The SSP61CN1802MR Microprocessor & Microcontroller Supervisors with SOT23-3 RoHS is a complex electronic part manufactured by Siproin. It is used for supervising and protecting integrated circuits from voltage and temperature fluctuations, overcurrents, and power outages. The part utilizes a low-cost, low-voltage epoxy-coated flip-chip design to provide maximum protection to microprocessors and microcontrollers. The SIPROIN-brand part is rated for a variety of conditions with low power consumption and a wide operational temperature range. It features a built-in watchdog timer and adjustable thresholds, and is compliant with all relevant industry standards. It is RoHS compliant and has a recommended operating voltage of 2.0-5.5V. The SSP61CN1802MR is also equipped with active low asserted reset and reset indication flag outputs, as well as active high enabled and TDO output pin. This part is suited for a variety of applications, such as circuit protection, watchdog timer, current monitoring, and thermal protection.