Gprs Mobile Station Class B, Gprs Multi - Slot Class 10/8, At Commands Controlled (Gsm07.07, 07.05 And Extended At Simcom Commands), Compatible With Gsm Phase 2/2 +
1 w (cl A ss 1 @ 1800/1900 MHz) , 2 w (cl A ss 4 @ 850/900 MHz)
20 Channels, L1 1575,42Mhz, C/A Code, 1,023Mhz Chip Rate, Cold Start <42S, Warm Start <38S, Hot Start <1S, Synchronisation Time With Gsp Up To 1Μs, 10M Cep Positioning Accuracy, Wgs - 84 Data Format, Low Power Consumption, 4Mbit Flash On - Chip + 1Mbit Sram, Protocols: Nmea - 0183, Binary Sirf, Rtcm Sc - 104, 0.1 M/S Acceleration, 3.3V Supply Voltage
- 20 To 55 C
3.4 To 4.5 VDC