X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 101990281 Acceleration Sensor Development Tools across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 101990281 Acceleration Sensor Development Tools are a product manufactured by Seeed Studio. We provide cost-effective solutions for Acceleration Sensor Development Tools, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

101990281 Seeed Studio

101990281 electronic component of Seeed Studio
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No.101990281
Manufacturer: Seeed Studio
Category: Acceleration Sensor Development Tools
Description: Pytrack - A Sensor (GPS & accelerometer) Shield for All Pycom Multi-Network Modules
Datasheet: 101990281 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
2: USD 2.3178 ea
Line Total: USD 4.64 
Availability - 1
Ship by Fri. 27 Dec to Thu. 02 Jan
MOQ: 2  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 27 Dec to Thu. 02 Jan
MOQ : 2
Multiples : 1
2 : USD 2.3178
10 : USD 2.1144
50 : USD 2.0148

Product Category
Maximum Operating Temperature
Minimum Operating Temperature
Product Type
Factory Pack Quantity :
Hts Code
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 101990281 from our Acceleration Sensor Development Tools category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 101990281 and other electronic components in the Acceleration Sensor Development Tools category and beyond.

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Stock : 0
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Py t r ac k I magi ne a s hi el d whi c h you c an us e wi t h any of you r Pyc om mul - Mec ha n ic al t i -net wor k modu l es . Thi s i s what we gi ve you wi t h Pys ens e and S i ze : 5 5 mm x 3 5 mm x 1 0 mm Pyt r ac k a l eg up t o get you of f t o a gr eat s t ar t r eal l y qui c k l y. Op e r a ti n g Te m p e r at u r e : - 4 0 t o + 8 5 Ce l s iu s Th e s e l i tt l e f e l lo ws f i t a l l P yc o m b o a r ds a n d e a ch c o nt a i n a W eig h t : 5 0 g n u m- b er o f s e ns o r s. J ST connec t or US B s eri al port f or LiP o bat t er y P y tr a c k F eat ur es - A s u pe r a c cu r a te GNS S + Gl o n as s GP S - 3 a xi s 1 2 - b it a c ce l er o me t e r - A US B p o r t wi t h s e r ia l a c ce ss U SB to se r i al - L i P o b a t t er y c h ar g e r co nv er te r - Mi c r o S D c ar d c o mp a ti b il i t y - Ul t r a l o w p o we r o p er a t i on ( ~ 1 uA i n d e ep s l ee p ) L o c atio n s er v ic es s up p o r ted Gl onas s GP S - GP S - GL ONA S S M i cr oS D - Ga l i l eo ca r d sl ot - QZ S S A cc el erom et er Us e w it h P y b y te s Cr af t ed by a gr oup of Pyc om bac k - end expe r t s t he Pyby t es pl at f or m wi l l be eve r yt hi ng t her e nee ds t o be i n pl ac e t o gat he r , or gani s e and di s pl ay you r dat a FREE OF CHARGE i n t he c l oud. Rega r dl es s of whet h er you ar e a c ompany , I oT s yst em ar c hi t ec t, or an ambi t i ous t ec h hob byi s t we l l s oon get you c onnec t ed. W ith d o ze n s o f r e a d y t o u s e t e m pl a te s a n d l i br a r i es s o on t o b e a va i l ab l e o n t h e P yc o m E xc h a n ge , d e ve l o pi n g a n e w I o T s ol u t io n i s n o w e a si e r a n d f a s te r . Use t he Pym akr I DE S u p er e a sy c od e e d i to r t o wr i t e yo u r P yt h o n s cr i p t s Easy Upl oad Up l oa d yo u r s cr i p ts , a n d a n y o t h er f i le s yo u wa n t t o t h e GP y vi a t h e F TP s e r ve r Local ly or r em otel y Re s et t h e GP y ( yo u c an d o i t l o ca l ly, o r r e mo t e ly vi a Te l n e t ) Di st r i b ut e d b y P yc o m L t d . wr i t t e n p e r mi ss io n o f P yc o m L t d , e xc e p t i n t h e c a se o f Copy r i ght 201 7 by Pyc om Lt d. Al l r i ght s r es er ved. No par t of b r i e f q u ot a t io n s e m bo d ie d i n c r i ti c al r e vi e ws a n d c e r t ai n t hi s doc umen t may be r epr odu c ed, di s tr i but ed, or t r ans mi tt ed i n o t h er n o nc o mme r c ia l u s es p e r mi t t ed b y c op yr i g h t l a w. any f or m or by any mean s , i nc ludi ng pho t oc opyi n g, r ecor di ng, or To o r d e r c o nt a ct s a le s p yc o m . i o ot her el ec t r oni c or mec hani c al met hod s , wi t hout t he pr i orX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Acceleration Sensor Development Tools category: Click to view products by Seeed Studio manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : 2019 EVAL-ADXL343Z-S BRKOUT-FXLN8362Q MXC6655XA-B 1018 EVAL-ADXL362-ARDZ 1231 1413 DEV-13629 2020 EVAL- ADXL343Z-DB EVAL-ADXL344Z-M EVAL-ADXL375Z-S EV-BUNCH-WSN-1Z EV-CLUSTER-WSN-2Z STEVAL-MKI033V1 EVAL- ADXL344Z-DB EVAL-ADXL346Z-DB EVAL-ADXL363Z-MLP EV-CLUSTER-WSN-1Z 2472 EVAL-ADXL312Z EVAL-ADXL343Z EVAL-ADXL344Z-S EVAL-ADXL363Z-S EVAL-ADXL375Z STEVALMKI032V1 DFR0143 SEN0032 SEN0079 SEN0168 SEN0224 FIT0031 SEN-13963 MXP7205VW-B ASD2511-R-A 3463 SEN0140 SEN0183 SEN-11446 EVAL-KX022-1020 EVAL-KX023-1025 163 2809 4097 4344 4627 4626 ADIS16201/PCBZ ADISEVALZ

Tariff Desc

8543.70.00 - Other machines and apparatus Free
13 No Signal processors (graphic equalisers, crossovers etc.)
91 .. Other

9027.10.00 Instruments and apparatus for physical or chemical analysis (for example, polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, expansion, surface tension or the like; instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking quantities of heat, sound or light (including exposure meters); microtomes.

Seeed Development Limited
Seeed Studio
Seeed Technology Co., Ltd
Seeed Technology Ltd.
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