TS33 Datasheet Micropower high precision series voltage reference Features Fixed 1.25 V,1.8 V, 2.048 V, 2.5 V, 3.0 V, 3.3 V 4.096 V, 5.0 V output voltage SOT23-3L SOT323-3L Ultra low operating current: 3.9 A (typ.) at 25 C High initial accuracy: +/-0.15 % Stable when used with capacitive loads Extended temperature range: -40 to +125 C QFN8 1.5x1.5 30 ppm/C maximum temperature coefficient Available in QFN8 1.5x1.5, SOT23-3L and SOT323-3L packages. Applications Portable equipment Data acquisition systems Instrumentation Medical equipment Test equipment Description The TS33 family of low power series voltage references is capable of providing stable and precise output voltages with an initial accuracy of 0.15% over an extended Maturity status link temperature range (-40 to +125 C). TS33 The ultra low operating current is a key advantage for power-restricted designs. In addition, the TS33 is very stable over the entire operating temperature range, making it suitable for high-precision applications. Available in QFN8, SOT23-3L and SOT323-3L surface mount packages, the TS33 can be designed in applications where space saving is a critical issue. DS12001 - Rev 5 - December 2021 www.st.com For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.TS33 Pin configuration 1 Pin configuration Figure 1. Pin configuration (top view) OUT 8 1 IN 1 7 NC NC 2 6 3 GND NC NC 5 3 IN NC 2 OUT 4 GND SOT23-3L/SOT323-3L QFN8 DS12001 - Rev 5 page 2/24