STEVAL-ILL042V2 60 W, high power-factor flyback LED driver based on the L6562AT and TSM101 Data brief Description The STEVAL-ILL042V2 demonstration board is an LED power supply in high PF flyback configuration designed to drive a 60 W LED array. The board is based on the L6562AT and the TSM101 controller. This configuration uses an isolated feedback with an optocoupler and a secondary side reference/error amplifier, the TSM101, for voltage and current regulation. STEVAL-ILL042V2 The TSM101 includes two op-amps. One op-amp is used for constant voltage control and the other for constant current control. Features The L6562AT is a PFC controller which operates in transition mode. The highly linear multiplier Mains voltage range: V = 185, V AC(min) AC(max) includes a special circuit which is able to reduce = 265 AC input current distortion, allowing wide-range Minimum mains frequency: f = 47 Hz mains operation with an extremely low THD, even L over a large load range. DC output voltage: V = 130 V OUT Maximum output current: I = 0.462 A Efficiency is high at heavy load - more than 90% OUT can be achieved. Minimum switching frequency: f =57Hz Designed using the L6562A and the TSM101 SW(min) controllers, this system offers several advantages Reflected voltage: V = 195 V R in terms of output current and voltage stability. Leakage inductance spike: V = 100 V SPIKE Expected efficiency: 92% RoHS compliant September 2013 DocID025325 Rev 1 1/4 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office. diagram STEVAL-ILL042V2 1 Schematic diagram Figure 1. STEVAL-ILL042V2 circuit schematic AM17532v1 2/4 DocID025325 Rev 1 LL33 Vin=185 to 265 Vac FF11 22xx110000mmHH,, 00..77AA JJ33 44AA 660000VV 3 P FFUUSSEE 33..1155AA CC1166 2 N CC11AA CC11BB 22..22nn--YY11-- 225500VV -- BBRR11 ++ 1 E 4 1 NN..MM.. 1100 nnFF XX22 CCOONN33 CC2200 110000nnFF-- 663300VVDDCC TT11 MMAAGGNNEETTIICCAA:: 11005555..00006688 LL44 1155uuHH 22..88AA DDiiggiikkeeyy:: SSLLFF1122555555TT115500MM22RR88PP--NNDD DD55 5 13 CC2211 Vout=120 DC, Iout=0.35A CC99 DD66 4 SSTTTTHH22LL0066 CC1100 CC2244 CC1133 1 PP66KKEE440000AA 22..22nn--YY11-- 225500VV 3 333300uuFF,, 116600VV 333300uuFF,, 116600VV 333300uuFF,, 116600VV 2 12 DD11 2 110000 nnFF JJ11 SSTTTTHH22LL0066 RR4466 CCOONN22 1100 kkOOhhmm RR44 RR3300 DD44 RR4455 1100 OOhhmm 11 MMOOhhmm TTMMMMBBAATT4466 110000 OOhhmm 6 10 RR1144 RR3322 CC1188 DD33 110000 kkOOhhmm 1100 kkOOhhmm TTMMMMBBAATT4466 7 9 222200 nnFF QQ11 RR2299 RR3355 SSTTPP77NN9955KK33 11 MMOOhhmm 1188 OOhhmm CC1155 RR3333 RR1199 1100 kkOOhhmm 4477uuFF,, 3355VV 110000 kkOOhhmm RR2222 RR2266 8822 kkOOhhmm 11 MMOOhhmm RR4444 RR1166 11..22OOhhmm,, 11%% RR2255 RR3377 1100 kkOOhhmm 11..22OOhhmm,, 11%% 110000 kkOOhhmm RR2211 CC1144 RR3344 RR55 110000 kkOOhhmm 4477kk OOhhmm CC2222 RR2277 00 OOhhmm 11nnFF 2255VV 44..77 uuFF 116600VV 88..22 kkOOhhmm DD99 2277VV 00..55WW RR3311 RR1155 110000 kkOOhhmm RR1188 110000 OOhhmm CC1177 1155 kkOOhhmm 11nnFF UU33 RR3366 LL66556622AATT 775500kk RR2288 110000 kkOOhhmm CC2233 115500 ppFF 2255VV PPCC881177 IISSOO11 CC2288 11nnFF CC1199 RR3388 RR2233 222200nnFF 4477kk OOhhmm 3300 kkOOhhmm RR4477 RR4411 551100 kkOOhhmm 1100 kkOOhhmm CC2255 222200 nnFF RR2244 UU55 22..22kkOOhhmm TTSSMM110011 RR4422 22 kkOOhhmm CC2277 222200nnFF RR2200 4477kkOOhhmm CC2299 222200nnFF DD77 LLLL44114488 RR3399 1100 kkOOhhmm RR1177 DD88 22..77 kkOOhhmm RR4400 LLLL44114488 11..22 OOhhmm,, 11%% RR4433 11..22 OOhhmm,, 11%% 1 4 5 4 ZCD CS 2 3 6 3 GND MULT 7 2 GD COMP 8 1 VCC INV 3 2 3 4 2 1 5 4 Crin Gnd 6 3 Output Crref 7 2 Vrin Csense 8 1 VCC Vref