PROPROTECTIVETECTIVE ENCAPSULANTENCAPSULANT PRECISIONPRECISION THINTHIN FFILMILM WRAPWRAPAROUNDAROUND 99.6%99.6% ALALUMINAUMINA TERMINATERMINATIONSTIONS Standard Grade, Wraparound PERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSCHARACTERISTICS 5.65.6 CURRENT NOISE POWER DISSIPATION ResistanceResistance Range(1)Range(1) TTooleranceslerances (2)(2) 0.1%,0.1%, 0.25%,0.25%, 0.5%,1%,0.5%,1%, 2%,2%, 5%5% TCRTCR 25,25, 50,50, 100100 ppmppm ThermalThermal ResistanceResistance 64.6C/W64.6C/W MaximumMaximum PowerPower 100100 mWmW fiber epoxy board MaximumMaximum VVooltageltage 4040 VVooltslts (1)(1) MinimumMinimum resistanceresistance rangerange atat 0.1%0.1% tolerancetolerance isis 100ohms.100ohms. ceramic board (2)(2) +/-+/- 0.05%0.05% limitedlimited availabilityavailability -- consultconsult factoryfactory ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENTALAL PERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE (3)(3) POWER DISSIPATION (WATTS) ThermalThermal ShockShock 0.02%0.02% LowLow TTeemperaturemperature OperationOperation 0.02%0.02% POWER DERATING TYPICAL LIFE TEST PERFORMANCE Short-timeShort-time OverloadOverload 0.02%0.02% ResistanceResistance toto BondingBonding ExposureExposure 0.02%0.02% 0.03%0.03% MoistureMoisture ResistanceResistance HighHigh TTeemperaturemperature ExposureExposure 0.03%0.03% LifeLife TTeestst SeeSee ChartChart (3)T(3)Typicalypical resistanceresistance change,change, testtest methodsmethods andand criteriacriteria perper MIL-PRF-55342.MIL-PRF-55342. PART NUMBERING SS 06030603 CC AA 10011001FHB-TF H B - TRR PPACKAGINGACKAGING CODE:CODE: -T- TRR == TTape/Reelape/Reel -- WW == WaWafffflele CarrierCarrier (Default(Default packagingpackaging isis Bulk)Bulk) TERMINATERMINATIONTION FINISH:FINISH: B:B: Sn60Sn60 overover nickelnickel barrierbarrier W:W: GoldGold TEMPERATEMPERATURETURE CHARACTERISTICCHARACTERISTIC TCR:TCR: E:E: 2525 ppmppm H:H: 5050 ppmppm K:K: 100100 ppmppm TTOOLERANCE:LERANCE: B:B: 01%01% C:C: 0.25%0.25% D:D: 0.5%0.5% F:F: 1%1% G:G: 2%2% J:J: 5%5% RESISTRESISTANCEANCE VVALUE:ALUE: ThreeThree oror FourFour digitsdigits areare used,used, withwith allall lleadingeading digitsdigits significant.significant. FourFour digitsdigits areare usedused forfor 1%1% tolerancetolerance oror lower lower otherwise,otherwise, threethree digitsdigits areare used.used. TheThe lastlast digitdigit specifiesspecifies thethe numbernumber ofof zeroszeros toto add.add. TheThe letterletter isis usedused toto representrepresent thethe decimaldecimal forfor fractionalfractional ohmicohmic values.values. Example:Example: 5R65R6 isis 5.65.6 ohms.ohms. PRODUCTPRODUCT DESIGNADESIGNATION:TION: A:A: ThinThin filmfilm onon aluminaalumina TERMINATERMINATIONTION TYPE:TYPE: C:C: WWraparoundraparound terminationtermination SIZESIZE CODECODE GRADE:GRADE: S:S: StandardStandard ProductionProduction H:H: HighHigh ReliabilityReliability (For(For ScreeningScreening options,options, contactcontact thethe factory)factory) MECHANICAL INCHESINCHES MILLIMETERSMILLIMETERS .092 MINIMUMMINIMUM LengthLength .062.062 (.060(.060 -- .068).068) 1.581.58 (1.53(1.53 -- 1.73)1.73) RECOMMENDEDRECOMMENDED WidthWidth .032.032 (.030(.030 -- .034).034) 0.810.81 (0.76(0.76 -- 0.86)0.86) MOUNTINGMOUNTING ThicknessThickness .017.017 (.013(.013 -- .023).023) 0.380.38 (0.33(0.33 -- 0.58)0.58) .038 PPADSADS TToopp TTermerm 0.230.23 (0.18(0.18 -- 0.43)0.43) .009.009 (.007(.007 -- .017).017) (INCHES)(INCHES) BottomBottom TTermerm .014.014 (.010(.010 -- .020).020) 0.360.36 (0.25(0.25 -- 0.51)0.51) GapGap .034.034 (.030(.030 -- .038).038) 0.870.87 (0.77(0.77 -- 0.97)0.97) Approx.Approx. WWeeightight 0.00210.0021 gramsgrams .031 .030 SpecificationsSpecifications subjectsubject toto changechange withoutwithout notice.notice. STSTAATTEE OOFF THETHE ARTART,, INC.INC. 24702470 FoxFox HillHill Road,Road, StateState College,College, PPAA 16803-179716803-1797 02/08/08 PhonePhone (814)(814) 355-8004355-8004 FaxFax (814)(814) 355-2714355-2714 TTolloll FreeFree 1-800-458-34011-800-458-3401 0603 Thin Film Chip Resistor TEMPERATURE RISE (C)X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Thick Film Resistors - SMD category: Click to view products by State Of The Art manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : CRCW04028R20JNEE CRCW06036K80FKEE CRG1206F1K58 CRL0603-FW-R700ELF M55342K06B6E19RWL RC1005F1072CS RC1005F471CS RC1005F4751CS RCP0603W100RGED RCWP72251K47FKWB RLR05C7501GPB14 RLR07C5111FSBSL ERJ- 1GMF1R00C ERJ-1GMF1R20C ERJ-1GMF2R55C ERJ-1GMF8R66C 25121WF1003T4E 25.501.3653.0 290-1.0M-RC 292-1.0M-RC 292- 2.2K-RC 292-4.7K-RC 25121WF4700T4E 292-470K-RC 302-1.0M-RC CPG1206F10KC CRCW02011R00FXED CRCW060315K0FKEE CRCW060320K5FKEE CRG0201F10K RCG0402150RFKED RCG04023K92FKED RCP2512B100RGWB RCWP110010R0FKS3 RCWP11002K00FKS3 RCWP12061K00FKS2 3520510RJT 352075KJT M55342K11B9E53RUL RMC16-102JT RMC1JPTE TR0603MR- 075K1L 5-2176094-4 35202K7JT WF06Q1000FTL ERJ-S03J1R0V ERJ-S14J4R7U CHP2512L4R30GNT CPCC10270R0JE32 WR12X1621FTL