SKU 101020638
You c an find a v ariety o f 3axis acceler ometers on o u r website t h at can meet differ ent scenarios and
needs. This t i me, we brin g y ou th e ind ustrial grade , high sta bility, high precision and low power ADI
ADXL series threeaxis ac c elerom eter s.
The Grove 3Axis Analog Acceler om eter 4 0g (A D XL35 6C) is an analog
output MEM S Accelerom eter. This se nsor has tw o selectabl e m easure men t rang es: 1 0g, 40 g. You
just need t o do little calib r ati on w ork to get a rel at i vely acc urat e result. The OnBoard gr ove p ort
can o u tput t wochann el analo g d a ta: one for Zaxi s, one for X/ Ya xis. You c an cho ose ou tput the X
axis or Y axi s signal wit h t he o nbo ard s witch. Also, you c an u s e t h e 4pi n wel d ing hol e to output
X/Y/Z axis at the s ame ti me. The pow er consu mpt ion o f this s e ns or is extremel y low, 150 A in
normal oper ation mode and even onl y 21 A i n standby mode. You c an switch the operating mode
by ch angi ng the pad conn ection on th e back.
The ADI ADX L Series Accelerometer includes four products that will meet your differ ent r ange and
output n eed s:
Product Measurement Output Power Consumption
Range Port
Grove 3A x is Analo g 10 Analog measurement mode:150 A
20g standby mode:21 A
Accelerometer 20g
(ADXL3 56B)
10g Analog measurement mode:150 A
Grove 3A x is Analo g
40g standby mode:21 A
Accelerometer 40g
(ADXL3 56C)
10g@51200 Digital measurement mode:200 A
Grove 3Axis Digital
Accelerometer 40g
(ADXL3 57)
200g Digital measurement mode:22 A
Grove 3Axis Digital
Accelerometer 200g
(ADXL3 72)
Industryleading n oise, minimal o ffs et drift o ver temper ature , and longterm stability, enabling
precision ap plications wi t h mini mal c alibration.
Hermetic p a c kage o ffers excelle nt lon gterm stabil i ty 0 g offset vs. temper at ure (all axes) : 0.7 5
mg/C maximum
The low n oise o f th e ADX L35 6 over hi gher freq uen cies is ideal for wireless c ondition mo nitoring
Low drift, lo w noise
Ultra low po wer consu m ption: Nor m al oper ation mode1 50 A, Stan dby mode 21 A
Inertial m ea sureme nt un i ts (IMUs )/al titude a nd h eading re fer enc e s ystems (AHRSs)
Platfor m stabilization systems
Condition monitorin g
Seismic imaging
Tilt sensin g