The SS510L Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD) with SMB ROHS is a semiconductor device manufactured by ShunYe. It is an SBD, meaning it is composed of a metal-semiconductor contact that blocks current from flowing in one direction, while allowing it to flow freely in the other. This is achieved by using a thin layer of semiconductor material, which produces a rectifying junction that has a larger voltage drop than a traditional diode. The SMB stands for Surface Mounted Device, meaning that the SS510L Diode can be mounted in a special surface mount housing, eliminating the need for conventional trough hole mounting. This enables it to be used in smaller spaces, where standard diodes can't be used. Furthermore, the ROHS designation indicates that it has been certified to meet the rigorous, EU-mandated requirements for reducing hazardous materials, including lead and cadmium, thus ensuring it is more environmentally friendly.