The UN1812-600CSMD with Gas Discharge Tubes (GDT) 1812 RoHS manufactured by SOCAY is a device designed to protect electrical circuits against transient voltage or overvoltage surges. GDTs act as a spark gap that when triggered breaks down the excess voltage, limiting the flow of high overvoltage energy and preventing it from reaching sensitive parts of the circuit. This device is designed to offer effective overvoltage protection in electronic circuits, including telecommunication systems, CATV networks, alarm systems, and measurement systems. The UN1812-600CSMD with GDTs 1812 RoHS meets the requirement for RoHS compliance, making it suitable for use in electrical circuitries and electronics meant for export and sale in European countries. Additionally, this device has a high clamping voltage rating of 600V, allowing it to effectively handle high voltage surges.