / 53.1 4 8 24 50 6 12 12 12 0 0 metal 6 18 (NC) completo. OSSD1 B INPUT2 2 K2 7 RESTART1 INPUT3 19 - obbligatorio prendere misure che evitino che oggetti metallici vengano posizionati mtallo M18x1 5 8 37 49 28 28 0 24 15 / 177 10 16 60 100 15 25 18 18 0 0 8 OUT STATUS1 INPUT4 20 intenzionalmente o non intenzionalmente sul lato di rilevamento dei sensori. M30x1,5 10 15 41 53 32 32 0 36 40 / 472 20 30 120 180 30 45 30 30 0 0 9 OSSD2 A INPUT5 21 3 - obbligatorio sostituire le unit danneggiate. K1 K2 10 OSSD2 B INPUT6 22 M12x1 4 38 53 25 29 5 17 6 / 53.1 16 48 12 36 8 +24V metal 11 RESTART2 INPUT7 23 - Il dispositivo deve essere alimentato da un unit di alimentazione DC con un tempo 0V 12 OUT STATUS2 INPUT8 24 mtallo M18x1 8 37 49 20 20 8 24 15 / 177 16 96 24 54 16 Restart Feedback di ritenzione d uscita di 20ms o superiore. - Le 2 uscite complementari del sensore devono essere collegate al controller safety M30x1,5 15 41 53 19 19 13 36 40 / 472 60 180 45 90 30 (rel di sicurezza, controller safety, PLC di sicurezza), e non ammesso collegare plstico M12x1 4 33 48 25 29 0 17 2 / 17.7 16 48 12 36 8 solo un uscita del sensore. Il controller safety deve controllare, in base al ciclo del plastica M18x1 8 34 48 26 29 0 24 5 / 44.3 16 96 24 54 16 test di sicurezza, che le 2 uscite dei sensori siano negli stati complementari. Se le 2 es Configuracin del producto para el circuito de control SIL2 M30x1,5 15 41 50 33 34 0 36 15 / 177 60 180 45 90 30 uscite non sono negli stati complementari, il controller safety deve commutare nello - Un electricista cualificado formado en tecnologa de seguridad debe instalar, conectar y stato di blocco. Il controller safety deve rimanere nello stato di blocco fino a quando poner en marcha la unidad. Sn+ : Mayor rango / Aumento della gamma / stato risolto il problema e viene applicato il segnale di avvio all ingresso. - Asegrese de que la mquina/el sistema completo est desconectado durante la instalacin elctrica. La mquina/el sistema podra ponerse en marcha de forma imprevista mientras est conectando los dispositivos. zh SIL2 - Despus de la configuracin, el sistema se debe someter a la comprobacin completa de - sus funciones. - // - Es obligatorio tomar medidas para evitar que haya objetos metlicos en la cara de deteccin de forma intencionada o imprevista. - - Es obligatorio reemplazar las unidades daadas. - - El dispositivo debe estar alimentado por una unidad de fuente de alimentacin CC con un - tiempo de retencin de salida de 20 ms o ms. - 20 - Las dos salidas complementarias del sensor deben estar conectadas a un controlador de - 2 seguridad (rel de seguridad, controlador de seguridad, PLC de seguridad), no est PLC... permitido conectar solo una salida del sensor. El controlador de seguridad debe comprobar, 2 2 Slo el personal de servicio cualificado podr instalar, utilizar, reparar y mantener el equipo elctrico. Schneider Electric no asume las responsabilidades que pudieran surgir como es segn el ciclo de prueba de seguridad requerido, que las salidas de los dos sensores estn consecuencia de la utilizacin de este material. en estados complementarios. Si las dos salidas no estn en estados complementarios, el Le apparecchiature elettriche devono essere installate, usate e riparate solo da personale qualificato. Schneider Electric non assume nessuna responsabilit per qualunque it controlador de seguridad debe pasar a un estado de bloqueo. El controlador de seguridad conseguenza derivante dall uso di questo materiale. debe permanecer en el estado de bloqueo hasta que el problema se corrija y se aplique una zh entrada de inicio. 2015 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. NHA52495 01 2/2 08 - 2015 h K2 K1 XPSMCMCP0802

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8949-H88/6NFBLK Modular Connectors / Ethernet Connectors image

Feb 3, 2025
The Oupiin 8949-H88/6NFBLK RJ45 Modular Connector is a high-performance Ethernet jack featuring a top-entry design without flanges, ideal for PCB-mounted network applications . It supports 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet , ensuring reliable connectivity for routers, switches, industrial IoT, a
PC02A-8-4P Circular MIL Spec Connector by Amphenol image

Nov 7, 2024
The Amphenol PC02A-8-4P Circular MIL Spec Connector is a robust, high-quality connector designed to meet the rigorous demands of military, aerospace, and industrial applications. Built to MIL-DTL-5015 standards, it offers reliability in harsh environments, including extreme temperatures, vibration,
Best Retailer of W3296W-1-204 Trimmer Resistors Globally image

Nov 25, 2024
The W3296W-1-204 Trimmer Resistor by Netech is a 200K? multi-turn trimming potentiometer designed for precise circuit calibration. With vertical/top adjustment and straight pins for through-hole mounting, it ensures accurate resistance tuning in applications like sensor modules, amplifier circuit
Difference Between Fuses and Breakers: A Comprehensive Guide image

Aug 13, 2024
Discover the key differences between fuses and circuit breakers in this comprehensive guide. Learn about their types, working principles, advantages, and disadvantages. Understand how to choose the right overcurrent protection device for your needs, whether for residential, commercial, or industria

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