X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of ZW24/T11 18201040 DIN Rail Terminal Blocks across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. ZW24/T11 18201040 DIN Rail Terminal Blocks are a product manufactured by Simet. We provide cost-effective solutions for DIN Rail Terminal Blocks, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

ZW24/T11 18201040 Simet

ZW24/T11 18201040 electronic component of Simet
ZW24/T11 18201040 Simet
ZW24/T11 18201040 DIN Rail Terminal Blocks
ZW24/T11 18201040  Electromechanical

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. ZW24/T11 18201040
Manufacturer: Simet
Category: DIN Rail Terminal Blocks
Description: Screw bridge; Application: SI-201; ways:4; Kit:10 sets
Datasheet: ZW24/T11 18201040 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 17.5492 ea
Line Total: USD 17.55 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Wed. 05 Feb to Fri. 07 Feb
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 17.5492
3 : USD 13.695

Product Category
Kit Contents
Type Of Connector Accessories
Number Of Ways
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the ZW24/T11 18201040 from our DIN Rail Terminal Blocks category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the ZW24/T11 18201040 and other electronic components in the DIN Rail Terminal Blocks category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image CPO-15A-3P 80723516
Terminal block; for panel mounting, for cable, mounting holes
Stock : 101
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CPO-30A-1P 80731516
Terminal block; for cable; screw terminal; ways:1; 16mm2; 450V
Stock : 95
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CPO-30A-2P 80732516
Terminal block; for panel mounting, for cable, mounting holes
Stock : 228
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CPO-30A-3P 80733516
Terminal block; for panel mounting, for cable, mounting holes
Stock : 74
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image ZW53/T13 18501030
Screw bridge; Application: SI-501; ways:3
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image ZW52/T13 18501020
Screw bridge; Application: SI-501; ways:2
Stock : 56
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image ZW34/T12 18301040
Screw bridge; Application: SI-301; ways:4; Kit:10 sets
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image ZW32/T12 18301020
Screw bridge; Application: SI-301; ways:2; Kit:10 sets
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image ZW51/T13 18501100
Screw bridge; Application: SI-501; ways:10
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
Stock Image 5144864
DIN Rail Terminal Blocks CMS-P1-MW/WAGO MINI WSB
Stock : 10000
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image D-UDK 4 2775113
End piece; grey; for UDK4 terminal blocks; Width:1.5mm; UL94V-0
Stock : 50
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image D-UKK 3/5 2770024
End piece; Application: UKK5; grey; polyamide
Stock : 45
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0260015
Feed-through modular terminal block, connection method: Screw connection, number of connections: 2, cross section:0.2 mm² - 4 ... USK 4
Stock : 46
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0261014
Terminal Block Connector 1 Position Feed Through Gray 8-26 AWG
Stock : 72
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0270018
Terminal Block Connector 3 Position Feed Through Gray 12-28 AWG
Stock : 7
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0279560000 AP SAK2.5
End/partition plate; Application: SAK2.5; beige
Stock : 60
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0279580000 AP SAK2.5 BL
End/partition plate; Application: SAK2.5; blue
Stock : 264
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0305080
Terminal Block Connector 2 Position Feed Through Gray 8-26 AWG
Stock : 10000
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 0305226
DIN Rail Terminal Blocks STSL-GSK
Stock : 80
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

= F N L V Q R Z H Terminal blocks = F L N V R Q Z H D Q O H R G U J X S U S V R X W H O H F H W N R U W K Q J H Q L F R D H U L O X J H F M R Rail connectors are apppplied in the electrotechniiical induuustry to connect con- Q H F H L R Z H U S Z G Z V R S V E L E Q U H U S J Z X O G Q Q L H X L D V D G Z D F J H Z L R R S ductors in the wattttles way follllowing at the same tiiime the guuuideliiines of the Q H F D L R S G J Z O G H P F H P K Q D Q L F P L H O H P Q N F U W M 6 X V R W H V L H M R G Q H F D L apppproopriate mechaniiical and electriiical connections. Rail connectors are used R Z H U S Z G U D Q Z R F Z G R W X U K M D N L L O Q N F Z R K D O G Q V L L N F K L H U G Q L F K S D Q L for both wiiired and stranded conductors for low and medium vollltages. 1 3 R U G X N W H W H S V Q L D M J R P Z L D P U R Q Q W Z H U D Z D H W Z X S W V D Q F F M K F D P U R Q K 7K H P H HW W K H U H TX L U H PHQWV GH VFUL LL EHG LQ WKH IRO OO OR Z L QJ VWD Q G DU G V P L R U G D Q G H Z R M ( , & ,Q WHU UU QD W LR QDO ,( & H S R U X H V M L N H M 1 ( (X U R S H DQ (1 Q P L H L F H L N H M ( 9 Gerrrman VDE 0611 0 7 ( 5 , . 2 5 3 8 6 8 5 , / & 2 1 1 ( & 7 2 5 % 2 < = F N L V Q R Z H S V R L D G D M N S X R U V Z Q N Q D R The body of each rail connector is made of the R U H V R N J H Q V D Z R V W R R Z H O H F H W N R U W K Q F L H Z U W R Z D polyamide PA 66 a popular material applied in the V J H Q W F X R M D P L N M V H W 3 R L O P D G L 3 2 F D Q G D V L electrotechnical industry. It brings optimum combi- Q R D P W S R P Q O L Z D F R Z L F P L D L F H P K Q D P Q L F L L H O H N nation of the mechanical and electrical properties P Q F U W L D P U W Z R D Q H U S L E F L H R R Q G U R S D Q OLNH EUHDNGRZQ & 7, FUHHS FXUUHQW DQG WKHUPD O U S G H S D F M H & 7 , R R Q G U R S D Q P U H W Q L F H V W D ageing resistance as well as good selfextingu- Q H U H L V L D U H S W P H U W X D D U S F & R G & ishing properties. In addition the polyamide PA 66 is E H K D Q H J O R N Z R Q H L Z D D U L R S H H F V L L O F Z N R Q R K a nonhalogen material (it does not contain any 3 % & F L G R Q N V - V H W H Z U W R Z P V Q W F X P R Z V D VLOLFRQ FRQQHFWLRQV 3 & % RU GLR LQ RI WKH ZRUNLQJ R Q F L F D K F F Q V D J R P D V K L E H K D P O Z R Q H J R W H P S H U D W X U H U D Q J H I U R P & W R & 6 DPRJDVQF 3 R OL DP LG 3 Selfextinguishing polyamide PA 66 : D F L R Z F L V D P R J D V Q F H Z H G X J 8 / N O D V D )ODPPDELOLW 8/ & ODVV 9 SD O QR F L 9 * ORZ ZLUH IODPPDELOLW LQGH & 2 R Q U R S G D Q D U H Z G X J ( , & & UNIVERSAL TERMINAL BLOCK = k & = . , 6 = < 1 2 : ( * : , 1 7 2 : ( 3 2 k & = ( 1 , ( * : , 1 7 2 : ( 7 + 5 ( 7 ( 5 0 , 1 / % / 2 & . 6 < 6 7 ( 0 & KDUDNWHU XM H V L RQ Z VR N NO DV Q L HSD O QR F L 9 : P WH V V LH SR Rail thread connectors provided by Siiimet are equipped with steel terrrmiiinals F H JZ Z F WR L Q K Q F ZD VR VWR K Z F N DF K 6 PH L W SU W M R F D L V N VWD Z O R and the currrrent cirrrcuits made of copper. Both parts are galvaniiized to increase Z Q VWD N U R L H P W U R X SU G J ZH R R P L H G L 2 E D H W PHQ O H SR N W U H V Z SR R ageing resiiistance. The system uses good features of the steel (the chamber N P D L JD Q ZD O P Q L F L Z L N V D F M P L F K R G QR SRU H Z J O GX QD H I HN W V W D terrrmiiinal) and the copper (the currrrent cirrrcuit). The steel brings optiiimum Q U H LD V L 7 U ZR WR V V W H P Z VWX N U R F M SR W Q Z H Z D F ZR L F L VWD OL mechanical features. Its elasticity, improved additionalllly by toughening, brings N U PR R D F D V L N ZD R L P L H G L WR U SU G Z R 6 WD O G D MH WX PD RSW Q O Z D F L durable connection of conductors in the terrrmiiinal. ZR SR G Z J O G H P F PH K Q D Q P L F - H M VSU VWR G R G DW N Z R R X Q V D O HS D When the screw is being put in place, the forrrce is generated and transmit- R E U E N F L HS Q O G D MH G R N QD R H I HN W Z F VWD SR L WUZD OH D PR FR Z D QH JR SU H ted to the steel. The steel is resiiistant to deforrrmations whereas at the same R Z X G Z F D V L N X 6 L D R G G Q D D Z F D W V R S L G R Q N H F U D L X U E G F R V L N H Z R M D W V R H M tiiime it affffects the mounted conductor. As a result, the connection is durable Q H U S V L H Q L R D D Q D W V O N W U D Q H L X D J O D Z U W H H M H G M F D P I U R L W O R N U S X P M H M M R G G L D and safe. X Z M F D Q D R P R F Z D Q Z H U S G U S H R F R S Q H F H L D P F K D U D N H W U D Z U W The terrrmiiinal design reduces siignificantly possiiibiiility of loosen of the con- . VWUX RQ N F MD F D V L NX DSUR M H N WRZDQ D M HV W WD N D E Q RJUD F L GR P Q L PX L P nection. Bended top surrrface of the plate becomes sliightly deforrrmed as PR OL ZR R Q E ZD R O X LD SR Q F H L D : Q Z L NX G R Q N FD U LD J D W L D J Q U D a result of screwing. Threaded wall is now set in the eccentric position which S Q F DV D EO DV NL X J O H D G H OL P N QH DW X R G N V WD Q FH L X ZR SR G X M F Q FHQ L H keeps the set screw in place. W Q U F H Z XVWD Q L H LH JZ QD QH ZD WR L Q M F L DQ NL EO R N X M F W P VD P P Q RZD WX XV LH In addition to ensure optiiimum conduction conditions, the brass currrrent UX E G F R V L N ZH R M cirrrcuit has been applied. The brass is susceptiiible to surrrface oxidation so to = G J UX L H M V W Q UR D E Q SHZ D L PD RSW Q O H UXQ ZD NL ZR SU H G Q H LD Z SR ensure appropriate protection, the cirrrcuit is galvaniiized. Q F H LX V D Q ZD W VR R M HV W W R U SU G Z R PRV L G X =H Z J O GX QD W R H PRV L G M HV W U WH PD L D H P SR G G D F M P V L V E NL P H X Z VR FH SUR L Z SR L HU F K Q J ZH L R R XW Q O H Q L D LD V L W R U M HV W SR N W U Z SR R N JD Q ZD O Q L F 5 R N D G V L Z DF L V NX JZ L QWRZ P Forces distribution in the thread terminal block. Z Z Z V L P H W F R P S O = F N L V Q R Z H Terminal blocks = k & = . , 6 = < 1 2 : ( 6 0 2 = & , 6 2 . : ( SPRING CAGE TERMINAL BLOCKS 3 2 k & = ( 1 , ( 6 0 2 = & , 6 . 2 : ( 777 + ( 6 3 5 , 1 * & * ( 7 ( 5 0 , 1 / 6 < 6 7 ( 0 6 H W V P F D R P D V V L N Z R V Q D Z R N X U W V Q R M V H W R S G R E Q H L M D N Z R S Q H F X L The spring cage terrrmiiinal system is equipped with two elements (a copper, 1 Z J Z R W L Q P G Z F K R S R G S V H Z U R W X U S G J H Z R R Z N J H Q D Q R R P L H G L L galvaniiized currrrent cirrrcuit and a stainless steel spring). The forrrce in the terrrmi- R S N J H W U R Z R S R N D J Q O D Z L Q F D U R U S V Q Z N H Q D Q R M H D W V L O N R R V D Z G QD O L V D GGG MX VWH G XV L QJ VW D LQ O HVV VW H H O VSU L QJ Z KL F K L V D G GL W L RQD OOO O LP SU R YH G E H Q U R S M F R L V N Z F D V L X N X J H U Q D Z O R M V H W D W V Z O R U S V Q G R G W D N Z R R R S G toughening. G Q D R E U E F H F L S H H Q O M D O G D Z U W X Q O H D L V L R G G L D Q D Z D L H W Q H P O H X D Q Z H U S G The solution keeps the conductor under the load of the defiiined forrrce and as H = J Z O X G D Q R W Z H U S G D R P R F Z D Q Z D W P L N R S Q H F X L M V H W D W V H O R S G G D the result, the possiiibiiility of loosen of the connection is siiigniiifiicantly reduced. Q F D Q V L N Z R L H W M H P D V M D P W S R Q O H L G R E H Q D U M V L Q H L X D J O H M F R Q E D Z R O X X L Z D U W N F H L H N S V F D W D O R L M The main advantages of the design compared to rail thread connector & H L N L Q Q P M H Q F D G Q R Q H L U Z Q L D F M P R W U D Z D W L N J H Q R D Z R F R P D D L system are reduced tiiime and faciiilitation of assembly. It is sufffficient to gently Z Q X V R W V X N R G R S Q H F D L Z J J H Z R W L Q R M V H W J M H R R Z W D L V E N R D W Q R P X lever the spring using a screw driver, put the conductor in place and release : F U D W V D R S R P F X U E R N W U D G H L O N Q W D H L R S G D Z U S V Q G F R V L N Z R the spring. Then the conductor is well fastened. In addition it is possiiible to D Z R U S Z G L Z H U S G L R Z Q O L R S G D Z Q H L H D E Z H U S G E D Z U W H O D R P R F use spring cage terrrmiiinal blocks where viiibrations may occur. Then the spring Z D Q D P W S R Q O V L G F R V L N Z R R G W D N Z R D W O H M V H W H U S M F Q H U I H D X W N R reduces siignificantly possiiibiiility of loosen of connection. Siiimet offffers two main Q D Z D L J W H R F D V L X N Z Q X U D Z N F D K J G H L X S W V Z M G Q D J U L D 6 Q U S D Q H Z L O X H M W SHV RI VSULQJ FD JH WHU UU PL LL QDO EORFNV ZLWK WKH IURQW DQG WKH VL G H H Q W U G L L N R Z V M H M D W V H M V L H O G F R V L X N R P L O R Z R Q E D Z R O X D L V L R Z H U S X G Z F W K Q X U D Z N F D K Spring cage terrrmiiinal blocks with the front side entry are applied when the : V U H Z M F D K U S F W M K U S H 6 H P L W X S W V Z M G Z J D H U H V R S W L H F N conductor is inserrrted paraller to the mounting rail. Spring cage terrrmiiinal F D R P D V V L N F Z R K D Z R U S Z G Q H L R Z P H H U S X G E R X N L R G J U L 3 V Z U H R S V blocks with the back side entry are used when there is lack of erection space V E X Q D Z M V H W U S D U W G F Q M P U S Q D F X L J G H L D Z R U S Z G Q D H L R Z H U S X G and when the conductors are fastened starrting from the front of the terrrmiiinal. R G F L N R G E Z D V L U R Q Z O J H H O R G V Q D Q N W H U M D R P R F Z D H Q V F L N The spring cage terrrmiiinal system allllows to put more rail connectors in the J X U L D H U H V R S W J Z Q D Z W V N U R M V H W W D P J G H L D P P R G Q F Q L H D L H G I L row. In addition it is alllso easier to fasten the conductor. F W H P Q H U W V H U S L D W Q R P H Z R M L R Z H U S G R P R F Z D H Q V R G R F D F L N 6 V W H P W H Q D Z R S D O D Q Q D Z R V R W V D H L V J J H V W Q R D Z R X W V X D L J H U H V Z H F N F Z R Q V K : R J G Q L H V M H M V H W U Q Z L H Q D Z R F R P D H L R Z H U S G X 3 U HZ G Z SR F HQ LX VDPR DF L V N RZ P The conductor in spring cage terminal blocks Z Z Z V L P H W F R P S O

Tariff Desc

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