1. Bipolar Transistors - Bipolar transistors are one of the 7494 parts of semiconductors, and are commonly used as amplifiers and switches. They are made from two different types of semiconductor materials and are commonly used to amplify electricity, control current, and to adjust power levels.
2. Integrated Circuits (ICs) - Integrated circuits, or ICs, are made up of multiple parts including capacitors, resistors, transistors, and diodes. These components are all connected together on a substrate and powered by a voltage. ICs are used to control input and output, perform computation and logic operations, and are used in computer systems.
3. Rectifiers - Rectifiers are mainly used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). These devices are typically used in power supplies, motor controls, and communication systems.
4. Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) - FETs are transistors that use a voltage to control current flow. They are commonly used in analog circuits and for power amplifiers.
5. Diodes - Diodes allow current to flow in one direction only. These devices are conveniently used to direct current away from sensitive circuits or components.
6. Thyristors - Thyristors are made of four layers of semiconductor material and are used for solid-state switching, to regulate voltage and current, and to protect against overloads.
7. MOSFETs - MOSFETs are transistors that use a voltage to control the current flow. They are often used as switches and amplifiers in an electronics circuit.
8. Voltage Regulators - Voltage regulators are commonly used to reduce the potential difference between two elements of the circuit and protect delicate semiconductors from overvoltage.