The STC15W4K16S4-30I-LQFP64 L2 is an integrated circuit manufactured by STC. It is a 16-bit low-power microcontroller with powerful instruction set and built-in peripherals that can be used for embedded systems applications. It comes in an LQFP-64_16x16 RoHS package with 64 pins and a pitch of 0.5 mm. It is suitable for use in automotive, industrial, medical, and consumer applications. It has a maximum operating voltage of 5V, a maximum operating clock frequency of 30 MHz and an operating temperature range of -40°C to 115°C. Other features include 10/12/16-bit multiplexed A/D converters, serial port, 8 hardware break points, 1-level interrupt capability, built-in watchdog timer and programmable soft reset. It also provides various power reduction modes to increase power saving and battery life.