RS-9110-N-11-24 Self Contained 802.11 b/g/n Module with Networking Stack DDaattaasshheeeett Version 2.2 Version 2.2 November 2012 November 2012 Redpine Signals, Inc. 2107 N. First Street, 680 San Jose, CA 95131. Tel: (408) 748-3385 Fax: (408) 705-2019 Email: info Website: Redpine Signals, Inc. RRSS--99111100--NN--1111--2244 SSeellff CCoonnttaaiinneedd 880022..1111 bb//gg//nn MMoodduullee wwiitthh NNeettwwoorrkkiinngg SSttaacckk Datasheet Datasheet Version 2.2 Version 2.2 Several medical applications including Patient Monitoring, The RS9110-N-11-24 module is a IEEE Remote Diagnostics 802.11bgn based WLAN device that directly provides a wireless interface to Device Features: any equipment with a UART or SPI 802.11b/g and single stream interface for data transfer. It integrates a 802.11n module MAC, baseband processor, RF transceiver Supports WPA2-PSK, WEP (64 and with power amplifier in hardware and all 128 bit) and TKIP security in WLAN protocol and configuration infrastructure mode functionality, networking stack in Supports WEP (64 and 128 bit) embedded firmware to make a fully self- mode of security in ad-hoc mode contained 802.11n WLAN solution for a Host interface through UART and variety of applications. SPI Applications: Integrated TCP/IP stack with option to bypass the stack in SPI mode Seamless Wi-Fi connectivity for Ultra-low-power operation with Application Processors power-save modes Industrial M2M communications Ad-hoc and infrastructure modes for Point of Sale Terminals maximum deployment flexibility Metering (Parking Meters, Utility Configure module wirelessly for Meters, Power Meters, etc.) easy field deployment, in SPI mode Security Cameras and Surveillance Single supply 3.1 to 3.6V Equipment operation Logistics and Freight Management Pad for external antenna connection Warehousing Device Dimensions 13.7 mm x 12.9 Digital Picture Frames mm x 1.7mm RS9110-N-11-24 System Block Diagram Reference Frequency UART/SPI Select 3.3V Reset Host Processor UART SPI T/R RF Transceiver RS9110 Switch (TCP/UDP, + Applications WLAN Stack) PA Balun Interrupt Flash RS9110-N-11-24 Redpine Signals, Inc. Page 2