L2720/2/4 LOW DROP DUAL POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS . OUTPUT CURRENT TO 1 A . OPERATES AT LOW VOLTAGES . SINGLE OR SPLIT SUPPLY .LARGE COMMON-MODE AND DIFFEREN- TIAL MODE RANGE . LOW INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE . GROUND COMPATIBLE INPUTS POWERDIP (8 + 8) . LOW SATURATION VOLTAGE . THERMAL SHUTDOWN . CLAMP DIODE MINIDIP (Plastic) DESCRIPTION The L2720, L2722 and L2724 are monolithic inte- grated circuits in powerdip, minidip and SIP-9 pack- ages, intended for use as power operational ampli- fiers in a wide range of applications including servo amplifiers and power supplies. They are particularly indicated for driving, inductive SIP9 loads, as motor and finds applications in compact- disc VCR automotive, etc. ORDERING NUMBERS : L2720 (Powerdip) The high gain and high output power capability pro- L2722 (Minidip) vide superior performance whatever an operational L2724 (SIP9) amplifier/power booster combination is required. PIN CONNECTIONS (top views) L2720 L2722 L2724 1/10 July 2003L2720/2/4 BLOCK DIAGRAM L2720 L2722 L2724 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (one section) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Value Unit V Supply Voltage 28 V S V Peak Supply Voltage (50ms) 50 V S V Input Voltage V i s V Differential Input Voltage i V s I DC Output Current 1 A o I Peak Output Current (non repetitive) 1.5 A p o o P Power Dissipation at T = 80 C (L2720), T = 50 C (L2722) 1 W tot amb amb o T = 75 C (L2720) case 5 o T = 50 C (L2724) 10 case o T , T Storage and Junction Temperature 40 to 150 C stg j 2/10