0402 Size, Surface Mount, Solderable PROTECTIVEPROTECTIVE FEATURES ENCAPSULANTENCAPSULANT TTolerancesolerances toto 0.1%0.1% TCR TCR ss toto 2525 ppmppm PRECISIONPRECISION OperatingOperating temperaturetemperature rangerange :: SuitableSuitable forfor soldersolder reflowreflow,, vaporvapor THINTHIN FILMFILM -55-55CC toto +150+150 CC phase,phase, oror wavewave soldersolder attachmentattachment RESISTORRESISTOR PretinnedPretinned (Sn60)(Sn60) nickelnickel barrierbarrier WRAPWRAPAROUNDAROUND 99.6%99.6% ALUMINAALUMINA CHIPCHIP terminationsterminations TERMINATERMINATIONSTIONS PRETINNEDPRETINNED PERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSCHARACTERISTICS ResistanceResistance Range(1)Range(1) 5.65.6 -- 100K100K CURRENT NOISE TTolerancesolerances 0.1%,0.1%, 1%,1%, 2%,2%, 5%5% 10%10% MaximumMaximum PowerPower 40mW40mW MaximumMaximum VVoltageoltage 2525 VVoltsolts ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENTALAL PERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE (2)(2) <2< 255pppmpm TCRTCR (-55(-55 toto +125+125CC iinn ppm/ppm/ C)C) 0.03%0.03% ThermalThermal ShockShock 0.02%0.02% LowLow TTemperatureemperature OperationOperation 0.02%0.02% Short-timeShort-time OverloadOverload 0.03%0.03% ResistanceResistance toto BondingBonding ExposureExposure 0.05%0.05% MoistureMoisture ResistanceResistance POWER DERATING 0.05%0.05% TYPICAL LIFE TEST PERFORMANCE HighHigh TTemperatureemperature ExposureExposure SeeSee ChartChart LifeLife (1)(1) 0.1%0.1% tolerancetolerance 100100 toto 100K100K .. (2)(2) TTypicalypical resistanceresistance change,change, thethe maximummaximum isis thethe samesame asas MIL-PRF-55342.MIL-PRF-55342. TTestest methodsmethods areare perper MIL-PRF-55342.MIL-PRF-55342. Solderability:Solderability: SolderSolder coatingcoating compatiblecompatible withwith Sn60,Sn60, 6262 oror 6363 solders,solders, providesprovides goodgood wettingwetting withwith allall typestypes ofof soldersolder attachment.attachment. AllAll productproduct isis testedtested IAIAWW Mil-Std-202,Mil-Std-202, methodmethod 208,208, includingincluding 88 hourhour steamsteam aging.aging. MECHANICAL PART NUMBERING M55342M55342 HH 1111BB 100D100D RR INCHESINCHES MMMM LengthLength 1.0671.067 (.203)(.203) .042.042 (.008)(.008) .559.559 (.127)(.127) WidthWidth .022.022 (.005)(.005) PRODUCTPRODUCT LEVELLEVEL DESIGNADESIGNATTOR*OR* .254.254 -- .838.838 ThicknessThickness .010.010 -- .033.033 M:M: 1%1% perper 10001000 hrs.hrs. R:R: 0.01%0.01% perper 10001000 hrs.hrs. TToopp TTerm.erm254.254 -- (.127)(.127) .010.010 (.005)(.005) P:P: 0.1%0.1% perper 10001000 hrshrs T:T: SpaceSpace LevelLevel .254.254 -- (.127)(.127) BottomBottom TTerm.erm010.010 (.005)(.005) C:C: NonNon -- ERER Approx.Approx. WWeighteight .001.00111 gramsgrams RESISTRESISTANCEANCE ANDAND TTOLERANCEOLERANCE CODECODE ThreeThree significantsignificant digits,digits, withwith aa letterletter indicatingindicating thethe decimaldecimal location,location, andand thethe tolerance,tolerance, andand thethe valuevalue rangerange PACKAGING (,(, K,K,M)M) A:A: 0.1%0.1% D:D: 1%1% G:G: 2%2% J:J: 5%5% M:M: 10%10% TTwwoo packagingpackaging optionsoptions areare available:available: B:B: 0.1%K0.1%K E:E: 1%K1%K H:H: 2%K2%K K:K: 5%K5%K N:N: 10%K10%K C:C: 0.1%M0.1%M F:F: 1%M1%M TT:: 2%M2%M L:L: 5%M5%M P:P: 10%M10%M WWaaffflefle PackPack -- (360(360 perper TTrayray Max.)Max.) TCRTCR TTapeape && ReelReel -- (5000(5000 perper 7 7 InchInch ReelReel Max.)Max.) E:E: 2525 ppmppm H:H: 5050 ppmppm K:K: 100100 ppmppm OPTIONS ** PRODUCTPRODUCT LEVELSLEVELS TTerminationermination typetype wraparoundwraparound stylestyle (pretinned(pretinned withwith aa NNii barrier),barrier), AllAll productproduct levelslevels areare basedbased onon thethe samesame designdesign asas ourour levellevel failurefailure raterate EstablishedEstablished andand typetype WW (wire(wire bondable)bondable) areare available.available. AlsoAlso availableavailable inin ReliabilityReliability part.part. LevelLevel CC iiss aa Non-EstablishedNon-Established ReliabilityReliability partpart requiringrequiring nono groupgroup A,A, BB oorr CC thickthick filmfilm MIL-PRF-55342MIL-PRF-55342 characteristiccharacteristic KK && MM.. SOTSOTAA oofffersfers aa testing.testing. EstablishedEstablished ReliabilityReliability (failure(failure ratesrates basedbased onon lifelife testing)testing) productproduct levelslevels M,PM,P,, andand RR fullfull lineline ofof componentcomponent partsparts inin thethe 04020402 sizesize includingincluding StandardStandard areare subjectsubject toto groupgroup A,A, BB andand CC testingtesting perper MIL-PRF-55342.MIL-PRF-55342. SpaceSpace productproduct levellevel TT requiresrequires Grade,Grade, High-ReliabilityHigh-Reliability (customer(customer specifiedspecified testing),testing), andand zero-zero- groupgroup AAandand BB teststests includingincluding 100%100% powerpower conditioning.conditioning. ohmohm jumpers.jumpers. 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