SD Card shield V4.0
This is the newly released SD card V4.0 shield. It provides a storage space for your
Arduino. Users can read/write SD card via Arduinos built-in SD library. It supports SD,
SDHC and Micro SD cards. It will only occupy the SPI port of your Arduino. Comparing
to previous versions, it combines the standart SD slot and the Micro SD slot into a
standard one, the included adaptor enables using of Micro SD cards . You can stack on
other shields that work with the unused pins. Additionally, the preformed I2C and UART
port facilitates your connection with Grove modules.
We have produced a lot of extension board that can make your platform board more
powerful, however not every extension board is compatible with all the platform board,
here we use a table to illustrate how are those boards compatible with platform board.
Please note thatNot recommende means that it might have chance to work with the
platform board however requires extra work such as jump wires or rewriting the code. If
you are interested in digging more, welcome to contact with
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Application Ideas
If you want to make some awesome projects with SD Card Shield, here are some
projects for your reference.
Here we introduce a project about LinkIt ONE using SD Card.
Music Player with LinkIt One