The SS34A SBD SMA RoHS is a semiconductor device manufactured by SINO-IC. It is a Schottky Barrier Diode which has two silicon diodes connected together in such a way that it has a lower forward voltage drop at high frequencies than a normal p–n junction diode. This allows it to have a low voltage drop across the diode, resulting in higher efficiency in power and switching applications. The SS34A meets RoHS standards, meaning it is free of hazardous substances like lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chrome, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. It is available with a SMA (SubMiniature version A) pin configuration and it has a maximum reverse voltage of 40V, a maximum forward current of 3A, a maximum operating temperature range of -60°C to +125°C, and a breakdown voltage of 18 V.