The ODYSSEY - X86J4105800 8GB RAM is an electronic part that is designed and manufactured by Seeed Studio. It is an evaluation version of development kit and comes with 8 GB RAM. The architecture of the device is based on x86. It is a versatile device that is designed as an all-in-one integrated PC with integrated Intel Apollo Lake processor and integrated high speed 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet port. The device also includes 1 HDMI, 1 audio jack, 2 USB 3.0 ports, 1 full-function Type-C port, 1 Micro SD card slot and 1 Micro SIM slot. It can run multiple operating systems like Windows 10, Ubuntu, and Yocto-Linux. The device can be used in home media centers, AIoT development, data analysis, education and office applications.