180pF THRU .39F High Voltage Capacitors POWER DISCRETES Features Description Semtech Premium Dielectric X7R dielectric High Voltage Capacitors 1kV to 5kV voltage range Monolithic Ceramic type Semtechs premium dielectric capacitors demonstrate General Specifications minimum capacitance change over the operation voltage Operating temperature range -55C to 125C and temperature range, high current carrying capability Aging rate <1.0% per decade hour and high volumetric efficiency. This X7R body has been Insulation resistance: 100k meg or 1000meg designed into the most demanding applications: from the one extreme of satellite, missile, space shuttle, and microfarads, whichever is less, at 500VDC, 25C avionics programs to the other extreme of down hole Dissipation factor: 2.5% max at 1kHz 1 VAC, 25C oil exploration equipment. Dielectric withstanding voltage: 1.2 x rated voltage at 25C (Test conducted with charging current limited to 10mA and discharge current limited to 10A) Temperature coefficient: 15% over -55C to 125C range S size package type available Revision: October 1, 2008 1 www.semtech.com180pF THRU .39F POWER DISCRETES Capability Matrix 1VkV 2Vk 3Vk 4Vk 5k EIA CODE SIZE 2 3 4 56 23456234562345623456 VALUE 180pF 181 220pF 221 270pF 271 330pF 331 390pF 391 470pF 471 560pF 561 680pF 681 820pF 821 1000pF 102 1200pF 122 1500pF 152 1800pF 182 2200pF 222 2700pF 272 3300pF 332 3900pF 392 4700pF 472 5600pF 562 6800pF 682 8200pF 822 .010uF 103 .012uF 123 .015uF 153 .018uF 183 .022uF 223 .027uF 273 .033uF 333 .039uF 393 .047uF 473 .056uF 563 .068uF 683 .082uF 823 .10uF 104 .12uF 124 .15uF 154 .18uF 184 .22uF 224 .27uF 274 .33uF 334 .39uF 394 = Standard range K tolerance available from stock. = Non standard capabilities www.semtech.com 2008 Semtech Corp. 2