X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of ABDWF100C0 AC Power Entry Modules across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. ABDWF100C0 AC Power Entry Modules are a product manufactured by Schurter. We provide cost-effective solutions for AC Power Entry Modules, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

ABDWF100C0 Schurter

ABDWF100C0 electronic component of Schurter
ABDWF100C0 Schurter
ABDWF100C0 AC Power Entry Modules
ABDWF100C0  Connectors

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. ABDWF100C0
Manufacturer: Schurter
Category: AC Power Entry Modules
Datasheet: ABDWF100C0 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 38.2273 ea
Line Total: USD 38.23 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Mon. 17 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 38.2273
5 : USD 35.5875
10 : USD 34.8797

Product Category
Current Rating
No. Of Poles
Voltage Rating V Dc
Voltage Rating Vac
Circuit Breaker Mounting
Approval Bodies
Approval Category
External Depth
External Length / Height
External Width
Ip / Nema Rating
Insulation Resistance
No. Of Mechanical Operations
Operating Temperature Max
Operating Temperature Min
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the ABDWF100C0 from our AC Power Entry Modules category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the ABDWF100C0 and other electronic components in the AC Power Entry Modules category and beyond.

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Stock : 1204
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Stock : 2646
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Stock Image 0752.1243
Stock : 750
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Stock Image 751.011
Schurter OG (Clip) 5x20, 5 x 20 mm, Kicked, Tin-Plated Brass, 500 VAC/DC, Fuseholder, PCB, THT
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Stock Image 0751.0052
Stock : 3188
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Stock Image 0751.0110
Fuseholder - Clip - 10A - 5 x 20mm - Solder - Screw / Rivet / Through Hole - Brass ...
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Stock Image 3-102-195
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
Stock Image FN9222S1-12-06
Schaffner AC Power Entry Modules 12A FASTON SNAP IN-H CMPACT HI-PRFM MOD
Stock : 1
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Stock Image B.1902
Connector: AC supply 3-phase; plug; male; 16A; 400VAC; IEC 60309
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image B.1930
Connector: AC supply 3-phase; socket; male; 16A; 400VAC; IEC 60309
Stock : 9
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Stock Image 6600.4120
AC Power Entry Modules 6600 APPLIANCE OUTLT 10A 70
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 7600-0003-04
Connector: pluggable terminal block; 16A; screw terminal; ways:4
Stock : 0
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Stock Image TS645G
Protection; plug; male; 125A; IEC 60309; IP44; slide
Stock : 18
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Stock Image GN-370WS BI
Connector: AC supply; splitter; Pin layout:2P+PE; white; 250VAC
Stock : 6
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Stock Image 15SRB2-S
AC Power Entry Modules 15A 220pF TERMINALS
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 23397
Connector: AC supply 3-phase; socket; female; 32A; 380/415VAC
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image AWA-ŁK TR
Connector: AC supply; male; plug; 2P+PE; 250VAC; 16A; for cable
Stock : 8
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CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR EQUIPMENT, 2 POLE, ROCKER GERTESCHUTZSCHALTER, 2POLIG, WIPPENBETTIGT TA45 Product description Produktebeschreibung The 2 pole, rocker actuated version of the TA45 line of thermal CBEs Die 2polige wippenbettigte Version der TA45-Linie ist ein thermi- can be used for various purposes. Basically it is a CBE for automatic scher Gerteschutzschalter, kurz CBE (Circuit Breaker for Equipment) interruption of overloads with facilities for regular manual ON/OFF genannt, der fr viele Zwecke eingesetzt werden kann. In seiner switching operations under normal load conditions. It is capable of Grundausfhrung ist dieser CBE fr die automatische Unterbrechung interrupting moderate short circuit currents without the aid of back- von berlast-Strmen und das manuelle Wiedereinschalten resp. fr up protection. manuelles EIN/AUS-Schalten im Normalbetrieb bestimmt. Der CBE ist in der Lage, berstrme bis zu seinem Schaltvermgen ohne A special version is available as a CBE-switch, in which the means back-up Untersttzung zu unterbrechen. Eine spezielle Version ist for automatic overcurrent interruption (the bimetal relases), are om- erhltlich als CBE-switch. Bei dieser Ausfhrung fehlt der Thermo- itted. Auslser. Eine weitere Version der TA45-Linie ist mit Unterspan- nungsauslsung ausgerstet. Diese schtzt Personen vor mglichen Another available version of this line utilizes an undervoltage release Verletzungen wie sie z.B. durch unbeabsichtigtes Wiederanlaufen von to protect persons against injuries caused by unexpected events like Gerten nach einem Netzausfall verursacht werden knnten. Dieser the automatic restarting of motors after a power failure. This release Schutz kann mit dem thermischen berlast-Schutz kombiniert can be combined with the thermal release required for overcurrent werden. Schutz gegen Verletzungen wird auch gewhrleistet durch protection. Protection against injuries is also provided by another eine weitere Version der TA45-Reihe, die den Anlauf einer Maschine CBE of this line, which prevents the starting of a machine should a verhindert, bei der eine wichtige Schutzabdeckung fehlt. protective cover be removed from dangerous parts of the machine. Available options Erhltliche Versionen CBE for overcurrent protection Gerteschutzschalter mit berstromauslsung: 1 or 2 protected poles (thermal) Ein- oder zweipolig geschtzt durch Thermo-Bimetall CBE with undervoltage release: Gerteschutzschalter mit Unterspannungsauslsung: The CBE will open automatically when the voltage drops below the Wiederanlaufschutz bei Spannungsausfall. Nach Unterschreiten trip level. Only when the supply voltage has reached the reset level, der Abfallspannung (Netzausfall) springt der Gerteschutzschalter the CBE can be reclosed manually. in die AUS-Stellung. Ein manuelles Einschalten ist erst dann mglich, wenn die wiederkehrende Spannung den Anzugswert CBE switch with mechanical lock-out latch: des Auslsers erreicht. A spring loaded pin will trip the CBE if a protective cover of the equipment is removed. The CBE can not be switched ON until the Gerteschutzschalter mit mechanischer Schaltsperre: protective cover is refitted. Ein unter Federdruck stehender Stift bewirkt ein automatisches Auslsen, falls die Schutzabdekkung entfernt wird. CBE with remote trip release: Ein Wiedereinschalten in dieser Position ist nicht mglich, solange The remote trip release permits the CBE to be tripped by a external die Abdeckung fehlt. contact (sensor) energizing the trip coil. Gerteschutzschalter mit Fernauslsung: CBE with auxiliary contact: Der Fernauslser ermglicht das Ausschalten durch einen All types of the line can be outfitted with an auxiliary contact externen Schalter oder Sensor, der die Auslsespule aktiviert. (changeover contact). Gerteschutzschalter mit Hilfskontakt: TA45 is positively trip-free. The rated current range is 0,05 to 20 A at Alle Typen sind mit einem Hilfskontakt (Wechselkontakt) erhltlich. AC 240 V / DC 60 V . The CBE comes with snap-in mounting. The rocker is available in various colours and also with illumination. It is Der TA45 ist positiv freiauslsend. Sein Nennstrombereich betrgt approved in all major industrial countries and complies with the 0,05 bis 20 A bei AC 240 V / DC 60 V . Die Montage erfolgt mittels CBE-standard EN60934. In conjunction with its accessories the TA45 Schnappbefestigung. Die Schaltwippe ist in mehreren Farben und product line of Schurter paves the way for new unconventional auch beleuchtet lieferbar. Der TA45 ist in den wichtigsten Industrie- applications. lndern approbiert und entspricht der neuen CBE Europa Norm EN60934. In Verbindung mit dem vielfltigen Zubehr ermglicht der 2polige wippenbettigte TA45 von Schurter neue unkonventionelle Applications Anwendungen. Motors Power supplies Anwendungen Processing machines Etc. Motoren Netzgerte Be- und Verarbeitungsmaschinen Usw. www.schurter.com 56CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR EQUIPMENT, 2 POLE, ROCKER GERTESCHUTZSCHALTER, 2POLIG, WIPPENBETTIGT TA45 Effect of ambient Einflu der temperature Umgebungstemperatur The unit is calibrated for an ambient tem- Die Eichung gilt fr eine Umgebungs- perature of +23C. To determine the rated temperatur von +23C. Zur Bestimmung current for a lower or higher ambient des Nennstromes fr eine tiefere oder temperature, use a correction factor from hhere Umgebungstemperatur ist ein the table below: Korrekturfaktor gem untenstehender Tabelle zu verwenden: *Ambient Correction factor *Umgebungs- Korrekturfaktor temperature C temperatur C 10 0,89 10 0,89 5 0,91 5 0,91 0 0,92 0 0,92 +23 1,00 +23 1,00 +30 1,03 +30 1,03 +40 1,08 +40 1,08 +55 1,16 +55 1,16 Example Beispiel Rated current at +23C 5,0 A Nennstrom bei +23C 5,0 A Ambient temperature +40C Umgebungstemperatur +40C Correction factor 1,08 Korrekturfaktor 1,08 Chosen rated current at Gewhlter Nennstrom bei +40C ambient temperature +40C Umgebungstemperatur 5 A x 1,08 = 5,5 A 5 A x 1,08 = 5,5 A *Temperature must be measured at the rear of the *Die Temperatur wird in der Nhe der Schalteranschlsse breaker next to the terminals after equipment operating ermittelt, nachdem das zu schtzende System seine temperature has been reached. Arbeitstemperatur erreicht hat. Tripping characteristics Tripping characteristics Tripping characteristics Auslsekennlinien Auslsekennlinien Auslsekennlinien I <3 A 3 A I <18 A I 18 A n n n min sec min sec min sec 10 000 10 000 10 000 Type / Typ TA45 Type / Typ TA45 Type / Typ TA45 Rated current Rated current Rated current Nennstrom I <3 A Nennstrom 3 A I <18 A Nennstrom I 18 A n n n 60 60 60 1 pole protected 1 pole protected 1 pole protected 1polig geschtzt 1polig geschtzt 1polig geschtzt 2 000 2 000 2 000 30 30 30 2 pole protected 2 pole protected 2 pole protected 20 2polig geschtzt 20 2polig geschtzt 20 2polig geschtzt 1 000 1 000 1 000 Ambient temp. Ambient temp. Ambient temp. Umgebungstemp. +23 C Umgebungstemp. +23 C Umgebungstemp. +23 C 10 10 10 500 500 500 5 5 5 200 200 200 100 100 100 1 1 1 50 50 50 20 20 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 1,05 1,32 2 3 4 5 8 10 1,05 1,32 2 3 4 5 8 10 1,05 1,32 2 3 4 5 8 10 Multiple of rated current x I Multiple of rated current x I Multiple of rated current x I n n n Nennstrom-Vielfaches Nennstrom-Vielfaches Nennstrom-Vielfaches www.schurter.com 57 Tripping time / Auslsezeit Tripping time / Auslsezeit Tripping time / Auslsezeit

Tariff Desc

8536.69.10 62 Plugs and sockets for co-axial cables or printed circuits Free

8536.69.90 CONNECTORS, ELECTRICAL being ANY of the following
a plugs
b sockets
c adaptors

8536.69.90 PLUG AND SOCKET COMBINATIONS, being ANY of the following
a 2,3,4,6,9,12 OR 15 way, rated to 300V, maximum current of 15amps
b 2,3 OR 12 way, single in line pin header
c 1.3mm plug to 2.1mm socket
d 2.5mm plug to 3.5mm socket

8536.69.90 SOCKETS, being ANY of the following
a single pin, NOT exceeding 3.5mm
b micro, single pin,2mm
c DC power connector,2.1mm OR 2.5mm
d 9pin OR15 pin, sub D
e 2,4 OR 8 pole microphone connector
f 2,3,5,6,7,8 OR 13 pin DIN
g 16,20,26,34,40 OR 50 way dual in line crimp-on

8536.69.90 PLUG AND SOCKET COMBINATIONS being ANY of the following
a 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 OR 15 way rated to 300V maximum current of 15amps
b 2, 3 OR 12 way, single in line pin header
c 1.3mm plug to 2.1mm socket
d 2.5mm plug to 3.5mm socket

8536.69.90 SOCKETS being ANY of the following
a single pin, NOT exceeding 3.5 mm
b micro, single pin, 2 mm
c DC power connector, 2.1 mm OR 2.5 mm
d 9 pin OR 15 pin, sub D
e 2,4 OR 8 pole microphone connector
f 2,3,5,6,7,8 OR 13 pin DIN
g 16,20,26,34,40 OR 50 way dual in line crimp-on

8536.69 JACKS phono RCA Type

8536.69.90 CONNECTORS electrical incorporating twist locking mechanism


8536.69 PLUGS modular telephone to suit RJ11 sockets and complying with FCC68

8536.90.90 LUGS being solderable copper connectors

8535.90.00 CRIMPING TERMINALS having bell-mouth OR flared cable entry

8536.90 HOLDERS dry cell

8536.69.90 TC 1440896 POWER POINTS plastic AND/OR metal single OR multiple power outlet with OR without EITHER of the following
a LED night light
b single OR multiple power switches

8536.69 PLUGS/SOCKETS adaptor being EITHER of the following
a providing for plug or socket configurations used in other countries to connect to Australian standard plugs or sockets
b providing for plug or socket configurations of Australian standard type to connect to plugs or sockets used in other countries
Schurter Inc
Schurter Inc.
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