The SKIIP 24AC126V1 M20 with Module by Semikron is an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) three-phase bridge. It is a versatile, compact, and powerful transistor used to switch current in three-phase power supplies, motor drives, inverters, and power electronics applications. This bridge features an efficient insulated gate field-effect that works in combination with bipolar technology to increase switching performance and reduce losses and power consumption. This bridge has a wide range of operating parameters and is capable of handling up to 1000 volts. It has a nominal gate voltage of 12 volts and a maximum gate current of 2 milliamps. This bridge also has a maximum junction temperature of 175 degrees Celsius and an efficiency of over 95%. In addition, its low on-state voltage drop, low switching losses, and high surge current capability make it an ideal choice for a variety of power control applications.