.The SC91F722D20U with 4KB 256Byte FLASH 18 51Series DIP-20 is a Microcontroller Unit (MCU/MPU/SOC) manufactured by SinOne. It is a low power, cost-effective chip, designed to meet the requirements of embedded control applications. The product is RoHS compliant and has a variety of features built into it, such as Dual-Bank Flash Program Space and 512 Bytes of On-Chip Static RAM. It also comes with an integrated 8/16-Bit microcomputer core and useful on-chip peripheral resources, such as two 16-bit Timer/Counters, three 16-bit PWMs, an 8-bit A/D Converter and 3 USARTs (plus 1 half-duplex USART). As well, it boasts two integrated oscillators, a watchdog timer with an on-chip RC oscillator, an MTP (Multi-Time Programming) Flash Memory Controller for reprogramming, and an internal voltage reference for stable ADC reference voltage.