The SRYH0630YF100M with 10uH ±20% SMD,7.4x6.9x3mm Power Inductors ROHS is an electronic component manufactured by SOREDE. It is a high-temperature, low-current power inductor used for high-power applications such as DC/DC converters, EMI/ RFI noise suppression, and power inductors. It has a high self-resonant frequency of up to 100MHz, enabling high-frequency applications. It also features low DCR ratings, making it ideal for reducing power loss and improving energy efficiency. It has a high current rating of up to 3.0Amps and a maximum saturation current of 2.0Amps. The inductors have a high resistance to temperature, making them suitable for use in high-temperature applications. They are also RoHS compliant, making them suitable for use in products with strict environmental regulations.