The MMSZ5227B is a Zener diode SOD-123 RoHS manufactured by SLKORMICRO. It is a two-terminal, highly reliable device designed to provide a low-leakage, voltage-regulated source of over-voltage protection in power supply and other circuits. It has a maximum temperature of +125°C and an operating temperature range of -55°C to +175°C and is available in a choice of packaging types including SOD-123. The MMSZ5227B has a rated power dissipation of 500mW with a maximum power dissipation of 750mW. A characteristic of Zener Diodes SOD-123RoHSis that they can be reverse-biased while providing over-voltage protection, while also permitting current flow when forward biased. This diode is suited for applications such as consumer electronics, communication systems, and industrial and automotive equipment, among others. It is also RoHS compliant and free of hazardous substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs).