X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 101990657 Cameras & Camera Modules across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 101990657 Cameras & Camera Modules are a product manufactured by Seeed Studio. We provide cost-effective solutions for Cameras & Camera Modules, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

101990657 Seeed Studio

101990657 electronic component of Seeed Studio
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Product Image X-ON
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See Product Specifications
Part No.101990657
Manufacturer: Seeed Studio
Category: Cameras & Camera Modules
Description: Cameras & Camera Modules OPNCAM8008 Hawk 588-1MA-UA 3D ToF Camera
Datasheet: 101990657 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)

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MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 566.4286

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We are delighted to provide the 101990657 from our Cameras & Camera Modules category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 101990657 and other electronic components in the Cameras & Camera Modules category and beyond.

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OP N C AM 8 0 0 8 H a w k S e r i e s 3 D ToF C a me r a Da ta S he e t DS -2 0 0 2 (v1 . 0) G E NE RAL DE S CRI P TI O N O PN C A M8 008 is a s er ies of 3D ToF c am er as , bas ed on O PN O U S H AW K pl at f or m . T his pl at f or m c ons is t s of im age s ens o r, VC S EL dr iv er, ToF I SP, and all of t hem ar e dev el ope d by O PN O U S . H ig h int e gr at i on , lon g m eas ur em ent r ange , les s ex pos ur e t im e and eas y us e ar e t he k ey f eat ur es of O PN C A M8 008 , w hi c h m ak e it ide al f or 3D dep t h s ens ing app li c at io ns . T his c am er a c om es wi t h O PN O U S s pow er f ul SD K , c ont ai ns AP I s , ex am ple c ode and dep t h dis pl ay t ool - O PN ToF View er, it s a c r os s pla t f or m c om pat ib le s of t war e pac k age. TY P I CAL AP P LI CAT I O NS F ac e r ec ognit ion and f ac e m ot ion t r ac k ing 3D r ec ons t r uc t io n AR / V R H and and f ing er t r ac k ing f or ges t ur e c ont r ol and int er ac t io n w it h vi r t ual obj ec t s Vis ual s uppor t f or r obot gr ipp er s Peo pl e c ount i ng and m ot ion anal ys i s H eal t h c ar e Sur v ei ll anc e S Y S TE M DI AG RAM www.opnous. com Copyri ght 2020, OP NOUS S m art S ensi ng & A I Technol ogy 1OP N C AM 8 0 0 8 H a w k S e r i e s 3 D ToF C a me r a Da ta S he e t DS -2 0 0 2 (v1 . 0) KE Y S P E CIFI CAT I O NS Par am e t er D esc ri p t i o n Sen s or O PN 80 08D , glob al s hut t e r R es ol ut i on 320 * 240 Pi x el s ize 15u m Sen s or s ize 1/ 3 D im ens ions ( L*W *H ) 63. 0 0m m * 24. 0 0m m * 37. 80 m m F r am e r at e 5 30 f ps 1 Mea s ur em ent r ange 0. 2 10m 2 F O V ( H *V) 86 * 68 / 110 * 90 / 24 * 18 D is t or t i on <2 . 5% 2 I ll um ina t io n 850 nm / 940n m 3 Pow e r c ons um pt ion T BD . Typ 4 D ept h ac c ur ac y <= 1% I nt er f ac e U SB 3. 0 1. I f need lon ger r ange , plea s e c ont ac t O PN O U S . 2. C us t om izabl e, ple as e c ont ac t O PN O U S f or det ai le d inf or m at ion. 3. Typ ic al app li c at io n, r oom t em per at u r e, 5f ps , >8 5% r ef lec t ion c har t . 4. D ar k r oom , >8 5% r ef lec t ion c har t . www.opnous. com Copyri ght 2020, OP NOUS S m art S ensi ng & A I Technol ogy 2

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Seeed Development Limited
Seeed Studio
Seeed Technology Co., Ltd
Seeed Technology Ltd.
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