Specifications for: The Original (1D) Raspberry Shake by OSOP - Your Personal Seismograph - An IoT home automation device Born on: October, 2016 HDMi, Micro SD, CSI Camera port, Composite video and audio output jack IP67 enclosure: Ethernet (RJ45), Power Installation Considerations Designed for plug-and-go installation Operating Temperature 0 to 60 C (limited by RPi, the Raspberry Shake itself can go to -20C) On Board Computer Wifi-enabled Raspberry Pi 3 Model B The Raspberry Shake board/ Software is also compatible with: 000 d,e : Model B 00 10,13 ,900032: Model B+ a 01040,01041,21041,22042 : 2 Model B 9000 92,93 ,9200 92,93 : Zero a 02082,22082,32082,52082 : 3 Model B a020d3: 3 Model B+ 9000c1: Zero W(H) Storage Device 8 Gb or + micro SD card Est. days of disk space : OS/ software: ~3 Gb Remaining space for data: ~5 Gb days (7.5 Mb/ day/ channel x1 ): ~660, more if you use a bigger SD Timing Network Timing Protocol, NTP (default)